Chapter 287

Although Shen Yu was only on the third floor of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, he didn't panic in the slightest when facing the Blood Saber Immortal Venerable in the Golden Immortal Realm.

He also looked up at the Blood Knife Immortal in the sky with extremely contemptuous eyes, and said: "You are the Blood Knife Immortal, but it is not much different from what I imagined, just as wretched and brainless, you People, living in this world is simply a waste of food."

Strength can be lost, momentum cannot be lost!
It's just that when his voice fell, everyone was stunned.

Is this Shen Yu insane? He even dared to ridicule the majestic Xuedao Immortal, and even said something so ugly that even ordinary people would not be able to stand hearing such words, let alone a high-ranking and powerful person. A blood knife immortal with a transcendent status.

Sure enough, the moment he heard Shen Yu's words, Immortal Blood Knife's complexion darkened, and even the next moment he might directly explode into trouble and kill Shen Yu.

Even the sword god in white, who is one of the top ten immortals, couldn't laugh or cry when he heard Shen Yu's words.

This Shen Yu was really unusual, he was probably the only one who dared to scold him so recklessly in front of Immortal Blood Saber.

Although the sword god in white is not afraid of the blood knife immortal, but because he is also an immortal and is a person of status, he would never scold him so badly.

This Shen Yu's tongue is really poisonous.

However, there were not a few people who were more excited than Immortal Blood Knife himself. Before he could speak, those licking dogs began to shout one by one.

"Presumptuous, what are you, you dare to talk to Xianzun like this, please apologize!"

"Hmph, Shen Yu, do you think that you can talk to Xianzun like this with a few decent masters under your command? You really don't know how to live or die!"

"Shen Yu, I advise you to apologize to the Immortal Venerable immediately! This way you can save your life, otherwise if the Immortal Venerable gets angry, you will die without a place to die."


The most indispensable thing in this world is these people who hold stinky feet, people like Yaozun, although their status and status are prominent on weekdays, they have always been under the control of Xianzun, so they have long wanted to board the boat of Xianzun It's just that there is no chance. Now that the opportunity has finally come, how could they let it go?

Yaozun and others have expressed their loyalty, and the disciple of Immortal Blood Saber, Boundless World Venerable, of course cannot be left behind.

He immediately stood up and scolded angrily: "Shen Yu, come to my dark Foshan chassis, you dare to be so rampant, you are impatient!"

Shen Yu glanced at Boundless World Honored One faintly, this person was the one he must kill when he came to Dark Foshan, it was this guy who captured Snow Wolf King and Broom Star, which forced him to come to Dark Foshan.

All the crises he faced were caused by this person, even if he had to pay a big price today, Shen Yu would definitely kill him today.

As for what Boundless World Honored One and Yao Zun said, Shen Yu didn't care at all if he wanted to die without a place to bury himself.

It's as if I apologized to Immortal Xuedao, and Immortal Xuedao can let me go. Since I and Immortal Xuedao are enemies of life and death anyway, why should I apologize to him.

Since there is no fight yet, it's better to scold him a few more words to enjoy the mouthful.

At this moment, a slightly hoarse voice suddenly sounded: "Hehe, Immortal Blood Knife, being insulted by a junior, do you want to continue to tolerate it? When did your temper become so good? If it is not convenient for you to fight If so, I can do it for you!"

This voice caused the calm white-clothed Sword God to change his expression slightly. He saw two mighty and evil auras in the distance, rolling in like clouds. These two clouds stretched for hundreds of miles, and one was black. It's demonic energy, and it's green, it's demonic energy.

When seeing these two clusters of aura, countless people have already guessed the owner of these two clusters of clouds.

On the mainland, there are only two people who can emit such powerful demonic and demonic energy. One is the Immortal Venerable of the Demon Race, the Immortal Emperor of the Demon Emperor, and the other is the Immortal Venerable of the Demon Race and the Immortal Master of Ten Thousand Monsters.

The person who spoke was the only one in the Demon Race who was promoted to Immortal Venerable, Demon Emperor Immortal Venerable.

As soon as his words fell, his figure had already appeared beside the voice of Immortal Blood Knife, and the majestic devilish energy surrounding him also dissipated temporarily.

Similarly, after the demon energy on the other side dissipated, the figure of Wan Yao Immortal Venerable also appeared.

"I have seen the immortal!"

After Demon Emperor Immortal Venerable and Wan Yao Immortal Venerable appeared, the ten evil forces headed by Yao Venerable suddenly knelt down in the void excitedly and saluted respectfully.

Three of the five great immortals of the radical faction appeared in an instant. This was a grand event that hadn't happened for many years, and today was considered lucky.

Especially Yaozun, he was even more excited, because Wanyao Xianzun came from Wanyao Dynasty and was the emperor before Wanyao Dynasty. In terms of seniority, he should call himself an uncle, although Wanyao Xianzun himself may have forgotten This relationship.

But Yaozun's enthusiasm has not diminished at all. All he can think about is how to get close to Wanyao Xianzun. Although Yaozun has a great reputation in front of outsiders, only he knows that he is in a very difficult situation in Wanyao Dynasty. It is uncomfortable.

It has been tens of thousands of years since he took over the position of emperor from Wan Yao Xianzun. During these tens of thousands of years, their royal family's situation has been deteriorating, and the Peng Demon Clan has become stronger and stronger. It won't be long before they A coup will be launched to seize the throne.

In such a situation, he could only ask Immortal Venerable Wan Yao for help.

It's a pity that Wan Yao Xianzun didn't seem to see him, but nodded indifferently to everyone.

Shen Yu also squinted at the Immortal Demon Emperor and Immortal Wan Yao. The Immortal Demon Emperor was tall and tall, with a deep coldness on his face, and he looked like a decisive person.

And Wan Yao Xianzun is of medium stature and looks a bit ordinary, but the icy aura exuding from his body declares his ruthlessness to others.

These two are not easily provoked.

Hun Tianjue looked at the Demon Emperor and Immortal Venerable with a complicated expression, and felt a little unwilling. If he was born a few years earlier, it would not be the Demon Emperor and Immortal Venerable who has become an Immortal Venerable from the Demon Race, but Hun Tianjue. It is clear how the Demon Emperor Immortal Venerable's position of Immortal Venerable was obtained.

"Demon Emperor, it's not your turn to intervene in my affairs. A mere Shen Yu can be destroyed with a wave of my hand."

Seeing the arrival of the Demon Emperor Immortal Venerable, Xue Dao Immortal Venerable gave him a very dissatisfied look. He was very dissatisfied with the words of the Demon Emperor Immortal Venerable. Didn't this make him lose face in front of everyone?
After finishing speaking, he looked at Shen Yu, and said indifferently: "Shen Yu, prepare to die!"

The white-clothed sword god froze, and flew up to Shen Yu, looking at the blood knife fairy with a solemn expression.

Although he is very confident in his own strength, he still feels the pressure facing the three great immortals alone.

Even Shen Yu's heart sank slightly at this moment.

But at this moment, an old voice suddenly came over: "Xue Dao Xianzun, you have crossed the line a little bit, have you forgotten the agreement between us? You can't take action against the Emperor of Heaven."

(End of this chapter)

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