Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 163 Hidden Functions

Chapter 163 Hidden Functions
Shen Yu only has one kind of blood in his body now, and that is his piercing eyes.

At least so far, it seems a bit tasteless.

This bloodline is just to look at the clouds, to cut off people and demons, and it has no other great use, especially for combat power, without any gain.

Shen Yu is about to participate in the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition. If he can get a bloodline that can increase his combat power before then, his confidence will be even greater, and a person can have more than one bloodline. This emergency transplant His bloodline will not affect his transplantation of stronger bloodlines in the future.

This time the Dynasty Martial Arts Contest has a lot to do with it, not only because of the rewarding mission, but also because the Dynasty Martial Arts Contest is related to the Sky-breaking Project, and the system has said that the Sky-breaking Project has an extremely close relationship with Shen Yu's future, Shen Yu couldn't help but deal with it carelessly.

Therefore, he must make full preparations. The cultivation base of the early stage of the Nascent Soul cannot be regarded as invincible in martial arts. In addition to Zhao Yun, who is at the early stage of the distraction state, there are also several late-stage Nascent Souls participating in the martial arts competition this time, and even two The bit yuan infant state is complete.

These are the news brought by Cang Subaru.

It's just that this Dou Zhan bloodline is too expensive, and it's still a low-end version, and it costs 200 million faith points. These are two strong people in the tribulation period!

He couldn't help asking: "System, are you a little too dark, a bloodline requires me to have 200 million faith points, is it so cruel?"

The system's tone remained the same, and it said calmly: "The bloodline of Dou Zhan is taken from Sun Wukong, the holy Buddha of Dou Zhan. Those who have this bloodline can greatly increase their combat power in battle, and the more seriously injured they are, the more combat power they can arouse. stronger.

The full version of this bloodline is worth more than [-] million faith points, but the host does not have so many faith points now, so I can only recommend you a low-end version, the effect is not as good as one percent of the full version, but for you now It is said that the low-profile version is enough. "

so strong?It turned out to be the blood of Monkey King.

After listening to the system's words, Shen Yu was a little surprised. It seemed that he had a deep relationship with Monkey King, with piercing eyes and a fighting blood.

Is this trying to transform myself into a monkey?

However, this fight is indeed very strong. It can not only enhance one's combat effectiveness, but also continuously improve one's combat effectiveness as the injury worsens.

Yes, this is fighting against Buddha!
Shen Yu pondered for a moment, then felt ruthless in his heart, gritted his teeth and said, "System, just exchange for Dou Zhan's blood!"

"Ding, Dou Zhan's bloodline has been exchanged successfully, may the host want to transplant the bloodline now?"

Shen Yu nodded without hesitation and said, "Transplant blood immediately!"

"Ding, blood transplantation begins!"

As soon as the system's voice fell, Shen Yu suddenly felt the blood in his body start to rush wildly, and even mana became a violent factor, running around uncontrollably in his body.

In an instant, he felt that his body was about to explode, as if it might burn at any moment, and even his skin turned red.

"Your grandma, is it so painful to have a blood transplant? When your eyes are piercing, you don't feel anything!" Shen Yu said depressedly.

But now is not the time to think about these things, he hurriedly sat cross-legged on the bed, desperately running Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, trying to dissolve the power of Dou Zhan's blood.

With the operation of Taiji Xuanqing Dao, Shen Yu clearly felt that the magic power in his body began to calm down slowly.

It's just that his body was scorching hot, but the temperature didn't drop all the time. His body was also covered by a layer of fine sweat beads, and his expression became extremely painful.

But Shen Yu knew that it was the Dou Zhan bloodline that was improving his physique, washing his marrow and cutting his bones. After today, his talent would be greatly improved.

The blood transplant process took about half an hour.

Half an hour later, Shen Yu's closed eyes suddenly opened, a red flame flashed through his eyes, and his whole temperament also changed dramatically at this moment.

Transplanting Dou Zhan's bloodline allowed Shen Yu to successfully break through to the middle Nascent Soul stage.

"That's right, not only did my cultivation unexpectedly break through, but my image has also undergone a slight change."

Shen Yu stood up from the bed, looking at his much stronger arms, he couldn't help showing a gleam of joy on his face, his physique had undergone such a big change, it was simply reborn.

The original Shen Yu, although handsome, lacked a bit of masculinity, if not for his cultivation, he would be like a weak scholar.

But at this moment, his skin color has become healthier, there are a few more muscles on his arms, and he seems to have grown a lot taller.

In general, Shen Yu at this moment is not only more handsome than before, but also a bit more domineering.

"With this Dou Zhan bloodline, my combat power can be improved by at least a small realm, but I don't know how far I can reach in the case of serious injuries."

After feeling the boiling blood in his body, Shen Yu couldn't help but muttered to himself.

It is indeed the blood of fighting and defeating Buddha, even if it is a low-profile version, it can make people feel powerful and incomparable, it is definitely a blood born for fighting.

I just don't know how powerful the fighting bloodline in the full version should be if the low-end version is so strong.

Just as Shen Yu was thinking about it, the system's voice suddenly sounded: "Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully transplanting Dou Zhan's bloodline and activating the hidden function: attribute panel!
Attribute panel: The host's personal panel records the host's personal attributes, which can help the host better understand themselves. "

Shen Yu was taken aback for a moment, then he was pleasantly surprised, a bloodline was transplanted, and a hidden function was transplanted instead.

He hurriedly said: "System, release my personal panel and let me take a look."

After Shen Yu finished speaking, a panel similar to the summoned character popped up in his mind, but the attributes on this panel were more detailed than those of others.

"Host: Shen Yu!"

"Race: Human Race!"

"Cultivation: Nascent Soul Realm middle stage!"

"Bloodline: fighting bloodline, with piercing eyes!"

"Spiritual root: Earth-level top-grade five-element heavenly spiritual root!"

"Cultivation method: Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, Tai Xuan Jing, Yi Jin Jing, Tai Shang Induction Jue."

"Martial arts: Shaolin 72 unique skills, three-point return to vitality, cloud-dispelling palm, Tianshuang fist, Fengshen leg."

"Immortal art: the secret art of the Nuwa clan, 36 transformations of Tiangang, and the method of vertical golden light."

"Magic weapon: General Mo Xie, Dragon Slaying Sword, Heavenly Fire Pillar!"

"Dao Fruit: Ziwei Dao Fruit!"

"Identity: Head of the Lingxiao faction!"

Looking at the sweeping personal information, Shen Yu couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

A few months ago, I was an ordinary college graduate, but I didn't expect that now he has become a great power in the world of cultivating immortals.

This change is really big.

It's so unpredictable.

(End of this chapter)

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