Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 35 Han Cheng Shocked

Chapter 35 Han Cheng Shocked
The imperial capital of the Great Xia Kingdom is located in the very center of the Great Xia Kingdom. It is the largest city in the entire Great Xia Kingdom. The population of the Great Xia Kingdom exceeds [-] million, and the imperial capital alone exceeds [-] million.

However, there are not so many immortal cultivators in the imperial capital. Apart from the Ye Family, the No. [-] immortal cultivating family in the Great Xia Kingdom, and the major immortal cultivating families, only Cangnan College is the only one.

The major cultivating families in the imperial capital are basically subordinate forces of the royal family, and of course there are also some forces that are vassals of the three major cultivating sects.

Among the subordinate forces of the royal family, the strongest is the Han family of the General's Mansion. Han Cheng, the strongest in the Han family's face, is only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but it is enough to make the Han family and most second-rate cultivating sects on a par.

The Han family's mansion is close to the imperial palace, north of the imperial capital, less than ten miles away from the imperial palace. When Han Yue returned to the Han family, Han Cheng was not in the mansion. According to the servants in the family, he was going to train soldiers. Han Yue waited anxiously. It was a day before Han Cheng came back.

"Father, you are finally back!"

As soon as Han Cheng returned to the General's Mansion, Han Yue ran to Han Cheng with a happy face, and Xu Jun followed Han Yue closely.

Han Cheng took off his armor, took his daughter and apprentice back to the living room, then sat down on the seat, glanced at Han Yue dotingly, and said, "Girl, you still know how to come back! I'm listening to your tutor from Cangnan College." Having said that, you and your senior brother left the academy without authorization and went to practice outside. Just you two little fellows who practice Qi training at the third level, you dare to leave the imperial capital. Do you want to die? If you don’t come back, I will send someone to I'm looking for you, are you in any danger?"

Although Han Cheng was scolding Han Yue, there was no sternness in his voice. Although Han Cheng had several sons, his daughter was the only one.

Han Yue smiled, sat next to Han Cheng, took his arm, and said, "Don't worry! Dad, your daughter is a genius, how could..."

Before Han Yue finished speaking, Xu Jun, who was standing aside and didn't dare to sit down, suddenly spoke flatteringly: "Master, it's very dangerous for us to go out to practice this time! When we met Shen Qianjun of Wuliangzong, we almost died at his hands."

After Xu Jun finished speaking, the smile on Han Cheng's face immediately subsided, and he looked at Han Yue intently and said, "Yue'er, what's going on? You met Shen Qianjun?"

Of course, Han Cheng had heard of Shen Qianjun's notoriety. One could imagine the danger of his daughter meeting Shen Qianjun.

Han Yue frowned, and glared at Xu Jun, a little blaming him for talking too much, but she didn't hide it, nodded and said: "Father, I did meet Shen Qianjun, but I met a very powerful person, He saved us and killed Shen Qianjun!"

"What? You said someone killed Shen Qianjun? Who is it? Are you a master from Cangnan College?" Han Cheng had a look of surprise on his face when he heard that.
It's not that Han Cheng has never heard of Shen Qianjun's notoriety. He once caused trouble in the imperial capital.

Because of the blessing of Wuliangzong, Shen Qianjun has always acted unscrupulously. He once killed some princely children in the imperial capital, but in the end they were safe. Those princely families who were injured by Shen Qianjun could only smash their teeth and swallow them , who made Shen Qianjun behind Wuliangzong?

Unexpectedly, these two little fellows unexpectedly met Shen Qianjun, what a danger!Fortunately, someone rescued them.

But with Shen Qianjun's notoriety, who would dare to kill him?The only people who can do this are the people of Cangnan College. If you want to say that the only person in Great Xia who is not afraid of the three major colleges, or even the royal family, is Cangnan College, a transcendent force.

But Han Yue said: "Father, did you know that there is a sect of cultivating immortals in Yuxu Mountain, and it is very mysterious and powerful!"

Han Cheng frowned, and after a while, there was a hint of enlightenment on his face, and said: "I remembered, there is a sect of cultivating immortals in Yuxu Mountain, called Lingxiao sect, but this sect has long since declined. The deceased sect master Su Quan was only at the ninth level of qi training at his peak, you say he is powerful, how do you say that?"

As the Great General of the Great Xia Kingdom, Han Cheng is only in his forties this year. He is at the age of the heyday of dragons and tigers, and he is very trusted by the emperor. Therefore, he also controls a part of the intelligence system of the Great Xia Kingdom. It is above the directory in the royal family's intelligence system, but since Su Quan's death, the royal family has not paid attention to the Ling Xiao faction.

Han Yue smiled mischievously, and said: "Daddy, you don't know, the Ling Xiao faction has changed its head now, it is a young man named Shen Yu, and there are many masters under his command, even a pharmacist. The one who came to save us was a master of the Ling Xiao Sect, whose cultivation is definitely at the foundation-building stage!"

"You said Lingxiao Sect has foundation builders and pharmacists, why didn't I know?" Han Cheng frowned.

The Lingxiao sect is too close to the imperial capital. If there are strong foundation builders in their sect, the imperial court must pay attention, lest they threaten the safety of the imperial capital.

While speaking, Han Cheng glanced at Xu Jun, who was sitting on the seat, and Xu Jun of course understood what Han Cheng meant, and hurriedly replied: "Yes, Master, there is indeed a strong foundation builder in the Lingxiao sect. There is also a second-grade pharmacist."

Although he was reluctant to reveal Shen Yu's power to Han Cheng, Xu Jun did not dare to lie in front of Han Cheng.

Han Cheng is an iron-blooded soldier and a strong man in the foundation establishment stage. What he hates the most is when others play tricks on him.

"Second-rank pharmacist?" Han Cheng muttered to himself.

What he cared more about than Lingxiao faction having a strong foundation builder was that Lingxiao faction actually had a second-rank pharmacist, which was more terrifying than having a bigu strongman.

No wonder people from Ling Xiao faction dared to kill Shen Qianjun, it turned out that there was a second-rank pharmacist backing him!This was Han Cheng's first thought.

It's just when did the Lingxiao faction rise?Do you want to explain this matter to the royal family? The intelligence loophole of the royal family this time is too big.

At this time, Han Yue continued to speak: "Father, I came to you this time because I have something more important to tell you. I found out in the Lingxiao sect that there are several chapters in this sect that can make no Ling The exercises practiced by people with roots, and not body training exercises, I think, if these exercises can be promoted in the army, then the strength of our Great Xia army will definitely increase greatly, even if it is the three major sects, it will not Dare to fight the royal family."

Naturally, Han Yue will not forget that the biggest purpose of returning home this time is to help Shen Yu promote the skills of the Lingxiao School. Help spread the word, and everything will fall into place.

(End of this chapter)

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