Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 259 The Emperor's Woman

Chapter 259 The Emperor's Woman

The moment the swordsman appeared, not only Mo Changkong was surprised, but also Xia Liu, the last true immortal of the Dark Pill Tower who had been following Mo Changkong.

Originally, he had great ambitions, thinking that with so many forces joining forces, and with the help of his predecessors Mo Changkong and Yuan Long, he could easily kill the Heavenly Emperor Shen Yu, but he did not expect that things would turn out to be so dangerous.

But when he was at a loss, his backbone, Mo Changkong, finally spoke.

Hearing Mo Changkong's words, Xia Liu finally came to his senses, and a hint of ferocity flashed in his eyes.

He stared at Shen Yu firmly, and said angrily: "The forces of all parties obey the order, the Heavenly Emperor Shen Yu has no masters around, take this opportunity to kill him."

Among the three major forces that came to besiege Shen Yu this time, the Dark Pill Tower was the strongest, followed by the Sea Demons, and the Dark Forest was the worst. The other small forces could be ignored.

Now the patriarch of the Sea Demon Clan and the two True Immortals of the Dark Pill Tower have already made their move, and only Xialiu and one True Immortal of the Dark Forest are left in the True Immortal Realm.

On his own side, Xia Liu himself is the strongest one, so of course he has to call the shots.

Hearing Xia Liu's order, those Earth Immortals and Celestial Immortals who were at a loss to watch the excitement also came to their senses, their faces filled with ferocity again.


Xia Liu grinned ferociously, and was the first to strike.

The killer of the Dark Night Forest, also led by the strongest second floor of the True Wonderland they came this time, relied on their body skills to quickly kill Shen Yu.

The people in the dark forest are not very good at frontal combat, but relying on the chaotic situation, they are the most likely to kill Shen Yu.

Seeing that Xia Liu had already attacked Shen Yu, Mo Changkong, who was fleeing desperately, was overjoyed.

It seemed that he had no hope of escaping.

In fact, since he fought against the swordsman, he had already given up his plan to kill Shen Yu, he just wanted to escape for his life, this is the deterrent force of the swordsman.

He just asked Xia Liu to attack Shen Yu, just wanting him to attract the attention of the sword bearer, so that the sword bearer turned around to save Shen Yu, and then escaped by himself.

In his opinion, there were only those few people left around Shen Yu, even if there were some masters among them, Shen Yu might not be safe in the face of two true immortals, plus dozens of earth immortals and heavenly immortals.

As Shen Yu's subordinate, shouldn't the sword-bearer turn around and save Shen Yu?As long as the swordsman goes back, he can take the opportunity to escape.

Mo Changkong is really a good teammate.

But he somewhat underestimated the determination of the swordsman, and also underestimated the strength of Shen Yu's subordinates.

When Mo Changkong looked back subconsciously, his heart trembled violently, the swordsman was still chasing him.

"Damn it, there's nothing wrong with this guy! Why is he chasing after me like a dog's skin plaster, fuck!"

Mo Changkong cursed secretly, but his face turned pale with fright, and he didn't dare to slow down his footsteps at all, and the speed of escape unconsciously became a little faster.

Shen Yu on the other side looked at the nearly a hundred powerhouses of all levels rushing towards him suddenly as if they had been spat out with blood, and said lightly: "Giant Spirit God, you take action, call that person named Xia Liu Just beat the guy half to death, and leave the rest to me!"

The Giant Spirit God grinned, and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I have a sense of proportion, hehe!"

After finishing speaking, the giant spirit god took down a pair of Xuanhua axe behind his back, and killed Xia Liu, seemingly not worried about Shen Yu's safety at all.

Seeing the giant spirit god killing him, Xia Liu's heart skipped a beat, and then a ruthless look flashed across his face, and he didn't even retreat.

He wants to face the giant spirit gods on the seventh floor of the True Wonderland with his cultivation base on the third floor of the True Wonderland.

Seeing a third floor of the real fairyland, the giant spirit dared to fight with him without dodging or evading, and suddenly felt that he had been greatly insulted.

He snorted coldly, raised the big ax in his left hand, and mercilessly chopped towards Xia Liu's chest.

Xia Liu's complexion changed, and then there was an extremely black iron rod in his hand, and he threw it across his chest.

The Xuanhua ax of the Giant Spirit God hit the iron rod in Xia Liu's hand heavily. Xia Liu only felt his hands hurting from the shock, and almost threw the iron rod. There was also a trace of blood oozing out.

His internal organs were even more uncomfortable. Under the great power of the giant spirit god, he felt that he had already suffered serious internal injuries after only one blow.

But before he could react, the second ax in the right hand of the Giant Spirit God struck down again, this ax was stronger than the previous one.


After the giant ax landed on the black iron rod, the iron rod, a peerless spiritual tool, broke in two. Xia Liu's body also flew upside down. In the blink of an eye, his body had already flown dozens of miles away. , Shen Yu couldn't even see his shadow anymore.

But the giant spirit god knew that Xia Liu was not dead, and the real fairyland was not so easy to kill, so he chased after him again with an axe.

"Shadow Emperor! Your opponent is me, where are you going?" Just as Shen Yu was staring at the back of the Giant Spirit God, Xuanyuan Guiyin's indifferent voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

Shen Yu looked back subconsciously, and saw that the Gufeng sword in Xuanyuan Guiyin's hand was half out of its sheath, a short dagger was resting on the blade, and a dwarf less than five feet tall was looking at him in surprise. Xuanyuan Guiyin suddenly appeared in front of him.

This dwarf is the True Immortal of the Dark Night Forest, and also the well-known assassin of Ruins, the Shadow King.

The Shadow King's cultivation is on the second floor of the True Immortal Realm. He once killed the fourth floor of the True Immortal Realm. He is known as the Emperor of Assassins. Xuanyuan Guiyin had noticed him a long time ago and knew that he would definitely attack Shen Yu, so he was always on guard against him.

If Xuanyuan hadn't returned to hermit, Shen Yu would have been a corpse at this moment.Shen Yu even sensed the astonishing coldness emanating from that dagger.

"Get out of here!"

Xuanyuan Guiyin roared angrily, and then the Gufeng sword was completely unsheathed, and the sword was still shining with a strong golden light, the person who pierced it couldn't open his eyes.

Seeing this, the Shadow Emperor didn't dare to entangle Xuanyuan Guiyin, and quickly retreated, but Xuanyuan Guiyin, who had already unsheathed the Gufeng sword, would not just let him go.

He raised his sword and chased towards the Shadow Emperor. Today he will use the Gufeng Sword to kill the super killer in the ruins, the Shadow Emperor.

So far, all the True Immortals who came to surround and kill Shen Yu were suppressed by Shen Yu's subordinates.

Seeing this scene, Nangong Wushuang suddenly smiled and said: "Shen Yu, I couldn't help you just now, now, leave these people to me!"

Shen Yu was taken aback for a moment, then immediately understood what she meant, without the True Wonderland, Nangong Wushuang would be an invincible existence in the Heavenly Wonderland.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said, "Okay! Let them see how strong the Heavenly Emperor's woman is!"

(End of this chapter)

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