Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 228 Peerless Cloud Palace

Chapter 228 Peerless Cloud Palace
While Shen Yu was waiting for the major forces to surrender, the War God Hall announced its surrender to the Emperor of War, and the news that the Temple of the God of War was renamed the Hall of the Emperor of War also spread throughout Tianyi City.

The monks in Tianyi City were in an uproar. The Temple of War God, which has always been the most unpopular in Tianyi City, but the most powerful, was the first to choose to surrender to the Emperor of War.

Although there are only a few hundred people in the Temple of War God, they are all powerful people. The worst cultivation is in the Transcending Tribulation Stage. With the help of the Temple of War God, this Zhongzhou War Emperor who suddenly appeared is no longer alone No. 1, but the veritable place of tyranny.

This is even more shocking than destroying the Eagle Gate.

But everyone turned around and thought about it. The names of the Temple of God of War and the Emperor of War in Zhongzhou are so similar. Is there any special relationship between the two?

Some people even speculate that maybe the Emperor of War is the mysterious Lord of the God of War Temple, and he directed and acted this show just to dominate the tyrannical land for himself. The Eagle Gate is just an excuse and a stepping stone for the Temple of War God to dominate the tyrannical land. Anyway, no one has seen the Lord of the Temple of War God.

No matter what, the current Tianyi City can be described as turmoil. In the Tianyi City, where there were constant battles every day, it is rare to calm down now. Many monks even slipped out of the city quietly. They don't want to be involved in this in the midst of strife.

It's just that Shen Yu underestimated the courage of the major forces in Tianyi City. The giant spirit god is so powerful, and the Temple of War has surrendered, so not many forces surrendered, not to mention the other three of the four major forces. Few of the second-rate and third-rate forces would choose to join Shen Yu.

After thinking for a while, Shen Yu understood the meaning of these forces. They were waiting for the other three major forces to express their views.

The Temple of War God is located in the west of Tianyi City. After they announced their refuge in Shen Yu, Shen Yu brought the Giant Spirit God to the Temple of War God.

The Temple of War does not occupy a large area, and the buildings are not very prosperous. It is just that in the center of an open space, there are three tall palaces side by side, and there are hundreds of palaces around the palace, which look extremely simple and can only barely shelter from the wind and rain. The wooden houses, the people living in these wooden houses are the disciples of the Zhanwang Palace.

Well, it should be called the Battle Emperor Palace now.

Standing on the balcony of the most luxurious palace in Zhanhuangdian, looking at the hundreds of wooden houses below, Shen Yu couldn't help sighing: "I never thought that the living conditions of the people in Zhanhuangdian would be so simple. Because, if you go to any power, you can get a deacon position."

Xuanyuan Guiyin behind him sighed, and said: "The disciples of the Zhanhuang Palace are different from other forces. They didn't come to the place of tyranny to escape the pursuit of the enemy because they did something heinous. A genius of power, he was forced to come here because he suffered unjust injustice.

But there are too many temptations in the place of tyranny. As long as you are ruthless and strong enough, you can easily possess women, wealth, and status. But once you are corrupted by these things, how can you cultivate wholeheartedly?So they chose the life of an ascetic.

This kind of life can allow them to cultivate wholeheartedly, and when they are strong enough, they can wash away their innocent grievances and return to the sect. "

Hearing Xuanyuan Guiyin's words, Shen Yu's heart suddenly moved, and then he smiled lightly: "Hehe, why do you have to go back to the previous sect? Although their various behaviors of ascetic monks are very admirable, but if they hold the The idea of ​​returning to the original sect is considered a dead end."

Xuanyuan Guiyin frowned slightly, and said, "The Emperor of Heaven means..."

The smile on Shen Yu's face became more and more intense, and after a while, he said something that made Xuanyuan Guiyin enlightened.

"Since the original sect abandoned them, why did they go back? Stay in the Zhanhuang Palace, promote the Zhanhuang Palace as the largest power in the mainland, surpass their original Zongmen, and even ask the original Zongmen to pray for their return , Wouldn’t it be better to let them regret what they did back then?”

Xuanyuan Guiyin's body trembled suddenly, and then looked at Shen Yu in disbelief.

Can something like this really be done?

It has to be said that Shen Yu's idea was very bold, Xuanyuan Guiyin had never thought about it this way, because he didn't dare to think, what are the original sects of the Zhanwangdian disciples?
Just like Xuanyuan Guiyin, who was born in Jianzong, the most righteous sect in the mainland of Kyushu, and was a disciple of the white-clothed sword god when he was in the sect, but because he made a mistake, he was still expelled from Jianzong. In a sense, he Perhaps he is the only person who is not wronged in the entire Zhanhuang Palace.

As for the others, most of them came from ten righteous and ten evil backgrounds, and a small number of them came from the top second-rate forces in Zhongzhou. Is it so easy to get the original sect of people like Gaia?It's not too much to say it's an idiot's dream!
But now Shen Yu proposed this idea that made him feel bold, even judging from the confidence on Shen Yu's face, he was not joking.

Shen Yu didn't give Xuanyuan Guiyin a chance to question him, he turned around, and instead of looking at the disciples of the Emperor of War below the palace, he said to Xuanyuan Guiyin: "Xuanyuan Guiyin, I heard that there are four major forces in Tianyi City, the Emperor of War It's just one of them, the remaining three forces, who shall we attack first?"

Now the time set by Shen Yu has passed, since they don't come to him to surrender, then Shen Yu can only take the initiative to find them.

As long as these three major forces are defeated, the other forces in Tianyi City will fall apart and become subordinate forces of the Zhanhuang Palace.

Xuanyuan Guiyin came back to his senses and said: "Among the four major forces in Tianyi City, the closest to the Zhanhuang Palace is the Wushuang Yungong in the north of the city. He is also the third most powerful existence among the four major forces, so if the Emperor of Heaven wants to If you want to do it, it is most suitable to use Wushuang Yungong."

Shen Yu nodded, then slowly walked past Xuanyuan Guiyin and returned to the palace.

"Go and gather people! Tomorrow morning, we will destroy Wushuangyun Palace!"


Wushuang Yungong, the powerful force with the most disciples in the entire tyrannical land, the characteristic of this force is that no matter male or female, good or evil, as long as the strength can be seen, Wushuang Yungong will accept the opponent as its sect, so now the disciples of Wushuang Yungong , more than fifty thousand.

Don't look at this small number, it is far inferior to many forces in Qingzhou, but in Tianyi City, before the disciples of various forces enter the door, they must be in the Nascent Soul Stage. God, there is no chance to join these forces.

In the palace gate hall of Wushuangyun Palace, a young disciple ran in in a panic, and said with a frightened face: "Master, it's not good, the new master of the Zhanhuang Palace, Zhongzhou Zhanhuang, brought the disciples Everyone, come to our Wushuang Cloud Palace to kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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