Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 164 The Battle Begins

Chapter 164 The Battle Begins

Three days passed in a flash, and finally it was time for the Dynasty Martial Arts Competition. During these three days, the last batch of contestants who hadn't arrived finally arrived at Holy Spirit City.

The Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition is held every hundred years, and the venues are all fifth-rank and sixth-rank countries in various regions.

Every hundred dynasties of the Holy Spirit Dynasty will be held in the place of martial arts, which is a special venue specially built by the Holy Spirit Dynasty.

The Land of Martial Arts is located on the north side of the Holy Spirit City. It is an independent city within a city. This city can easily accommodate millions of people.

Although no one lives in the city on weekdays, it will only be opened to the public when the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Conference starts. However, in order to ensure the success of the martial arts conference, even in normal times, the royal family of the Holy Spirit Dynasty will regularly send people to clean it.

In this city, apart from the martial arts arenas, which are side by side, with a total of no less than a hundred, there are also many small palaces for the participants of the martial arts competition and representatives of various forces to live in.

The martial arts competition starts at noon, and it will take about a month in total. Although there are not many countries in the Northern Region of Qingzhou, the number of geniuses participating in each martial arts competition is never less than tens of thousands.

Ninth-rank kingdoms like the Great Xia Kingdom only have ten places, but sixth-rank dynasties and hosts like the Holy Spirit Dynasty have more than [-] places.

Tens of thousands of people draw lots and fight against each other one by one, and the eliminated ones will also have a resurgence match. It is extremely complicated, and it is very good to be able to decide the winner within a month.

When Shen Yu and others arrived at the martial arts meeting place, the four walls of the martial arts meeting place were already full of soldiers from the Holy Spirit Dynasty.

"Master Shen, this is the place of martial arts. Our residence is located in Tianzi No. [-] area, and it is the most luxurious palace in this area. This palace used to belong to the contestants of the Holy Spirit Dynasty," standing at the meeting In front of the gate of the Land of Martial Arts, Cang Qiong said.

At this moment behind Shen Yu, besides the masters of the Great Xia Kingdom who participated in the martial arts meeting, Daji, Jiang Ziya, Li Bai, Luo Ya and others also followed.

For the next month, he will spend in the place of martial arts, so these people will naturally come together.

Hearing Cang Qiong's words, Shen Yu's heart moved slightly, this Feng Wuqing was a bit dishonest!
The residential palace of the Martial Arts Land is divided into twelve areas, each area has a hundred palaces, the first palace in Tianzi No. [-] area is the most luxurious in the entire Martial Arts Land, but Feng Ruqing let him live there .

It's not that Shen Yu is not qualified to live there, it's just that the rules that have lasted for tens of thousands of years were suddenly broken because of Shen Yu, after all, it was a bit too ostentatious.

This is to flatter and kill him and expose him to all major forces. Shen Yu will not naively think that Feng Wuqing is trying to curry favor with him, so he gave up this palace to him. !

But since Feng Wuqing did this, Shen Yu would not refuse, so what if I live in this palace, I want to see who dares to make trouble.

Shen Yu sorted out his thoughts and said: "Since Feng Wuqing is kind, let's go to Tianzi No. [-] area."

After finishing speaking, he led everyone into the martial arts field, which was already crowded with people.

After entering the place of martial arts, what caught the eye was a huge stone statue. This was the founding emperor of the Holy Spirit Dynasty, the ancestor of the Feng family, Feng Bubai.

This stone statue is [-] meters high and mighty and extraordinary. Behind the statue is the first of the hundreds of martial arts competition platforms in the martial arts venue. Made of materials, it cannot be destroyed until the catastrophe period. There are a hundred such stone platforms, which is truly a masterpiece.

In addition, there are auditoriums around each stone platform, and each auditorium can accommodate tens of thousands of spectators.

It's just that after Shen Yu entered the place of martial arts, he was followed by countless people. They secretly watched Shen Yu and his party while whispering.

"Look, is that Shen Yu!"

"It should be. Is the black dog next to him the roaring dog that broke through Xiandao a few days ago?"

"I didn't expect such a humble black dog to have such strength!"

"Is that young man Li Bai? He is so handsome. I wonder if he will participate in the martial arts competition."

"I'm afraid you're a fool. If the Earth Fairyland participates in the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition, will the others still be able to play?"


The street was already crowded with people, and Shen Yu didn't care about what these people said, and everyone went to Tianzi No. [-] area on their own.

Along the way, countless people saw Shen Yu and hurriedly avoided them, as if they were afraid of offending Shen Yu.

Unknowingly, Shen Yu has become the well-deserved No. [-] killing star in the hearts of everyone.

The Tianzi No. [-] area is also easy to find. As the first area of ​​the Land of Martial Arts, it is also the most luxurious area, and Shen Yu didn't spend much effort to find it.

Moreover, there are not many people in this area, and the environment is extremely elegant and peaceful.

The most luxurious palace in Tianzi No. 50 District really lives up to its reputation. This palace has three floors and is [-] meters high. It can accommodate nearly a thousand people. Even if it is the backyard of the Cang family, it is not much different from this palace alone.

After entering the gate of the palace, Shen Yu paused slightly and said, "Have you all noticed?"

Li Bai smiled and said, "There are a few small snakes, but they are nothing to be afraid of. Do you want me to clean them up?"

Shen Yu shook his head, then turned to Jiang Ziya who was silent behind him and asked, "Ziya, what about you, have you noticed any difference?"

Jiang Ziya nodded, and replied: "There are indeed a few very strong people with a deep hidden aura, even no different from ordinary monks. I'm afraid the purpose is not pure! The head of the sect should be more careful."

Sure enough, this martial arts meeting was not easy.

But Jiang Ziya just reminded him to be careful, which meant that it was not that dangerous and was still under his control.

Shen Yu pondered for a moment, and said: "Zi Ya, try your best to find out the details of those people, but don't expose yourself, you are my trump card."

Jiang Ziya nodded heavily, and Shen Yu continued: "Everyone, this martial arts meeting is no small matter, you must be extremely careful, and don't make any mistakes."

As soon as Shen Yu's words fell, a serious voice suddenly came from outside the hall: "Everyone, it is less than an hour before the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition. Please come to the central stage to gather all those who participated in the martial arts competition!"

This was Jun Wuya's voice, Shen Yu had met him once, so he recognized his voice.

Shen Yu took a long breath, and said: "Let's go there too, everyone make good use of it, this time the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition, I want the Ling Xiao faction to become famous all over the world."

At this moment, the Hundred Dynasties Contest of Martial Arts begins!

(End of this chapter)

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