Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 245 In-depth understanding

Chapter 245 In-depth understanding
In another palace of Wushuangyun Palace, Xuanyuan Guiyin faced a phantom in front of him, and respectfully said: "Master, Shen Yu has already controlled Tianyi City, and he will go to Dark Buddha Mountain soon, and I want to take him to see him." Immortal Venerable Blood Knife, I'm afraid it's a bit unrealistic."

The phantom in front of Xuanyuan Guiyin's eyes was none other than his master, the sword god in white.

The sword god in white has an appointment with the Immortal Venerable Wuyou, he will take Shen Yu to find the Immortal Taiyin, the Immortal Taiyin and Shen Yu are inextricably linked, as long as he is by the Immortal Taiyin's side, his safety is guaranteed up.

After getting along with each other for the past few days, Xuanyuan Guiyin discovered that Shen Yu is a hero with a strong sense of autonomy, and it is impossible for him to be at the mercy of others.

It was as difficult as climbing the sky to bring him in front of Taiyin Immortal Venerable, so he contacted the Sword God in White and asked him to decide for himself.

The sword god in white thought for a moment, and then said: "In this case, then I will go to the Dark Buddha Mountain together with the Taiyin Immortal! The Xuedao Immortal is insidious and cruel. Once the World Honored One is not Shen Yu's opponent, there is no guarantee that this old guy will personally shot.

And I got news that other immortals are also eyeing Shen Yu, we can't take it lightly, until then, you continue to follow Shen Yu. "

Since it was difficult to bring Shen Yu to the Taiyin Dynasty, he had no choice but to find the Taiyin Immortal Venerable himself.

Xuanyuan Guiyin nodded, then changed his expression slightly, and said: "By the way, Master, during the battle of Shen Yu's unification of Tianyi City this time, he discovered the relationship between the Dark Pill Tower and the Immortal Tower, and the Dark Pill Tower may also follow Shen Yu, we also have to guard against it."

The sword god in white snorted coldly and said, "Dark Pill Tower? This sect should have disappeared a long time ago. He is the eyeliner planted by the Nihility Heaven Realm in the Kyushu Continent. He thought he could hide it from everyone. I will arrange a meeting of immortals to discuss The thing that completely wipes out the Dark Danta."

In the previous great calamities, why can the people of the nihilistic heaven kill all the strong with precision?In addition to their own strong strength, they can easily perceive most of the powerful people in the Kyushu mainland, but also because they have planted the dark danta in the Kyushu mainland.

In the past, out of fear of the nihilistic heaven and not wanting to alarm them prematurely, the ten great immortals have always had a laissez-faire attitude towards the dark alchemy tower, and they have always felt that they are hiding very deeply.

Now the Ten Great Immortal Venerables have decided that this sky-shattering plan must be owned by the mainland of Kyushu. If it fails again, they would rather Kyushu cease to exist, so they don't have so many scruples.

Before the launch of the Sky-breaking Plan, it is almost possible to place the forces of the Void Heaven Realm in Kyushu and wipe them out, leaving no hidden dangers for the Sky-breaking Plan.


"Um, little wife Wushuang, this is not a joke, quickly take the hairpin away, I'm cowardly, if the Giant Spirit God and others come later, I really can't tell, then you will have dangerous."

Looking at the jade hairpin that was almost on his neck and felt the cold chill, Shen Yu smiled coyly, for fear of angering Nangong Wushuang.

But he didn't run away, and he didn't call Ju Lingshen and others. He didn't feel the aura of killing from Nangong Wushuang.

Nangong Wushuang sneered, "Why, is Lord Zhanhuang threatening me?"

Shen Yu hurriedly explained: "No, no, you are my little wife, how could I threaten you?"

"You bastard, how dare you say that I, Nangong Wushuang, is also the proud daughter of the sky, but you have a concubine in my mouth. If you don't kill you, it's hard to understand the hatred in my heart."

Nangong female's confidantes stared at Shen Yu with a pair of beautiful eyes, with a trace of shame and anger in them.

It turned out that she was angry because of this!
Thinking of this, Shen Yu also breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a light smile: "Wu Shuang, you misunderstood, I absolutely did not mean to insult you, I just think it's kind, let me go first, let's have a good talk."

Nangong Wushuang did not let go of Shen Yu, but sneered: "Zhan Huang, do you know? There was also a person who broke into my room before, and then I disabled him. What do you think will happen to you?"

Shen Yu naturally knew that Nangong Wushuang was talking about the unfortunate son of the owner of Yunmeng Valley.

This little girl has a criminal record, and she can't end up like that, otherwise, the majestic Emperor of Heaven may become the laughing stock of the world.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly explained: "Wu Shuang! How can you compare me to that person? What kind of a guy is that person, he can do such a bad thing as drugging, we two are a fair and honest couple! It shouldn't be a problem for me to enter my wife's room, ha ha, ha ha..."

Nangong Wushuang said disdainfully: "Aren't you also using strength, not much stronger than that bastard."

However, while speaking, Nangong Wushuang also put down the jade hairpin in her hand, and she naturally knew that it was absolutely impossible for her to kill Shen Yu, otherwise he would not have come to find her alone.

Moreover, she had already promised in public that to be Shen Yu's woman, although she was forced to do so, the facts are the facts. For a person of her level, what she said would be like splashing water, it was definitely not a child's play.

She was just a little angry, but when she had suffered such a big grievance and was suppressed by a small tribulation period everywhere, she was ashamed to think about it.

That's why she wanted to scare Shen Yu a bit, in order to save some face for herself.

It has to be said that even a master of Nangong Wushuang's level has the same peculiar brain circuits as ordinary women, all women in the world are the same!

After letting go of Shen Yu, Nangong Wushuang flew back to the back of the palace, on a cold jade bed on the high platform, closed his eyes and began to practice, directly ignoring Shen Yu, treating him as air.

Shen Yu twisted his somewhat stiff neck, and then formally looked at Wushuang Palace for the first time.

As Nangong Wushuang's residence, no outsider has ever entered Wushuang Palace, not to mention male disciples, even the female elders of Wushuang Yungong.

Shen Yu is the first person other than Nangong Wushuang to enter the Wushuang Palace, which is also a great honor.

The decoration in Wushuang Palace is very simple, but very warm. Even the palace walls are pink, which girls like. It is really hard to see that a queen-like character like Nangong Wushuang has such a girlish heart.

In the whole hall, apart from the cold jade bed for Nangong Wushuang's cultivation, there is also a table and a dressing table, other than that, there are no peculiar decorations, and it can be said that it can be seen at a glance.

Shen Yu glanced at it for a while, and then flew to Nangong Wushuang's side. Without the other party's permission, he made it onto the cold jade bed, which was a short distance away from Nangong Wushuang.

He looked at Nangong Wushuang's charming side face, and said with a smirk: "Wushuang, I think we should have a deeper understanding, you may have misunderstood me."

(End of this chapter)

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