Chapter 229
The palace master of Wushuangyun Palace is the only woman among the chiefs of the four major forces, named Nangong Wushuang, and also the number one beauty in the land of tyranny.

Rumor has it that the owner of Wushuang Yun Palace was originally a disciple of Yunmenggu, one of the Ten Righteous Masters in Zhongzhou.

The women of Yin Yang Sect are slutty, but the women of Yunmeng Valley are as pure as saints.

Moreover, the Yin Yang Sect only accepts female disciples, but Yunmeng Valley accepts both men and women, but women are the most important, and the valley masters of all dynasties must be women.

Nangong Wushuang back then was also one of the top talents in Zhongzhou, the dream lover of countless young talents in Zhongzhou, and was even considered the future owner of Yunmeng Valley.

It's a pity that it was because of his beauty that the son of the owner of Yunmeng Valley coveted him. In order to get Nangong Wushuang, that boy drugged her. When he was about to succeed, Nangong Wushuang woke up.

Nangong Wushuang, who was furious at that time, mercilessly attacked that scumbag and directly abolished that guy. From then on, that guy would be inhumane. kill each other.

But how can the son of the valley owner move lightly?
Seeing his only son being beaten inhumanely by Nangong Wushuang, the owner of Yunmeng Valley was so angry that he no longer cared about Nangong Wushuang's identity as the number one genius of Yunmeng Valley, and directly killed her.

But Nangong Wushuang is not an idiot woman. Others want to kill her, and she will never tolerate it, even the master of her sect is no exception. At that time, Nangong Wushuang fought with the master of Yunmeng Valley. Shocked the entire land of righteousness.

At that time, Nangong Wushuang, who was on the eighth floor of the Heavenly Wonderland, was naturally no match for the owner of Yunmeng Valley, but as a super genius, her combat power was really terrifying. He ascended to heaven and came to the land of tyranny.

Nangong Wushuang, who first arrived in the tyrannical land, caused quite a stir in the tyrannical land. She had just established the Wushuang Cloud Palace, and countless monks who admired her joined the Wushuang Cloud Palace. Incorporated, she knew that if she wanted to escape the overwhelming pursuit of Yunmeng Valley, she would not be able to do it alone. She had to strengthen herself and establish her own power.

Perhaps even she herself did not expect that Wushuang Yungong developed so rapidly. In just a few decades, Wushuang Yungong has become the third largest force in Tianyi City. Even so, Nangong Wushuang is still trying to grow stronger Peerless Cloud Palace.

According to Xuanyuan Guiyin's words, if Nangong Wushuang hadn't come to Tianyi City too late, the most powerful force in Tianyi City would be Wushuang Yungong.

Even now, in less than a hundred years, Wushuang Yungong will be able to surpass Zhanhuang Palace.

It has to be said that Nangong Wushuang is a woman with both ambition and means.

Hearing this subordinate's words, Nangong Wushuang, who was sitting on the throne of the lord of Wushuangyun Palace, wrinkled her beautiful forehead slightly, but the icy aura on her pretty face did not recede at all, or rather, no one had ever seen him. Nangong Wushuang laughed, she is an ice beauty.

At this time, in the main hall of the palace gate, there are still seven or eight elders and high-level officials of Wushuang Yungong, both male and female.

An older looking woman stood up from her seat and said worriedly: "Master Wushuang, Xuanyuan Guiyin has already surrendered to that war emperor. It seems that the other party is indeed very strong. We really want to Are you going to fight him hard?"

Although the power of Wushuang Yungong is powerful, but because it is developing too fast, the cohesion of the sect is the lowest among the four major powers. Now when they heard that the extremely powerful Zhanhuang came with Xuanyuan Guiyin and others, someone immediately Back off.

Xuanyuan Guiyin's strength is unknown in Tianyi City, but everyone knows that he has never lost, so he can be regarded as a vicious man.

Hearing the woman's words, Nangong Wushuang frowned even deeper, and after a while, she said coldly: "Now that the enemy is facing us, the first thing we want to think about is not to surrender. If we don't even know the strength of the enemy, then If you want to surrender, that Wushuang Yun Palace is too embarrassing, call everyone and prepare to meet the enemy."

After finishing speaking, Nangong Wushuang's delicate body floated away to the outside of the hall, and all the elders of Wushuang Yun Palace immediately looked at each other in blank dismay, and then had no choice but to follow her helplessly.


In front of the gate of Wushuang Yun Palace, Shen Yu led hundreds of experts from the Battle Palace, waiting for Nangong Wushuang's arrival.

On his left and right sides are Lu Dongbin and Xuanyuan Guiyin. As for Sha Wujing and Ju Lingshen, they are hiding in the dark and have not shown themselves.

Now these two people are Shen Yu's hole cards, a mere Wushuang Yungong, it's not worth their shot.

Looking at the large pavilions in front of him, Shen Yu couldn't help laughing and said: "This is Wushuang Yungong! Why do you look so girlish?"

Xuanyuan Guiyin had no choice but to smile wryly, Nangong Wushuang was born as a daughter, so the sect she established certainly has the air of a daughter.

At this time, a cold and low voice came from Wushuang Yungong: "The Emperor Zhan came to Wushuang Yungong in person, and Nangong Wushuang welcomes you from afar."

Shen Yu raised his eyes and saw a 23-year-old beautiful woman flying over with a light figure.

This woman's appearance is alluring, with black hair like silk and satin fluttering in the wind, slender phoenix eyebrows that are both elegant and domineering like a queen, her eyes are like stars and moons, her figure is light, refined and elegant.

This woman is the most beautiful woman in the land of tyranny, the master of Wushuang Yungong, Nangong Wushuang.

The name of the first beauty is worthy of the name, even compared to Daji, Shen Yu, who is used to seeing beauties, still felt a bit of surprise when he saw her for the first time, but that was all, the Emperor of Heaven had already Not one to be fooled by beauty.

He raised his eyes and looked behind Nangong Wushuang, only to see masters flying over behind her one after another. These people were all dressed in white and had a good temperament, but their cultivation levels were somewhat uneven, not as majestic as the Zhanhuang Palace.

Nangong Wushuang brought Wushuang Yungong's masters and landed less than ten meters away from Shen Yu, then looked at Shen Yu fearlessly and said: "This young master must be the Emperor of War! He is indeed a young talent, I don't know The young master has come to Wushuang Yungong, what is your business?"

When she spoke, tens of thousands of disciples of Wushuang Yungong had already quietly surrounded the people in Zhanhuang Palace.

Shen Yu didn't care about this, he looked at Nangong Wushuang, smiled lightly and said: "Why does Palace Master Nangong ask knowingly, don't you really know the purpose of my coming here?
Just answer me directly, did you take Wushuang Yungong to surrender, or did I kill you and then incorporate your Wushuang Yungong? "

 Make up the update tomorrow, and make up all the signed ones before the school starts. After the school starts, you can only change it two to three times a day. Try to make three changes, but there is no guarantee. School will start on the 26th.

  The front should be the Temple of the God of War, which has been changed to the Hall of the King of War. After the name change, it is the Hall of the Emperor of War, which has been revised.

(End of this chapter)

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