Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 246 Epic Level Breakthrough

Chapter 246 Epic Level Breakthrough

Shen Yu once again made it to his own cold jade bed without his permission, Nangong Wushuang almost couldn't help beating him up, but after frowning slightly, she still endured it.

Anyway, this bastard is already her Taoist companion, and she may have to do more extreme things with him in the future. If she can't help this behavior, won't she be pissed off in the future.

After hearing Shen Yu's words, Nangong Wushuang frowned slightly, and asked: "In-depth understanding, how to in-depth understanding, are you going to tell me all about your identity?"

Hey, this woman is really naive and used to it, I can't even drive with her, she needs to be trained!

Shen Yu hooked his fingers at Nangong Wushuang, and Nangong Wushuang also brought his pretty face closer curiously.

Shen Yu looked at Nangong Wushuang's almost perfect side face, and almost couldn't resist kissing her gently.

But before testing Nangong Wushuang's bottom line, Shen Yu felt that it was better not to be so bold.

He murmured something next to Nangong Wushuang's ear, and Nangong Wushuang's pretty face flushed immediately, then she looked at Shen Yu angrily, and angrily scolded: "You prodigal son, why are you so shameless?"

After finishing speaking, she couldn't bear it any longer, unexpectedly imprisoned Shen Yu with a mana, and then violently beat Shen Yu's hateful smiling face.

"Ah, Nangong Wushuang, you don't slap someone in the face, it hurts your self-esteem! Stop!"

Nangong Wushuang turned a blind eye to it, and still beat Shen Yu mercilessly, but she was very measured in her actions, which would only make Shen Yu feel physical pain, and would not really hurt him.

Shen Yu's subordinates also seemed to know that Nangong Wushuang would not really hurt Shen Yu, and no one showed up to stop him, allowing Nangong Wushuang to act recklessly.

After beating Shen Yu for a cup of tea, Nangong Wushuang was relieved. She looked at Shen Yu with a bruised nose and swollen face, and said coldly: "Is this a long memory? Next time you dare to be so reckless, I will kill you. "

Shen Yu's face was full of depression. It seemed that he had to practice hard in the future, otherwise he could not even beat his own woman, and it would be too embarrassing. It was unheard of for the majestic Emperor of Heaven to be beaten in his own woman's room.

He looked at Nangong Wushuang with some resentment, and said dissatisfiedly: "You asked me, now I explained to you, and you hit me again, are you still unreasonable?"

Nangong Wushuang mocked: "I'm a woman, are you stupid to reason with a woman like me?"

Well, it's true, even if this woman didn't come from time travel, she must have belonged to the Chinese world in her previous life, otherwise how could she completely inherit the temper of a modern woman.

Shen Yu sat cross-legged on the cold jade bed, and said rather depressedly: "Hey, you are my woman now, I just said something to you, and if you abuse me like this, can I touch you in the future? ?”

It must be a lie to say that Shen Yu came here without any intention, and his mind was really pure.

Shen Yu, who has been a human being in two lives, is a real first-time brother, and those college beauties in his previous life are all unattainable existences in his eyes.

After transmigrating into this world, although his mind has undergone tremendous changes, how can he not be moved when he sees Nangong Wushuang who is many times more beautiful than those school beauties?

Hearing Shen Yu's words, Nangong Wushuang really wanted to tell him, who made you so weak.

But soon, her bright eyes rolled slightly, and then she asked Shen Yu: "I have a question for you, as long as you answer me, I can consider what happens to you right now."

Shen Yu's eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly said, "If you ask me any questions, I will know everything."

Shen Yu's appearance made Nangong Wushuang very disdainful, as if he had never seen a woman in several lifetimes.

But she really guessed right, Shen Yu really has never touched a woman in two lifetimes, and she is still so beautiful.

Nangong Wushuang squinted his phoenix eyes, and asked, "Have you had any relationship with that empress?"

Shen Yu froze for a moment, then shook his head subconsciously, and then asked stupidly: "Why do you ask this, is this very important?"

I knew it!

Nangong Wushuang nodded silently, she had already seen that Shen Yu Yuanyang was not vented, she was a real young child, and now it was finally proved.

She looked at Shen Yu jokingly, and said: "That is to say, as long as I come in and push you, I will be ahead of that empress in this respect?"

How does Shen Yu hear these words, how awkward is it, it seems that men should say these words, why is he so shameless in front of Nangong Wushuang?

Just when he was depressed, Nangong Wushuang suddenly smiled strangely, and said: "Zhan Huang, you remember, I, Nangong Wushuang, must be the number one woman in everything, although because your subordinates are too powerful, I have to submit You can't be the empress of the palace either.

But there is one thing, I can at least rank ahead of her, remember, your first woman is me, Nangong Wushuang, and I will always be in this life. "

After Nangong Wushuang's words fell, Shen Yu only felt his body froze slightly and could no longer move.

He slowly raised his eyes to look at Nangong Wushuang, only to see that Nangong Wushuang's winking eyes were like silk, and there was a charming relieved smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Shen Yu was shocked.

Is this woman going to...

No way!How could she be so tough.


Shen Yu never thought that Nangong Wushuang would have such a tough side.

She looks extremely cold on the outside, but she can also show fire-like enthusiasm.

Shen Yu himself didn't know what cruel and inhuman torture he had experienced on this cold jade bed.

For some reason, Shen Yu looked at Nangong Wushuang's incomparably beautiful face in the mirror, and felt that she was even more charming and beautiful than before.

He looked at Nangong Wushuang's back, and said aggrievedly: "This is my first time, you have to be responsible for me, you bad guy."


Hearing this, Nangong Wushuang snorted softly, but didn't say much, it's your first time, isn't it my old lady, she really got cheap and behaved.

At this time, a systemic voice suddenly sounded in Shen Yu's mind: "Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully being promoted to a man and completing an epic breakthrough.

Obtain special celebration rewards: a summoning opportunity with [-] million faith points and [-] million faith points. "

(End of this chapter)

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