Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 36 Three tricks?

Chapter 36 Three tricks?

What Han Yue didn't expect was that Han Cheng didn't show joy on his face after listening to it, but said calmly: "Girl, you have been cheated! How can you practice exercises without spiritual roots? Only with spiritual roots Only talented people can cultivate, this is a law recognized by the mainland of Kyushu."

Seeing that Han Cheng didn't believe her, Han Yue became a little anxious. She wanted Xu Jun to prove her words, but Xu Jun deliberately didn't look at her.

Han Yue shook her silver teeth angrily, then stomped her feet angrily, and said, "Huh, dad, if you don't believe me, I'll show you the flower finger I learned from the Lingxiao School, practice A monk in the Qi stage can use this trick to exert a power far beyond his own cultivation."

Han Cheng glanced at Han Yue, smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll see if my daughter's new moves are as amazing as you said. Let's go to the school grounds!"


The General's Mansion covers a large area, and there is also a special school field, which is used to train the private soldiers of the General's Mansion on weekdays. The school ground is located in the backyard of the General's Mansion.

When the three of Han Cheng came to the school grounds, there were nearly a hundred soldiers training on the school grounds. These soldiers were all private soldiers raised by the general’s mansion. The real combat strength is no less than the third level of Qi training.

Seeing the three of Han Cheng coming to the school grounds, these soldiers stood neatly on both sides of the school grounds.

Standing in the middle of the school field, Han Cheng smiled and said to Han Yue: "Yue'er, the field here is spacious enough, you can demonstrate the tricks you have learned!"

Han Yue nodded confidently, then took a slight step forward, the aura of the third level of Qi training suddenly gushed out from her body, and a breeze rose around her body.

She took a deep breath, then moved the fingers of her right hand lightly, and a leaf the size of a copper coin that fell on the school field appeared in her hand.

Then a sharp edge flashed in her eyes, and the leaf in her hand flew out like a sharp blade, carrying wisps of sharp wind.

There was a slight sound, and a stone was pushed up tens of meters away, and a crack appeared, and a seemingly soft leaf was deeply inserted into it.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Han Cheng opened his mouth in surprise and was speechless for a long time.

It doesn't surprise Han Cheng to smash leaves into stones. As a strong man in the foundation period, he can do this easily. He can even smash a boulder directly with leaves without any effort. .

But Han Yue was different. She only had the third level of Qi training. If she wanted to smash the soft leaves into the rocks, she needed at least the fifth level of Qi training to have such strength.

At this time, Han Cheng had a thought that even he thought was unbelievable. Could it be that what Han Yue said was true?
Not only him, but the soldiers in the school ground also whispered to each other when they saw this scene. The only one who was normal was Xu Jun, and he had expected this result a long time ago.

Han Yue looked at the leaves inlaid into the rocks, with a strong look of joy on her face, trotted to Han Cheng's side, and showed off: "Father, how are you?"

Han Cheng came back to his senses, and asked a little silly: "Yue'er, you... how did you do it?"

Han Cheng's surprised look made Han Yue secretly feel funny. As the great general of the Great Xia Kingdom, Han Cheng always had a majestic, iron-blooded expression on his face, such a rare look of surprise, Han Yue was also the first As soon as I saw it.

But she didn't laugh at Han Cheng. The first time she saw Linger using the flower finger, she was more shocked than Han Cheng.

Han Yue sorted out her thoughts and explained: "Father, this trick is called Nianhuazhi. It is a powerful attack with a unique method of moving Qi and leaf-throwing skills on the wrist. There is a book in the Lingxiao School called " "Shaolin 72 Unique Skills" martial arts treasure book, there are a total of 72 moves recorded in such martial arts."

"Seven... 72 moves, such a miraculous move, there are 72 moves in the Lingxiao faction? Really?" Han Cheng stared at a pair of tiger eyes, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Ordinary qi cultivators use hidden weapons to attack, they simply add true energy to their hands, and use brute force to throw out the hidden weapons without any skills. The attack with the wrist technique is much weaker.

This is not to say that the martial arts in the Kyushu Continent is backward, but as a world of immortal cultivators, the immortal cultivators in the Kyushu Continent pay more attention to the improvement of the realm. When they reach a certain level, they can use powerful spells. Than.

However, the conditions for cultivating immortals in the world of martial arts are too limited, so people in that world spend more energy on developing powerful martial arts. Immortal cultivators below the Jindan stage in the Kyushu mainland spend more time studying how to break through the realm and reach At the golden elixir stage, and above the golden elixir stage, one begins to study powerful spells.

The two worlds differ only in their emphases.

But for a small country like the Great Xia Kingdom, these powerful martial arts are more important, because this country has no Golden Core Stage experts, if the imperial court's million-strong army can practice the exercises and martial arts that Han Yue said , then the current Great Xia Kingdom must be in a different situation.

The reason why the three major sects and the major cultivating families are strong is because there are so many immortal cultivators in their sects, they are not afraid of the imperial court. Although the imperial court has millions of troops, 90.00% of the sergeants are not strong enough to train Qi, and they are not a threat at all. to these sects.

But if people without spiritual roots can cultivate immortals, even if they can only reach the fifth level of Qi training in the end, it is enough. Think about it, in front of millions of well-trained soldiers at the fifth level of Qi training, the three major sects count Shit!Using human sea tactics also buried you alive.

As long as a cultivator cannot reach the golden core stage, he will always be a mortal. In a bigu stage, he may be able to face [-] first-level qi training with ease. He freaked out.

The news that Han Yue brought back is top-secret information that can change the structure of the Great Xia Kingdom!

Han Cheng felt like he was in a dream at this time, he confirmed it again: "Yue'er, is what you said true? Xu Jun, is what Yue'er said true?"

Xu Jun knew that Han Cheng was in a state of excitement at this time, even if he didn't want Han Cheng to know Shen Yu's existence, he didn't dare to lie anymore.

He could only nod his head helplessly, and said: "Yes, Master, I have seen with my own eyes that there are about 40 people in the Lingxiao sect, and none of them have spiritual roots, but they do have the cultivation base of the Qi training period. It’s not just physical training.”

Now Han Cheng is finally not calm, it turned out to be true, in a place two hundred miles away from the imperial capital, in a sect that has been rumored to have declined, there is something that can change the pattern of the entire Great Xia Kingdom, he must immediately Report this to the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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