Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 244 Dark Pill Tower

Chapter 244 Dark Pill Tower
After all, Tianyi City was occupied by Zhanhuangdian. Zhanhuangdian, which has the four masters of the true fairyland, has no opponents in Tianyi City or even in the place of tyranny.

Perhaps occupying Tianyi City is only the first phase of Shen Yu's mission, and soon he will occupy the entire tyrannical land and take this unowned land for his own use.

On the second day after the four major forces were destroyed by Shen Yu, all the major forces in Tianyi City surrendered one after another. These second-rate and third-rate small forces who watched Zhanhuangdian compete with Xianque and Underworld Sect finally got the desired result .

However, there are also a small number of diehards who are used to licking blood from the edge of a knife, and they are proper heroes who are not afraid of death. Shen Yu had no choice but to fulfill their wish to show their ambition by death and slaughter them all.

In the end, a group of lucky people escaped from Tianyi City with their disciples, and settled temporarily in other places in the land of tyranny.

But Shen Yu can only say, these people are too naive, can he let these people escape easily?
After unifying Tianyi City, Shen Yu's next step is to unify the entire land of tyranny. Those who fall into the land of tyranny are those who cannot survive in the land of both good and evil factions. There is nowhere else to go.

So when Shen Yu conquered the land of tyranny, they still could not escape death.

As for those who seek refuge with Shen Yu, he doesn't want everyone. Non-elites are not allowed to enter the Zhanhuang Palace. Thousands of core disciples, others have become vassals of outer sects.

Of course, many of the people in the tyrannical land were vicious and vicious. When they joined the Emperor of War Palace, Shen Yu gave them an ideological education, strictly ordering them not to act recklessly and obey the laws of the Emperor of War.

Not only them, but also the current monks of Tianyi City must abide by the laws and regulations of the Emperor of War Palace, otherwise they will be killed without mercy and will not be tolerated.

Tianyi City, which had been in chaos for an unknown number of years, suddenly became peaceful because of Shen Yu's strong intervention, which made many people feel unbelievable.

After Wushuang Yungong announced that it was merged into Zhanhuang Palace, Shen Yu also moved Zhanhuang Palace into Wushuang Yungong. After all, Wushuang Yungong was built more luxuriously and its geographical location was more advantageous, so it was more suitable to be the site of a large sect.

On the night when he moved into Wushuang Yun Palace, which is also known as Zhanhuang Palace, Shen Yu tortured Qiu Yi.

Even though Qiu Yi is a strong man in the Heavenly Wonderland, under the torment of the True Wonderland, he just resisted for half an hour, and then confessed everything he knew in his stomach, and he really gained a lot.

As a school of pharmacists, Xianque naturally stored a lot of elixirs, even ninth-grade elixirs, which naturally made Shen Yu cheaper.

As for the pharmacists in Xianque, they did not participate in the action to encircle and suppress Shen Yu. After all, they were only pharmacists, and their combat effectiveness was not strong. What Qiu Yi brought was only Xianque's offerings and the elders of the outer sect.

According to the list provided by Qiu Yi, these alchemists naturally took advantage of Shen Yu. Shen Yu took all these alchemists back to the Zhanhuang Palace, and then asked them to work as coolies in refining the elixir in the Zhanhuang Palace to help the Zhanhuang Palace. The disciples quickly improved their strength.

Shen Yu was the only one in the world who abused alchemists so much, but these people were unable to resist.

During the interrogation of Qiu Yi, Shen Yu also got another useful piece of information, that Xian Que actually represented the interests of the Dark Pill Tower among the Ten Evils in the land of tyranny.

As its name suggests, the Dark Pill Tower is the largest pharmacist organization of the evil sect. It stands on the same level as the Yaoxian Valley in the land of righteousness, and stands side by side in the mainland of Kyushu.

In this way, another one of the ten evil forces was offended by Shen Yu, but as the saying goes, if there are too many lice, it doesn't itch, and if there are too many debts, it doesn't worry. Since he offended even the immortal, he doesn't care about offending another dark pill tower.


After interrogating Qiu Yi, Shen Yu came to the palace where Nangong Wushuang lived under the protection of Princess Iron Fan.

Nangong Wushuang, as the master of Wushuang Yun Palace, naturally the palace where she lives is the most luxurious in Wushuang Yun Palace.

But now Wushuangyun Palace no longer exists, as the leader of Zhanhuang Palace, of course Shen Yu must live in the most luxurious palace, otherwise it would be too disrespectful.

Seeing Shen Yu heading towards the palace where Nangong Wushuang lived under the protection of Princess Iron Fan, Wushuang Yungong disciples along the way all showed ambiguous smiles.

It was getting dark now, and the new owner chose to go to Nangong Wushuang at this time, the deep meaning in it can be said to be self-evident.

This made Shen Yu very helpless, what do you all think of me, the majestic Zhongzhou War Emperor?
Thoughts are extremely dirty.

"Princess Iron Fan, you should leave first!"

When he came to the gate of Nangong Wushuang's Wushuang Palace, Shen Yu turned and said to Princess Iron Fan behind him.

Princess Iron Fan hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, don't you want me to follow you? If Nangong Wushuang really did something to you, I'm afraid..."

With Shen Yu's cultivation, if Nangong Wushuang really wanted to kill him, it would be a piece of cake.

Shen Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this woman is also my little wife, how could she be willing to kill me? Hehe..."

Of course, this is not the most direct reason, Shen Yu can be considered to have some understanding of Nangong Wushuang, this woman is so shrewd, she would not do stupid things to kill herself, otherwise she would not be able to live.

Taking a step back, even if she really couldn't think about killing herself, she still had to be able to kill herself.

Brother Xiaoyu is not good at other things, but his escape ability is absolutely top-notch. As long as Nangong Wushuang can't succeed in the first time, the giant spirit god will rush to him immediately.

Hearing Shen Yu's words, Princess Iron Fan could only nod her head, and left quietly.

If Shen Yu really wanted to have something super-friendly with Nangong Wushuang tonight, what would it be if she stayed outside the door? Although she had been there, she wouldn't bother to do it when she heard such perverted things in the corner.

Hey, that's not right!How did I come here?Always feel that there is something wrong.

Princess Iron Fan left with doubts, Shen Yu tidied up her clothes, then coughed lightly, and then knocked on the gate of Wushuang Palace.

"Ahem, Wushuang little wife, can I come in? If you don't speak, I will come in."

Shen Yu, a shameless guy, didn't even give Nangong Wushuang a chance to speak. After he finished speaking, he pushed the door and walked in. It was as familiar and casual as entering his own room.

It's just that as soon as he entered the room, a piercing sound came, and then he raised his eyes to see Nangong Wushuang with a cold face, holding a chilly hosta in his hand, and stabbing towards Shen Yu's throat.

This frightened Shen Yu, he felt that at this moment, his hairs stood on end.

Grandma, did I make a mistake in my judgment?

This chick can't be so cruel!

(End of this chapter)

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