Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 196 Destroying 5 Great Powers

Chapter 196 Destroying the Five Great Influences

"Is this the cloud cave?"

Looking at the mountain below which was full of grottoes and riddled with holes, Shen Yu's face was full of curiosity.

Yunku is the largest sect of the Holy Spirit Dynasty, and its power is only second to that of the royal family. It is said that the history of Yunku is longer than that of the Holy Spirit Dynasty. To be above Fengjia.

The location of Yunku's sect is a mountain full of grottoes. This mountain stretches for thousands of miles. There are no less than 20 grottoes in the mountain. Therefore, the person with the worst talent in Yunku will be able to reach the Nascent Soul stage in the future.

Looking down from the sky, one can only see the haze surrounding the mountain where Yunku is located. If it weren't for Shen Yu's golden eyes, it would be difficult to see through the scene below with his cultivation base. The haze is covered by Yunku. The magic circle is designed to isolate the sight of outsiders, and it is difficult to see the situation inside if it is not a fairyland.

Sha Wujing was beside Shen Yu, and said calmly: "This cloud cave does have some secrets, and there are no less than three strong men above the fifth floor of the fairyland hidden in it."

The history of Yun Grotto surpassed that of the Holy Spirit Dynasty. In the past one million years, it is quite extraordinary to be able to give birth to three existences on the fifth floor of the fairyland.

Shen Yu chuckled lightly, and said: "Wujing, don't talk nonsense with them, just kill them directly, we have to rush to the next sect."

Sha Wujing nodded, and then threw the demon-subduing staff in his hand into the sky, and then the staff skyrocketed and smashed down to the mountains below.

In the cloud cave, there was a deafening sound immediately, and a huge mushroom cloud rose up, and the entire sky was reflected in a bright red, as if in the end of the world.

"Not good, the enemy is attacking, go and inform the suzerain!"

"Ah... help!"

"Who the hell is it that dares to sneak attack on our cloud cave? Could it be that he wants to kill himself?"


The screams came from the cloud cave below. Sha Wujing's blow was enough to level the mountains below, but the cloud cave had a super defensive magic circle that had existed for hundreds of thousands of years, so it was able to defuse it. Some of Sha Wujing's attacks did not destroy Yunku in an instant.

Sha Wujing snorted coldly, and with a light wave of his hand, the Demon Subduing Staff turned into a thousand feet long in the sky, and slammed down hard on the cloud cave below again.

"Who dares to sneak attack my cloud cave!"

At this time, several angry voices suddenly came from the cloud cave, and then five figures soared into the sky.

At the same time, the spells surged on their bodies, and they tried their best to prop up the defensive circle of Yunku again, barely blocking Sha Wujing's second attack.

After the five people resisted Sha Wujing's attack, they quickly appeared in front of Shen Yu, and the faces of the five people immediately darkened.

They are less than 20 meters away from Shen Yu at this moment, and the gorgeous clothes on their bodies have been affected by Sha Wujing's powerful attack, and they have become tattered. Intense anger.

Their gazes were fixed on Shen Yu, and the suzerain Yunshang even stood up and said angrily: "Shen Yu, you are agreeable, and you actually attacked our Yunku!"

Shen Yu looked at him coldly, and said: "What do you mean? I should have said that the Holy Spirit Dynasty is mine from now on. The major forces of the Holy Spirit Dynasty either choose to surrender or leave voluntarily, otherwise I will Kill all of you, you Yunku will neither choose to surrender nor evacuate the Holy Spirit Dynasty, do you think I am joking with you again?"

Yun Shang said with a gloomy expression: "Shen Yu, you are so presumptuous, are you really not afraid of making enemies with the major forces in Zhongzhou?"

Shen Yu laughed, and said: "Hahaha, the major forces in Zhongzhou? If I was afraid, I would have left with Hun Tianjue long ago. There are few nonsense, prepare to die!"

After Shen Yu's words fell, the treasured staff of wanting to return to Sha Wujing's hand, with a shocking golden light, smashed down towards the five people in front.

"Shen Yu, the major forces in Zhongzhou will not let you go...ah..."

After hitting with one stick, the five masters of Yunku had no strength to resist at all, they hadn't finished their words, and they didn't have time to fight back, they were directly wiped out by Sha Wujing.

Among these five people, the strongest is the third floor of the Earth Wonderland, the weakest is the second floor of the Earth Wonderland, how can it be Sha Wujing's opponent at the second floor of the True Wonderland.

After killing the five high-ranking members of the Cloud Grotto, Sha Wujing slapped it with his palm, and the Cloud Grotto stretching for tens of thousands of miles was instantly wiped out and turned into a piece of scorched earth.

In the Holy Spirit Dynasty, the prestigious Cloud Cave existed for an unknown period of time, but it disappeared in an instant.

Looking at the hell-like cloud cave below, Shen Yu remained expressionless, without showing the slightest pity on his face.

Since Yunku chose this path, he had to bear the corresponding price. Although Yunku's disciples were innocent, no one in this continent would care about the weak.

Shen Yu turned around and said indifferently: "Wujing, let's go, let's go to the next place."

Sha Wujing nodded, and then quickly left the cloud cave with Shen Yu.

Not long after the two left, a figure suddenly flew out of the cloud cave that had been razed to the ground. Looking at the back of Shen Yu who had left, he murmured to himself: "True fairyland, it seems that Yunshang is right, this Qingzhou There is indeed a remarkable figure in the Northern Territory."

After speaking, he turned into a purple streamer and left the cloud cave. Neither Sha Wujing nor Shen Yu noticed his existence.


In the next few days, the monks of the entire Holy Spirit Dynasty were completely boiled, and the five major forces that had existed in the Holy Spirit Dynasty for countless years were wiped out one by one.

The person who killed them was none other than the most popular figure in the Holy Spirit Dynasty recently, Shen Yu.

The five major forces are located in every corner of the dynasty, hundreds of thousands of miles away from each other, but with Sha Wujing, a master of the second level of the real fairyland, it only took Shen Yu four days to destroy these five major forces.

Those forces who originally chose to submit to Shen Yu, but were still somewhat unwilling in their hearts, now began to rejoice at their initial choice.

After the destruction of the five major powers, it means that the Holy Spirit Dynasty has completed the real reshuffle, and the next thing that everyone is looking forward to is the establishment ceremony of the Heavenly Court three days later.


In the distant Great Xia Kingdom, Jiang Ziya stood in the sky above Yuxu Mountain and softly recited a mantra, and then the huge seven main peaks of Yuxu Mountain rose from the ground.

Standing on Yuxu Peak, Ling'er said to Bai Suzhen beside her with surprise, "Elder Bai, are we going to find Master?"

Bai Suzhen smiled and said, "Of course, this senior Jiang Ziya was sent by your master."

The outer sect disciples of the Lingxiao Sect on Feiyun Peak all showed shock in their eyes. What kind of power is this? They can actually carry seven mountains and fly.

What they didn't know was that Jiang Ziya would fly millions of miles with these seven peaks.

(End of this chapter)

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