Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 260 Harvesting Experience Points

Chapter 260 Harvesting Experience Points

Ever since Shen Yu got acquainted with Nangong Wushuang, in Shen Yu's eyes, she has always been a strange woman who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, with a beautiful appearance and good strength.

Besides, Shen Yu never felt how strong Nangong Wushuang was, but the reality in front of him slapped him hard.

In the sky, Nangong Wushuang's lithe body floated into the camps of the monks in the Earth Wonderland and Heaven Wonderland, and then launched a unilateral crazy crush.

She was wearing an icy-coloured long dress, and a blue ribbon appeared in her hand at some point.

Every time the blue ribbon dances, it can knock a person down from the sky. Her indifferent and lonely face makes her temperament even more glamorous at this time. Countless monks are unconsciously indulging in her charm among.

She seemed to be transformed into a magnificent fairy, unreservedly showing another side of herself to Shen Yu.

Looking at the delicate body fluttering like a butterfly, and the three thousand blue silk dancing with the wind, Shen Yu looked sideways slightly, it turned out that he had never really seen through Nangong Wushuang, she had another side that he didn't know about.

When he was in Tianyi City, Nangong Wushuang only fought against Ming Qianyou from the Underworld Sect. Because the two were of equal strength, they fought for a long time. They were only evenly divided, and Nangong Wushuang only gained the upper hand at the last moment. , which made Shen Yu look down on her strength even more.

You know, Ming Qianyou is a complete weak chicken in front of the giant spirit god and others, and was killed in an instant, how strong can Nangong Wushuang be.

Only now did Shen Yu realize that he had underestimated the woman who was sharing the bed with him, that she really had the strength to be invincible in the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

Looking at the fairy-like Nangong Wushuang, Shen Yu muttered to himself: "Is this the strength of Nangong Wushuang? It is really wronged to let her stay by my side."

A genius like Nangong Wushuang should belong to the battle. In the battle, she can continuously become stronger. Shen Yu imprisoned her by his side and treated her like a canary, which somewhat restricted her.

A trace of fear also rose in his heart. Back then, he was so courageous that he dared to forcefully sleep Nangong Wushuang in the Heavenly Immortal Realm with his cultivation in the Transcending Tribulation Period.

What courage it takes!

Although he was very confident, if Nangong Wushuang dared to attack him, his subordinates would definitely show up immediately, subdue Nangong Wushuang, and even kill her.

However, Nangong Wushuang is the most powerful in Youtian Wonderland. If she is really desperate and determined to kill herself, will she really have time to wait until her subordinates come to rescue her?
Fortunately, Nangong Wushuang had no evil intentions at the time, otherwise he might be a corpse now.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu silently reminded himself in his heart that he would never do such a mindless thing like a sperm in the future, otherwise, what a shame it would be for the majestic Emperor of Heaven to die on a woman's bed!
This will be infamous forever.

While his thoughts were flying, Lu Dongbin also took out his Chunyang Sword and joined the battle group. Although he only had the strength of the ninth level of the Earth Wonderland, the other party had more than half of the Earth Wonderland. He could also do his part Power, he can be invincible to the fairyland.

And Shen Yu also hoped that he would fight more, only in the battle can he improve the fastest, and his recovery of Emperor Donghua's strength may also increase a little bit.

This is also the reason why Shen Yu didn't even bring Sha Wujing with him, but only brought Lu Dongbin with him. He wanted to let Lu Dongbin practice and give him a chance to recover to his peak.

After Lu Dongbin made a move, only Princess Iron Sand was left guarding Shen Yu's side, but this did not affect Shen Yu's safety at all.

Not to mention that the other party no longer has the True Wonderland, Princess Iron Fan can become invincible just by relying on the cultivation of the first level of the True Wonderland. Even the Lingbao Banana Fan in her hand is enough to keep everyone away thousands of miles away, and she is not even afraid of it. I was entangled by others.

Every time someone wants to get close to Shen Yu, Princess Iron Fan will fan him away with a banana fan, especially those killers from the Dark Night Forest, they sneak up every time, but facing the indiscriminate attack of the banana fan, They have no way to deal with it.

This is still Princess Iron Fan being merciful. Shen Yu had explained before that he would not allow them to directly kill their opponents. He had to take a sigh of relief and let him do it himself. Otherwise, Princess Iron Fan would be able to slap most people with just one blow. die.

Seeing in the sky, the Earth Immortal and Celestial Immortal Master who was constantly being knocked to the ground by Nangong Wushuang and Lu Dongbin, howling in pain, but without any resistance, Shen Yu's eyes immediately became hot.

These are all experience points!

As long as these people are killed, I don't know what realm I can reach, so I can guarantee the bottom of the fairyland!Maybe even higher.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu was no longer silent, he said to Princess Iron Fan excitedly: "Princess Iron Fan, protect me, I will kill these people!"

Although Princess Iron Fan didn't know why Shen Yu didn't let them kill these people directly, but insisted on killing these people by herself, but Shen Yu had a life, she just had to abide by it, and she didn't need to ask why.

Princess Iron Fan nodded, and then a blue mana wave emanated from her body, completely enveloping Shen Yu in it, and flew forward.

At the same moment, Shen Yu took out his Xuandu Zifu Sword, and the sword body emitted a purple light.

Relying on this fourth-class innate spirit treasure, it is enough for him to kill most of the strong people in the earth fairyland and heaven fairyland who have been abolished or seriously injured.

Princess Iron Fan rolled up Shen Yu and flew into the air, and Shen Yu also muttered a formula: "Sword Control!"

Shushan Yujianshu, the most lethal swordsmanship that I am proficient in now, especially Shen Yu is now a strong man in the Transcendence Tribulation period, and his comprehension of kendo has also risen to a terrible level. The power of Yujianshu has surpassed that of Xianjian Pass the world.

After Shen Yu's words fell, the Xuandu Zifu Sword flew from his hand into the air, and then, like a death sword that harvests life, it flew everywhere with Shen Yu, constantly harvesting the lives of those strong men.

Shen Yu, who is proficient in sword control, could have taken someone's head from thousands of miles away without any effort, but his cultivation base is still too low, so he can only let Princess Iron Fan protect him. The position of sexual killing can kill the opponent.

While Shen Yu was harvesting his life, waves of beautiful and joyful voices also came to mind in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a monk on the seventh floor of the fairyland and gaining 320 million experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a fifth-floor cultivator in the Heavenly Wonderland and gaining 670 million experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a third-floor cultivator in the Heavenly Wonderland and gaining 590 million experience points!"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through the late stage of the tribulation!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through the tribulation!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through the early stage of Earth Immortal!"

(End of this chapter)

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