Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 54 Qingzhou No. 1 Beauty

Chapter 54 Qingzhou's No. [-] Beauty
"Where did this woman go?"

Shen Yu came to Xiao Chenchen's room and found that the room was empty, he felt a little strange in his heart.

"Are you looking for that woman named Xiao Chenchen?"

Just as Shen Yu was looking for Xiao Chenchen, the Snow Wolf King suddenly appeared in front of Shen Yu.

Shen Yu nodded and asked, "Have you seen her? I have something to ask her for."

On the entire Wangxue Peak, there were only three, Shen Yu, Xiao Chenchen and Snow Wolf King, and now he could only ask this wolf.

The Snow Wolf King nodded his head and said, "I see, I should have gone to the hot springs in the back. I just passed there not long ago. Let me take you there!"

Wangxue Peak has a large area. Behind the pavilion where Shen Yu lives, there are a group of raised peaks, and there are beautiful small hot springs dotted between the peaks.

Therefore, Shen Yu didn't have doubts about Snow Wolf King's words, but just nodded and said: "Okay, just take me there!"


The two quickly went to the group of small peaks. After walking for about ten minutes, they came to the hundreds of small peaks. They saw a faint heat rising from among the peaks. This heat was emitted by the hot springs.

Standing at the entrance of the mountain group, Snow Wolf King glanced at Shen Yu, lowered his head and said: "It's inside, it should be by the hot spring behind the third mountain, it seems to be meditating, go find her !"

Shen Yu suddenly felt a little curious, wasn't Xiao Chen Chen's cultivation level sealed by the Shang Zhang?What kind of seats are you playing, what kind of exercises are you practicing!
If she can cultivate and still retain her cultivation, Shen Yu will not put her on Wangxue Peak with peace of mind. After all, she is also a master of Qi training, and the combination of himself and the Snow Wolf King may not be hers. opponent.

But because he was eager to inquire about Luo Ya's affairs, Shen Yu didn't have doubts about Snow Wolf King's words, nodded, and then quickly went to the third small mountain peak.

The Snow Wolf King looked at Shen Yu's back, narrowed his wolf eyes slightly, and then said with a wretched smile on his wolf mouth: "Boy, it's cheap for you."


Strictly speaking, the group of small peaks on Wangxue Peak are not small peaks, they can only be regarded as raised and undulating highlands after terrain movement, the highest of which is no more than 50 meters, and generally only about 20 meters. It is a hot spring with hundreds of square meters.

Shen Yu soon came to the third mountain peak, the hot spring here is the largest, about [-] square meters, and the temperature is the most suitable.

Standing at a distance of 40 meters from the hot spring, the front is shrouded by the heat of the hot spring, and Wangxue Peak is illuminated by the sun for a short period of time, so it is a bit dark here at the moment, so Shen Yu can't see the situation beside the hot spring , can only lightly jump onto a boulder.

Standing on the boulder, looking around, Shen Yu shouted: "Xiao Chenchen!"

But she didn't get any response, so she walked forward helplessly for a while, and then jumped onto a huge rock next to the hot spring.

It's just that when he came to the giant rock, he was immediately stunned by the sight in front of him.

On the opposite side of the giant rock, at a distance of about four or five meters, Xiao Chenchen was sitting on the edge of the hot spring, leaning against a rock, and fell into a deep sleep.

Shen Yu, who has been a human being for two lifetimes and has always maintained the identity of the first brother, has ever encountered such a thing, especially when the object is Xiao Chenchen, which made Shen Yu instantly feel his heartbeat speeding up rapidly, and his face turned red.

Rationality told him that he should leave now, but sensibility forced him to look underwater. With the conscience of heaven and earth, Shen Yu was definitely not a hungry ghost, it was just a man's instinct that drove him to look underwater.

"Shen Yu, you are so fucking wretched, how could you do such a nasty thing!"

After a while, Shen Yu finally came to his senses and slapped himself hard.

How could the dignified head of a faction do the nasty thing of peeping on someone else's bath?Really embarrassing Ling Xiao faction.

But just when he was about to leave, Xiao Chenchen suddenly opened his eyes in a daze, and met Shen Yu's eyes that had just been raised.

For a moment, Shen Yu only felt that the surrounding atmosphere was a bit weird, the two of them just looked at each other so foolishly, no one forgot to speak, and the surrounding was peaceful.

"Miss Xiao, I said I broke in here unintentionally, you should believe me!"

Finally, Shen Yu was the first to break the silence between the two, and said with a smile.

"Ah! Shen Yu, you stinky rascal!"

A deafening scream came, resounding throughout Wangxue Peak.


About a quarter of an hour later, Shen Yu sat on the big rock next to the hot spring with messy clothes, and there were still a few marks on his face, which were all left by Xiao Chenchen.

Although Xiao Chenchen was imprisoned in her cultivation, she is a monk who has perfected Qi training after all, and her physical strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people. After she put on her clothes, she immediately rushed towards Shen Yu with all her teeth and claws, and made some blows to Shen Yu. Inhumane destruction.

Shen Yu knew he was in the wrong, and he didn't resist, so he had to let Xiao Chenchen vent his anger. He could only secretly curse Snow Wolf King as a bastard in his heart.

The majestic Nascent Soul-level demon king actually did such a nasty thing, which ruined his reputation for the rest of his life.

Both of them were sitting on the rock, and Shen Yu saw that Xiao Chenchen seemed to have vented a lot of resentment, so he boldly asked: "Xiao Chenchen, is this woman named Luo Ya from your country of Yun? "

Xiao Chenchen gave Shen Yu a hard look, and said angrily, "Are you from the Great Xia Kingdom? How come you haven't even heard of Luo Ya's name?"

Shen Yu knew that Xiaochen was angry in his heart, and his words would definitely be thorny, so he didn't care about her tone, but said: "I used to stay in Yuxu Mountain, how could I have the time to inquire about things other than Lingxiao Sect, otherwise I wouldn't Will come to you, and will not see..."

"You said it!"

Before Shen Yu finished speaking, Xiao Chenchen glared at Shen Yu again, making Shen Yu smile awkwardly, and did not continue talking.

Xiao Chenchen calmed down the depression in his heart, took a long breath, and said: "Luo Ya is from the Great Xia Kingdom, and has been famous for hundreds of years, let alone in a small Great Xia Kingdom, even if he is Putting it in the whole Qingzhou, she was also a stunningly talented person more than 100 years ago, known as the number one beauty in Qingzhou."

The number one beauty in Qingzhou!

Such a big name?

Shen Yu's heart was shocked, there were only nine states in the Kyushu Continent, this Luo Ya turned out to be the number one beauty in Qingzhou, which shows how famous she is.

He asked curiously: "Since she had such a big name back then, how could she be living in this small place of Great Xia?"

(End of this chapter)

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