Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 195 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 195 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

"Hehe, Tianting, in the name of the sky, competes for the general trend of the world, it seems that Shen Yu's ambition is not small!"

"I just don't know if he has the ability to keep this name. It's not like no one has used the name of the sky before, but it's a pity that the end is extremely miserable."

"Yeah, I remember that the last power named after heaven was called Tianzong. It was besieged and killed by major powers in the mainland less than a hundred years after its establishment."

"Hehe, you are young and ignorant. You think you have made some fame, so you dare to be so arrogant. He will pay the price for his arrogance."

"Shen Yu has released the news that the founding ceremony of the Heavenly Court will be held in ten days' time. We can go and see it then."


In the streets and alleys of the Holy Spirit City, there are rumors that Shen Yu is about to establish the Heavenly Court. This is also the news he deliberately released to create momentum for the establishment of the Heavenly Court.

As for Shen Yu at this time, he was summoning the top [-] members of the Hundred Dynasties Contest on the Immortal Island. These are the people who will go to Zhongzhou in the near future. Now that Shen Yu has become the de facto ruler of the Holy Spirit Dynasty, he cannot ignore these things. Man, I need to make arrangements to go to Zhongzhou.

After arranging for these geniuses to go to Zhongzhou, Shen Yu asked them to go back first. After the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition, they only need to arrive in Zhongzhou within a year, and the time is not in a hurry.

What surprised Shen Yu was that Bai Tong actually chose to join the Lingxiao Sect and broke away from the original sect.

This is indeed a strange thing. As the only one who survived the top [-] qualifying competition except for Shen Yu and Zhao Yun, Bai Tong once said that after participating in the top [-] qualifying competition, he would leave his original clan. The door, to travel around the mainland, to pursue their own way.

But now he suddenly proposed to follow Shen Yu's side, which made Shen Yu puzzled.

Of course, Shen Yu would definitely not refuse such a genius who voluntarily asked to join the Ling Xiao faction, and he also admired Bai Tong who had no desires or desires.

Although so far, he has not seen clearly the details of this young but extremely old Bai Tong, but in the Kyushu Continent, there are not many people like Bai Tong who are pure and dedicated to Taoism.

He is worthy of Shen Yu's family.

Three days after the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Conference, the elders of all major powers also gathered in Xiandao.

Most of the sects of these forces are located in every corner of the Holy Spirit Dynasty. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for them to rush to the Holy Spirit City so quickly, but now they have not left the Holy Spirit City in time for the Hundred Dynasties Contest.

On the Golden Palace of the Holy Spirit Dynasty, Shen Yu sat on the emperor's throne that belonged to Feng Wuqing. On the left and right stood Lei Zhenzi, who had just woken up and was seriously injured, and Jiang Ziya, his number one think tank.

In the Golden Luan Hall, there are no fewer than fifty suzerains of various major forces standing very restless at this moment, and they have gathered almost all the high-level leaders of the major forces in the Holy Spirit Dynasty.

Shen Yu glanced at the people in the hall, and asked indifferently: "Zi Ya, are everyone here?"

Jiang Ziya replied: "Reporting to the head of the sect, there are still six sects that have not yet arrived. Chaotianmen sent someone to convey that they will move out of the Holy Spirit Dynasty. As for the other five sects, none of them has heard the news."

Chaotianmen and Shen Yu had the deepest conflicts, and it was definitely impossible for them to submit to Shen Yu, but they were no match for Shen Yu, so they could only move out of the Holy Spirit Dynasty.

As for those five forces, they were the five major forces in the Holy Spirit Dynasty second only to the royal family, and they were inextricably linked with Zhongzhou, so they still had delusional attempts to resist and did not believe that Shen Yu would destroy them.

Shen Yu nodded, and then said: "Everyone present, do you agree to submit to me?"

The sect masters of the various powers immediately showed a wry smile on their faces when they heard Shen Yu's words.

Although they are powerful forces in the Holy Spirit Dynasty, they are no better than the five major forces. They have no backing in Zhongzhou, and they dare not confront Shen Yu head-on. If they leave the Holy Spirit Dynasty, they may not be able to get along.

Moreover, most of them have lived in the Holy Spirit Dynasty for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, and they don't want to leave this land, so they can only choose to accept Shen Yu's rule.

A sect leader came out first and said, "Young Master Shen, we are willing to surrender."

Shen Yu nodded, and said: "I think you should have heard that I am about to establish the Heavenly Court, and I want to tell you in advance that if you choose to submit to me, after the establishment of the Heavenly Court, the names of your various sects will No. can no longer exist.

In the future, you will all be members of the Heavenly Court, and you can only regard yourself as members of the Heavenly Court to the outside world. If you regret it now, I can let you go. You leave the Holy Spirit Dynasty as soon as possible. If you agree, you must follow my orders. Otherwise, do so at your own risk. "

Let them abolish the name of hundreds of thousands of years, these powerful people are of course unwilling, but they have no choice, so they can only reluctantly say in unison: "Yes, I will understand, and I will be a member of the heaven in the future. "

Hearing these people's words, Shen Yu nodded in satisfaction, which could be regarded as solving one of his problems.

The structure of the Heavenly Court is complicated, and there are many gods and gods. The few people in Shen Yu's hands alone are not enough to support a large Heavenly Court.

Moreover, the current Heavenly Court will serve as a power in the Kyushu Continent for the time being, instead of immediately becoming the supreme Heavenly Court that ruled the Three Realms in the previous life. There are still many ordinary things that need to be managed in the current Heavenly Court.

The big forces in the mainland of Kyushu have thousands of disciples, and Shen Yu must recruit enough masters, otherwise who will manage the ordinary affairs of the heaven for him at this stage.

In Shen Yu's conception, the Heavenly Court in the future, the Lingxiao Palace will be the core, and the remaining 36 palaces and 71 palaces will be temporarily in charge of these surrendered people until he summons enough immortals and gods.

Of course, the 36th Palace and the 72nd Palace in the Heavenly Court are only the main structures, and all the great gods have their own residences, so those are not included.

Temporarily put away the thoughts in his mind, and then Shen Yu said to everyone in the hall: "Everyone, from now on, you are members of the Heavenly Court, and you will all be present when the Heavenly Court is established in seven days' time."


"Ziya, Lei Zhenzi has not recovered from his serious injury. You and Zilong will go to Daxia Kingdom and move the Lingxiao sect of Daxia Kingdom here, and let all the disciples come here. They will be the core of the Heavenly Court in the future."

Jiang Ziya nodded in agreement, and Shen Yu then went on to say: "Since the five major forces don't know how to praise and want to compete with us, then they should act. The heavens are just established, and they need someone to stand up. Lei Zhenzi, you Go and call Shang Wujing, and I will walk with him."

After Shen Yu's words fell, the expressions of the elders of the sect masters below changed slightly.

Shen Yu was warning them in a disguised form, and the meaning of killing chickens and monkeys was very strong.

 I caught a cold, took medicine and fell asleep, got up and wrote another chapter, there are only two changes today, and I will make up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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