Chapter 167
On a palace in the place of martial arts, in front of Ren Pingsheng and the old man of the demon race stood a tall and burly man with a sneer on his face.

This man was wearing a golden robe, like a king, Ren Pingsheng and the old man of the demon race all looked extremely respectful behind this man.

The man looked into the distance, and said with a sneer: "This Shen Yu is really mysterious. His methods are unprecedented even for me. The Heavenly Thunder and Stone Mountain that he summoned just now are not something that a mere Nascent Soul can use. His How did you learn these skills?"

The demon old man respectfully said: "I don't know about this either. If the senior brother is interested in him, I can bring him here for interrogation by the senior senior brother!"

This golden-robed man turned out to be the mysterious elder brother Ren Pingsheng said.

The man in the golden robe smiled lightly and said: "No need, these people are the turtles in the urn, there is nothing to worry about, and there is no need to be in a hurry. Judging from the current situation, Shen Yu is very likely to be the No. 1 in this martial arts competition. It's our little junior brother, it's not too late to ask, but it's that Murong Feixue..."

Speaking of this, the man in the golden robe glanced at Ren Pingsheng behind him with a half-smile. He knew very well that Ren Pingsheng was a man and had an unusual interest in blood.

Ren Pingsheng's expression froze, and then he replied respectfully: "Yes, this woman's blood is indeed very extraordinary, and I have never seen it before."

"Haha... It seems that Junior Brother Ren is very interested in this bloodline, and I can give her to you when the time comes!"

The man in the golden robe laughed loudly, and then returned to the palace.


The following martial arts competitions were all carried out according to the established plan. On the first day, Shen Yu had two opponents. Besides Bi Yunqing, the other person was not from his hostile force, but this person was unlucky. Shen Yu needs to complete the task.

Shen Yu was not too polite, and he used his killer move to easily kill this genius who, like Bi Yunqing, was also a late-stage Golden Core genius. While gaining 30 Faith Points, he also gained a lot of Experience Points.

Although the experience of a Jindan stage monk is not enough to help him break through to the late Yuanying stage, it is better than nothing.

Zhao Yun is naturally no exception. Every opponent is killed with one move. No one has ever been able to resist the second move from him. In addition, he was already a strong man in the distraction stage at a young age, so he quickly Then he became famous at the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition.

The name of Zhao Yun, the unparalleled general of the Ling Xiao faction, was widely spread in the martial arts field within a day.

Murong Feixue also performed well, winning both battles. Although she encountered some troubles in the second battle, she has the blood of the eye-popping red-crowned peacock and can wipe out most of the magical weapons, even monks below the distraction stage. , No one can think of a way to crack her divine light.

Therefore, in the first few days of the martial arts meeting, she was able to defeat monks who were stronger than her by surprise.

Because of Ye Huangtian's serious injury, he had to abstain from the next matches, and his ranking had already been fixed in advance. Having only won one game, he ranked 12 among all [-] contestants.

However, because of Shen Yu's ruthless attacks, there will be more and more Ling Xiao faction's enemies in the future, and their opponents are likely to kill the Ling Xiao faction's people. Ye Huangtian's refusal to participate in the follow-up competition can be regarded as an indirect gain. chance of survival.

As for Murong Feixue, Shen Yu will ask Li Bai to protect her secretly, try to keep her life from being threatened in this martial arts, if she is really that bad, and lose her life like this, there is nothing he can do.

The world of cultivating immortals is so cruel.


After the first day's competition ended, Shen Yu, Murong Feixue, and Zhao Yun, who had won both matches, entered the main competition. The first day's competition was only a preliminary round, and one-third of the opponents would be eliminated. People don't even have the chance to participate in the semi-finals.

Of course, the first round of preliminaries will not end so quickly. The first round of preliminary rounds will last for three days. Due to special arrangements, Shen Yu will finish the competition in one day, and the remaining two days will be byes.

In the main hall of Tianzi No. [-] Palace, Shen Yu asked in a deep voice: "Zi Ya, how do you feel today, did you encounter any powerful enemies at the martial arts meeting?"

Jiang Ziya pondered for a moment, and said: "This subordinate has indeed sensed a few special auras. It should not be anyone we have seen so far. His cultivation level is even higher than that of Feng Wuqing. He should be from Zhongzhou."

The strongest of the major forces in Qingzhou Northern Territory are mostly in the Tribulation Period. Even if there is an Earth Wonderland, they are mostly on the first or second floor of the Earth Wonderland. Otherwise, how could Feng Wuqing and the Feng family have been allowed to rule the Qingzhou Northern Territory for so long? ?
Therefore, the aura that Jiang Ziya felt could only come from the superpowers of the great forces in Zhongzhou.

Shen Yu nodded, and then asked: "Then can you feel how many of them there are and what level of cultivation they are in?"

Jiang Ziya pondered for a moment, and said: "The auras of these people are hidden very deeply. There should be five or six of them. I can't sense their specific realm. In short, they will definitely not be lower than the fifth floor of the fairyland, especially one of them is mysterious. Master, the realm is not below me."

Shen Yu's gaze was a little heavy, it seemed that this time the dynastic martial arts meeting was very dangerous, under the calm water surface, there was full of undercurrents, but he didn't know when these people would make a move, so he had to plan early.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu said: "Daji, take Ye Huangtian, Luo Ya and others to hide first, and don't show up in front of everyone, otherwise if something happens, I may not have time to take care of you, Li Bai, Xiaotian Quan and Jiang Ziya stay behind."

Daji nodded, now she needs to focus on the overall situation, she is not an unreasonable woman.


In the Golden Palace of the Holy Spirit Dynasty, Feng Wuqing looked at the mysterious black-clothed man in front of him, bowed and said, "Welcome to Lord Ying, Feng Wuqing!"

Ying Yi nodded flatly, and said, "Where is the person you want to kill? I'll kill him now!"

Gao Tianyue and Feng Wuqing were overjoyed, but Feng Wuqing didn't let Ying Yi kill Shen Yu immediately, but said: "Master Ying, there are still many good things to do in this imperial martial arts competition, if you kill Shen Yu so soon Shen Yu, I'm afraid there will be no one performing on stage in the next play, please stay calm and wait a few more days."

The conflict between Shen Yu and the many forces in Qingzhou Northern Territory is very deep, and Shen Yu is powerful. If he can use his hand to weaken the strength of the major forces, Qingzhou Northern Territory will really be dominated by the Feng family in the future.

He had heard that many forces were plotting to deal with Shen Yu together, and a fight would be inevitable.

Ying Yi didn't say much, just nodded, and his figure quickly disappeared into the hall.

All the powerhouses hiding in the dark are waiting for the end of the dynasty battle, and then there will be another shocking melee.

(End of this chapter)

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