Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 261 Breaking Through the Wonderland

Chapter 261 Breaking Through the Wonderland

When Shen Yu killed No. 30 monks, he finally broke through to the fairyland!

The earth fairyland is the first realm that truly transcends the category of mortals and achieves the body of a fairy.

Only when one breaks through to the Immortal Realm can one complete the biggest leap on the road to immortality. From then on, one's life will become extremely long, the magic power in one's body will be as vast as a sea of ​​smoke, and one's physical body will also evolve into a fairy body.

In less than a year since he came to the Kyushu Continent, he broke through to the Earth Fairyland. This result made him feel very gratified, and he is now a fairy.

"Is this the Earth Fairyland? Sure enough, it is a completely different realm from the Transcendence Tribulation Stage. I feel that I can kill the Transcendence Tribulation Stage at will."

Shen Yu clenched his fists and felt the surging mana in his body. Although he was always in a good mood, he still couldn't help being a little excited.

From then on, even if he became a veritable strongman in the Kyushu Continent, no matter if it was the Heavenly Wonderland or the True Wonderland, it would be impossible for him to kill himself like an ant.

Although the Earth Wonderland is weak, the Earth Wonderland in the Kyushu Continent can be regarded as a strong party after all. Except for Zhongzhou, which has an endless stream of masters, no matter which ones get any of the remaining eight states, they are all famous and powerful.

Even in Zhongzhou, the Earth Fairyland is at least a deacon in any force.

"This kid, how could..."

Mo Changkong, who was fleeing desperately, afraid of being killed by the swordsman, seemed to sense the change in Shen Yu's aura, and looked back suddenly.

After this glance, a trace of incredulity suddenly flashed in his eyes.

He is the one who knows Shen Yu's realm best. With his eighth-level cultivation base of True Immortal Realm, he can be sure that Shen Yu is in the early stage of crossing the tribulation. In less than half an hour, from the early stage of crossing the tribulation, he broke through to the earth fairyland, which is really shocking.

Even though he has lived for tens of thousands of years and has seen countless evil geniuses, he has never seen such a perverted Shen Yu who broke through without reason.

He suddenly had a feeling in his heart that he came to besiege Shen Yu today, it might be the biggest mistake in his life, whether he can get out of here alive or not, maybe even the smoldering Darkness Pill Tower will be affected , was later destroyed by Shen Yu.

A monstrous genius like Shen Yu is often favored by heaven and cannot be easily wiped out. It is undoubtedly the saddest thing to provoke such a genius but not be able to kill him in the cradle.

It was not only Mo Changkong who noticed Shen Yu's changes, but also Yuan Long, the patriarch of the Sea Demon Clan and others, but they were now entangled with their opponents and had no time to turn around and pay attention to Shen Yu, but the horror in their hearts was no less than that of Mo Changkong How many.

Princess Iron Fan was not far from Shen Yu, she looked at the tall and straight figure standing in the sky with her hands behind her back, her beautiful forehead wrinkled slightly.

She has been following Shen Yu's side all the time, and she is the most aware of the changes in Shen Yu's body. She can clearly perceive that every time Shen Yu kills a person, the aura on his body will change accordingly. Could it be that he has cultivated some special skills? Cultivation techniques, after killing an enemy, can absorb the opponent's mana for your own use?
No wonder!No wonder he didn't let Nangong Wushuang and others kill these people, but insisted on killing them himself, so it was for this reason!
It has to be said that Princess Iron Fan is really smart. Relying on these tiny details, she made a rough guess.

If it weren't for the existence of the system, it would be too unbelievable, and she might not be far from the truth.

At this moment, thick dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky, and the sky and the earth changed color instantly, followed by a dull thunder.

This change made everyone who was fighting stop for a while, subconsciously looked up at the sky.

These earth immortals, celestial immortals, and even the powerhouses of the real fairyland felt a threat to their lives from the dull thunder in the sky.

Shen Yu also raised his head, staring at the dark clouds gathering in the sky, he muttered to himself: "Heavenly Tribulation? It's finally here."

Immortal cultivators start from breaking through the golden core stage, and every time they break through the big realm, they will attract a catastrophe. However, the catastrophe before the earth fairyland is not at the same level as the catastrophe they encountered when they broke through the earth fairyland. Heavenly Tribulation, almost can not be called Heavenly Tribulation, most people can easily overcome it.

But the Heavenly Tribulation in the Earth Wonderland is different.

The Heavenly Tribulation in the Earth Fairyland is the test sent down by the heavens that the cultivator must go through before ascension. They are different from the Heart Tribulation that may appear at any time during cultivation. qualifications.

Although in this world where all the people practice immortality, there are as many fairylands as dogs, and fairylands are everywhere, breaking through the fairylands does not mean that they can ascend to the upper realm.

However, the Heavenly Tribulation in the Earth Wonderland is still terrifying. It can be said that [-]% of the powerhouses in the Transcending Tribulation Stage died under the Heavenly Tribulation when they broke through the Earth Wonderland.

The Heavenly Tribulation of Earth Fairyland that is common on the Kyushu Continent usually consists of nine Heavenly Thunder Tribulations, and the power of the Thunder Tribulation is also stronger each time. At the same time, the first nine Thunder Tribulations have to receive nine Heavenly Thunders each time, and the last Heavenly Thunder Tribulation The catastrophe has to take ninety-nine and eighty-one sky thunders to survive.

In addition, when beasts cultivate to the fairyland, they will also encounter the same catastrophe as ordinary cultivators. The only difference is that the catastrophe of beasts changes according to their strength, and beasts of different races ascend.The power of Heavenly Tribulation is also different.

"This kid is going to break through to the Earth Immortal. How is this possible! He is clearly only in the early stage of transcending the tribulation. How did he do it in such a short time?"

"No, we must have made a mistake. He is definitely not breaking through the fairyland. No one can cross so many small realms in such a short period of time."

"Then can you explain to me what's going on now? Hehe, we are all people who have experienced catastrophe, so don't deceive yourself."


Seeing the change in the sky, the monks who were desperately fighting against Nangong Wushuang were also temporarily attracted, and their hearts were also filled with disbelief.

Nangong Wushuang and Lu Dongbin also temporarily stopped attacking, and turned their attention to Shen Yu.

Looking at Shen Yu whose breath was surging, Nangong Wushuang unconsciously curled her cherry lips.

This little pervert is really a monster!How did he break through to the Earth Wonderland?
This kind of breakthrough speed, I'm afraid it won't be long before he can surpass himself!
I have practiced for thousands of years, so I am really not reconciled to being surpassed!

Just when she was depressed, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Look, it's not a sky thunder, what descends from the clouds is a gray astral wind!"

Gray Astral Wind?

Hearing this, Nangong Wushuang was taken aback for a moment, then immediately paled, and looked at Shen Yu in shock.

At this moment, a terrible catastrophe suddenly appeared in her mind.

The legendary Ninefold Calamity of Nirvana.

(End of this chapter)

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