Chapter 166
When Shen Yu heard the system's voice, he was extremely excited, and the Baichao Martial Arts Competition actually triggered a special task.

This special task is really rich in rewards. Killing a Bi Yunqing can actually get 30 Faith Points. This deal is a huge profit.

It is still the first day of the martial arts competition. In the next month, not only will there be a large number of masters, but many of them will be masters in the Nascent Soul stage. I don't know how much faith they will get.

The Bi Yunqing in front of him could only become Shen Yu's first victim in this dynastic battle.

Shen Yu doesn't know how to be sympathetic to women, there are many beautiful women under my son, like Xiao Chenchen and Han Yue, Shen Yu is not tempted, let alone weaker than the two of them The cloud cleared.

At this time, Bi Yunqing couldn't bear it any longer, and made a move on Shen Yu. She formed a spell with both hands, and said sharply: "Bi Hai Chaosheng!"

As the voice fell, the sky suddenly darkened, and then a huge wave suddenly surged in the sky. This huge wave was as high as [-] meters, and it seemed like rootless water, appearing out of thin air.

"The sound of the tide in the blue sea, Senior Sister Bi actually used the strongest killer move as soon as she made a move, the tide in the blue sea!"

"It is rumored that the sound of the tide of the blue sea is a top-level immortal technique that can only be practiced by our core disciples of the Blue Sea Sect. It can use the water of rivers and rivers from places without water."

"According to Senior Sister Bi's cultivation level, at least half of the river's water was used to activate the Bihai Chaosheng this time, and the water power will kill Shen Yu terribly."


The disciples of Bihai Sect in the auditorium were very excited when they saw Biyunqing use Bihai Chaosheng.

Immortal arts of this level are usually rare, and most of the core disciples like Bi Yunqing practiced in secret.

Unexpectedly, when she made a move today, she would use such a powerful top-level immortal technique.

"Hehe, Qing'er's sound of the blue sea tide has reached the stage of transformation. Among the three generations of disciples, he is also considered to be extremely outstanding. Although Shen Yu has top-notch experts under his command, we cannot kill him, but if he dies in the Baichaohui On Wu's stage, it can only be regarded as lack of strength, and I can't blame other people."

In the auditorium, a murderous intent appeared in the eyes of an elder of the Bihaizong. An elder of the Bihaizong was killed by Shen Yu. Their hatred for Shen Yu had reached an extreme. There are no less than 30 strong people in Wu's Bihaizong, and the biggest purpose is to kill Shen Yu.

He didn't know that Shen Yu had already reached the early stage of Nascent Soul when he made a big fuss in Xiandao three days ago, and Feng Wuqing didn't tell him the news, obviously trying to conceal it deliberately. There is also a huge gap.

Seeing the tide rushing towards him, a smile appeared on the corner of Shen Yu's mouth, there is a way to heaven if you don't go, and there is no way to hell for you to cast.

After finishing speaking, Shen Yu gently squeezed out a spell, and said in a low voice: "Earth Spirit Curse!"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Yu dropped a huge stone mountain out of thin air, hitting the stage heavily.

The wind and waves hit the rocky mountain heavily, but the rocky mountain remained motionless without any damage.

Seeing this, Daji smiled slightly, and said calmly: "When did the master learn this kind of fairy art, and he can actually control the mountains. This needs to be in harmony with everything in the world, otherwise, with the master's cultivation , is absolutely useless.”

None of them knew that Shen Yu had mastered the secret arts of the Nuwa clan in the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy.

As the mother of the earth, Nuwa is only the most basic means to communicate with all things in the world. The earth spirit curse is the most common secret technique among the Nuwa clan.

After the Earth Spirit Curse blocked the tide of the blue sea, Shen Yu pointed his finger again, and whispered: "The Thunder God Curse!"

A nine-day thunder that was as thick as a giant snake descended from the sky, and slammed heavily on the huge waves attracted by Bi Yunqing.


Bi Yunqing let out a scream, and then her whole body suddenly turned into coke. The water can help the thunder, and Shen Yu's Thunder God Curse spread to the entire No. [-] competition stage under the blessing of the sound of the blue sea tide, directly Bi Yunqing turned into coke.

Shen Yu possessed a mid-stage Nascent Soul Realm cultivation base, and the Thunder God Curse doubled its power in his hands, killing a Bi Yunqing was simply a piece of cake.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing Bi Yunqing and gaining 30 Faith Points!"

The sound of the system sounded, and the waves attracted by Bi Yunqing also retreated quickly. Shen Yu snapped his fingers, and the huge rocky mountain also disappeared on the competition stage.

At the same time, Bi Yunqing's body, which had already been turned into ashes, instantly turned into dust and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.


The disciples of the Bihai Sect in the audience were dumbfounded for a moment. They did not expect that Bi Yunqing, who was extremely powerful in their eyes, would die like this.

The goddess of their Jade Cloud Sect was mercilessly killed by a man just like that.

"Hmph, Shen Yu, we have a long way to go!"

The elder of Bihaizong was so angry that he slapped his seat hard, and left the seat angrily.


"Suffer to death!"

At this time, on the No. [-] martial arts stage next door, Zhao Yun shot through the chest of Phoenix King Chaotianmen, and the opponent didn't even have a chance to make a move.

Zhao Yun put away the long spear in his hand, left the competition stage expressionlessly, without saying a word.

"The distraction stage, this guy is in the distraction stage, how could the Ling Xiao faction have such a young and strong distraction?"

An elder from Chaotianmen, his face was full of surprises. One of the requirements for participating in the Dynasty Martial Arts was to be under a hundred years old, and there were no powerhouses in the Northern Region of Qingzhou who were distracted. Xiao Pai hides such a master.


"Hmph, you're very strong, but you're still a little short, take it!"

Murong Feixue on stage three let out a low cry, and a phantom of a peacock appeared behind her. A golden light flew out from the feathers of the phantom of the peacock, and then the medium-grade spiritual weapon in her opponent's hand, It actually disappeared out of thin air and appeared in Murong Feixue's hands.

When the opponent was surprised, Murong Feixue slapped forward with a palm, directly turning the man into blood mist.

"What was that just now, like a peacock?"

"That light is so weird, it actually took away the spirit weapon in the hands of Wan Gu master Gu Tiankun."

"Another formidable enemy! This Lingxiao sect is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

The Ling Xiao faction won three battles and three victories, all of which easily defeated their opponents, and their methods were extremely strange, which greatly disappointed those who wanted to see the Ling Xiao faction suffer.


At this time, Ye Huangtian on the fourth stage also defeated his opponent, but he spent a lot of effort, and he was seriously injured, so he may not be able to participate in the subsequent battles.

In any case, the Ling Xiao faction won all four battles, which can be said to be overwhelming, which shocked everyone's jaws.

(End of this chapter)

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