Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 165 Special Mission

Chapter 165 Special Mission
After Shen Yu left the palace with Zhao Yun and others, Jun Wuya's voice came from the sky again.

"There are a total of 12 contestants in the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Tournament, and the preliminary competition is divided into twelve areas, with 1 people in each area. There are 36 referees in the area, and three referees are in charge of a competition platform.

Now the competition starts in each area, and the player whose name is clicked will participate in the competition. If the half-stick incense time does not arrive at the competition stage, the player will be deemed to have abstained in this round.

Now the fight officially begins! "

As soon as Jun Wuya's voice fell, before Shen Yu came to speak, another heavy voice sounded in the sky: "Tianzi area, station No. [-], Ling Xiao sent Shen Yu to fight against Bihaizong Biyunqing.

In the Tianzi area, Channel [-], Ling Xiao sent Murong Feixue to fight Wangu Gutiankun.

In the Tianzi area, Channel [-], Ling Xiao sent Zhao Yun to fight Chaotianmen Phoenix King.

Tianzi area, Channel [-], Ling Xiao sent Ye Huangtian to fight Crescent Moon Palace Ten! "


A series of voices sounded, and all the masters sent by Ling Xiao to participate in the martial arts competition should participate in the first round of the competition, which was deliberately arranged at all.

There are a total of 1 competition platforms in the martial arts venue, ranging from eight to ten in each area, and at the same time, [-] people participate in the martial arts competition in each area.

There are nine competition platforms in the Tianzi area, so only eighteen out of 1 people participated in the competition at the same time. With such a small probability, all four players from the Lingxiao faction were selected.

This is not a deliberate arrangement, so what is it?
Thinking of this, a murderous intent finally flashed in Shen Yu's eyes, and Feng Wuqing went too far.

Although the order of appearance has no effect on Shen Yu, but Feng Wuqing and Feng Jia have clearly promised to be loyal to him, but they have been doing this kind of backstabbing, Shen Yu is very unhappy.

He was just about to tell Li Bai to find Feng Wuqing later and teach him a good lesson, when Xu Wannian, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, suddenly came over via voice transmission.

"Mr. Shen Yu, please don't misunderstand this matter. The arrangement of the martial arts battle is decided by the royal family of the Holy Spirit Dynasty and the major forces within the dynasty. The purpose is to allow the disciples of these forces to obtain relative Easy schedule.

Because only the top [-] talents who will go to Zhongzhou are eligible to go to Zhongzhou and join the powerful forces in Zhongzhou, and among the [-] geniuses who go to Zhongzhou, the higher the ranking, the more likely they will be selected for the Potian plan.

Mr. Shen massacred more than a dozen elders of big forces on the fairy island that day. These forces accounted for half of the forces participating in the battle arrangements. They wanted to trip Mr. Shen, and His Majesty could not stop them. "

It is impossible for Shen Yu to believe all of Xu Wannian's words, but they are not all false.

As Xu Wannian said, the order of the battle may indeed be jointly arranged by the major forces, and Feng Wuqing is also a little embarrassed in it, but as a strong man on the fifth floor of the Earth Wonderland and the emperor of the Holy Spirit Dynasty, if he can't stop it at all, he can't stop it. Absolutely impossible.

In short, this Feng Wuqing is careful.

But since Xu Wannian had already explained, Shen Yu didn't want to attack Feng Wurui for the time being.

Let's talk about everything after the meeting is over!
He sorted out his thoughts, turned around and said with a chuckle: "Everyone, this is the first battle of our Lingxiao faction in the Holy Spirit Dynasty. Let these so-called superpowers see the power of the Lingxiao faction!"

Zhao Yunnai is in the early stages of the distraction state, and his peak combat power can reach the perfection of the distraction state. Naturally, he is the only one in this martial arts competition, so there is no need to worry.

I am now in the middle stage of Nascent Soul Realm, and with all kinds of means emerging in an endless stream, it is difficult to lose.

The only ones who are close are Murong Feixue and Ye Huangtian. Murong Feixue is alright. He has a rare bloodline and a red-crowned peacock. Most people's magic weapon.

And with Shen Yu's great help, he has also broken through to the middle stage of the Golden Core Realm.

The most dangerous one is Ye Huangtian. His talent is relatively ordinary, and he also temporarily joined the Lingxiao Sect. Now he only has the cultivation base of the later stage of Bigu, and he belongs to the bottom existence in this Hundred Dynasties Contest of Martial Arts.

However, the opponents in the first round are generally weak, and there is great hope if they want to take risks and pass the test.

After Shen Yu finished speaking, the three of them nodded heavily, and then flew to their respective competition arenas.

Shen Yu also took a deep breath, and then flew to the No. [-] platform in the Tianzi area.

"Look, that's Shen Yu, he's here."

"Shen Yu's subordinates are all very strong, but he himself has never made a move, so he doesn't know how strong he is."

"His opponent is the genius of Bihaizong, with the cultivation base of Jindan late stage, maybe he can estimate it."

"Hey, what do you think would happen if Shen Yu died on the stage of the Baichao Martial Arts Competition?"

"Shh, speak carefully."


As soon as Shen Yu landed on the No. [-] stage, the auditorium was already full of audience, and immediately there were noisy discussions.

As the contestant with the highest topic in this Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition, Shen Yu attracted everyone's attention.

Daji and others also came to the auditorium immediately, looking at Shen Yu who was already standing on the stage with great interest.

Although they are Shen Yu's subordinates, they don't know exactly what Shen Yu's strength is.

Shen Yu personally participated in too few battles.

But when he jumped onto the stage, Daji and the others keenly noticed that many people in the audience were staring at Shen Yu, and they were all his enemies.

Not long after Shen Yu landed on the stage, a beautiful woman in green also jumped onto the stage.

This woman is Bi Yunqing of Bi Haizong.

As soon as Bi Yunqing jumped onto the stage, bursts of cheers came from the audience.

"Junior Sister Bi, teach this kid a lesson and let him see how powerful Bi Haizong is."

"Meeting Junior Sister Bi, Shen Yu was miserable. Junior Sister Bi's Biyun Kungfu has reached the fourth level."

"Hmph, let this guy suffer a lot."


Hearing the deafening cheers around him, Shen Yu shrugged helplessly, looked at Bi Yunqing who was facing frost like frost, and said: "It seems that you are very popular!"

Bi Yunqing snorted coldly, and then said without concealing her murderous intent: "Instigate your subordinates to kill my elders of Bihai Sect, and today I will make you pay with blood."

There are so many people who want to kill me, how old are you?

Shen Yu slandered, and just about to start, the system's voice suddenly rang: "Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the special task: Killing the Hundred Dynasties and Martial Arts.

Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering special mission [-]: killing Biyunqing.

Mission reward: 30 faith points!
Friendly Reminder: This special task is the exclusive task of Dynasty Martial Arts, during which all task rewards are Faith Points, and the Faith Point rewards are generous! "

Shen Yu's expression was stunned for a moment, and then he was immediately filled with joy, what a pleasant surprise.

He couldn't help but said: "Bi Yunqing, hurry up, my great sword is already hungry and thirsty!"

(End of this chapter)

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