Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 288 Who Am I?

Chapter 288 Who Am I?

The old voice made the sword god in white heave a sigh of relief, the Immortal Venerable Taiyin finally came.

Let him face the three great immortals alone, although he will not be killed, but it will be difficult to win.

However, the appearance of Taiyin Immortal Venerable made the hearts of Demon Emperor Immortal Venerable and Wan Yao Immortal Venerable sink. They were no more familiar with the strength of Taiyin Immortal Venerable than Blood Saber Immortal Venerable. On the contrary, they knew the strength of Taiyin Immortal Venerable very well.

Not to mention fighting alone, even if the three of them teamed up, they might not be opponents of Taiyin Immortal Venerable.

But for them, they don't need to face Taiyin Xianzun directly today, so they are not very worried.

Although the Taiyin Immortal Venerable is strong, he is not invincible. If there is a real battle between the Immortal Venerables today, someone will take action against him, so they don't need to worry.

The only one who was still very arrogant was Xuedao Xianzun. After hearing the voice of Taiyin Xianzun, he searched for it, and then said coldly and disdainfully: "Who should I be, so it is Taiyin Xianzun?" , Are you old and can’t run anymore, why are you so slow.”

He was originally with the sword god in white and Immortal Taiyin, but now he and the sword god in white had arrived early, but Immortal Taiyin came slowly. To the immortal, the speed was not much different from that of a tortoise.

Immortal Venerable Blood Knife's voice fell, and Immortal Taiyin wearing a dragon robe finally appeared in front of everyone.

It's just that he didn't care about Xuedao Xianzun's mockery at all. Instead, he directly ignored this annoying guy, and then turned his eyes to Shen Yu. When he saw Shen Yu, his face could clearly See, his mood fluctuated.

The next moment, Taiyin Immortal Venerable dared to fly directly in front of Shen Yu, and then, under the extremely shocked eyes of everyone, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully: "Young Taiyin, I have seen His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven."

The actions of Taiyin Immortal Venerable directly shocked Yaozun, Boundless World Venerable, and even Xuedao Immortal Venerable. There was no heated discussion this time, only silence.

Taiyin Immortal Venerable, one of the Ten Great Immortal Venerables, actually knelt down to Shen Yu without even the slightest hesitation, just knelt down in public and claimed to be a junior, what a shocking thing this is!

What a prestigious reputation the ten great immortals are. In name, the ten great immortals are equal. Even if they are facing Xuandi, who is the most powerful among the ten great immortals, the other nine are just friends with him.

To put it bluntly, the top ten immortals are the people with the highest status in the mainland of Kyushu, who can make them kneel down?
At this time, everyone looked at Shen Yu again, it was completely different from just now, especially Immortal Venerable Wan Yao and Immortal Demon Emperor, the two looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other's eyes.

Taiyin Immortal Venerable is at least 10,000+ years old. Except for Wuyou Immortal Venerable who engages in reincarnation all day long, no one has a higher seniority than him. In fact, even Wuyou Immortal Venerable, in terms of seniority, It may not be higher than Taiyin Immortal Venerable.

How many years did the person who even called Taiyin Immortal Venerable Senior live?

They looked at Shen Yu again, and it was completely different from the beginning. At this moment, they were already guessing whether Shen Yu was the reincarnation of an old monster.

In addition to this reason, how can he explain that there are so many masters around him who can stir up such a big situation in the Kyushu continent, even two or three of the top ten immortals have been secretly protecting him.

If this is the case, they will have to re-examine Shen Yu, he seems to be not as simple as he appears on the surface, they must be cautious.

Nangong Wushuang and other Shen Yu's subordinates also looked at Shen Yu's back in surprise at this time,
They have always thought that they have been with Shen Yu for a long time, and they should know Shen Yu very well, but until now, they discovered that this Emperor of Heaven is more hidden than they imagined. , making them even more confused.

The most surprising one, of course, was the sword god in white.

This guy was dumbfounded at this moment, he had been speculating about Shen Yu's relationship with Taiyin and Wuyou, and he thought he had seen some clues, but the performance of Taiyin Immortal Venerable today surprised him.

Wrong, guessed everything wrong.

"My dear, my master is too proud, why does he even have Jinxian's subordinates?" Jin Chanzi muttered to himself looking at Shen Yu's back.

He has no memory of his previous life yet, so the Golden Wonderland is still an unattainable existence for him. Although he also mocked the white-clothed sword god and others just now, he was just talking behind his back. No matter how weak the Golden Wonderland is, , It is still Golden Wonderland.

Shen Yu is also a little confused at this time, what is the situation, why does the dignified immortal respect me and call me senior?But I don't know him!
Could it be that brother Xiaoyu, my personality charm shines brightly, and I directly convinced the majestic immortal?

But I seem to have gone too far. It seems a bit inappropriate to ask an old man to kneel in front of me. Maybe it will shorten my life.

This Taiyin Immortal Venerable is the oldest among the Ten Great Immortal Venerables, and it is the same with his appearance. From his appearance alone, he seems to be over 70 years old.

He hurriedly bent down to help Taiyin Immortal Venerable, and said: "Taiyin Immortal Venerable, please get up quickly."

It stands to reason that the majestic Emperor of Heaven cannot afford to be bowed down by anyone, but it is a bit too embarrassing to be bowed down by an old man who looks like he is in his 70s.

"Thank you God!"

Immortal Venerable Taiyin hurriedly expressed his thanks, and then slowly stood up. When he raised his head and saw Shen Yu's face, he burst into tears again.

He looked at Shen Yu and said, "Your Majesty, I haven't seen you for so many years, you... are you okay!"

Shen Yu frowned slightly, and then asked curiously: "Taiyin Immortal, did we know each other before? Could it be that you made a mistake, I am only under 20 years old this year, how could I have met you?"

Shen Yu was really curious, could it be because the name he used was the same as someone Taiyin Xianzun had known before, so Taiyin Xianzun would recognize the wrong person?But it's not right either!

The Taiyin Immortal Venerable is in the Golden Immortal Realm. If he knew someone, even in the past 10 years, he would never admit his mistake.

Did he really know Taiyin Immortal Venerable?

After Shen Yu traveled to the mainland of Kyushu, he had doubts about his identity for the first time.

Who am I?
Hearing Shen Yu's words, a flash of confusion flashed in Taiyin Immortal Venerable's eyes, but he soon regained his clarity.

He murmured to himself: "Yes, after you rescued me back then, you once said that you were going to a far away place for a long journey, and when we meet again, we may already be strangers .”

Shen Yu's ears are still very good. After all, he is already a celestial being. After hearing the words of the Taiyin Immortal, he immediately felt speechless. Why did he break up with his lover? My orientation is quite normal.

 In addition to the first update in the early morning, today's three updates are all completed. Lao Yu only owes yesterday's third update. It must be completed this weekend at the latest. The next update time is uncertain, and it will be National Day at the latest.

(End of this chapter)

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