Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 55 1 Minoyanyu Ren Pingsheng

Chapter 55 A Misty Rain Ren Pingsheng
About 120 years ago, Luo Ya was born in a small mountain village in Daxia, a small border country. As an orphan with no background and low talent, she miraculously entered Cangnan College.

It was the head of Cangnan College who saw Luo Ya's talent and introduced her to the college.

After entering the academy at the age of seven, Luo Ya showed amazing talent. At the age of eight, she awakened to hide the five elements and all attributes of the Heavenly Spiritual Root. With a cultivation speed far exceeding that of ordinary people, it took just ten years to enter the bigu period.

The bigu period shocked the entire Great Xia Kingdom, and then Luo Ya left Cangnan College and went to Qingzhou, and her legend spread in Qingzhou.

She entered the golden elixir at the age of 24, and became the Nascent Soul Venerable at the age of 32. She became a famous female venerable in Qingzhou and one of the top young masters in Qingzhou.

Every step she takes is refreshing the cultivation record in the history of Qingzhou. Coupled with her stunning appearance, countless children from aristocratic families flock to her, eager to get her favor, but they have never heard of it. Luo Ya can get a smile.

Until that man shows up!

The so-called once-in-10-year genius, one of the seven powerhouses in Qingzhou today, is a man called Ren Pingsheng, a cloud of mist and rain, and his name is Ren Pingsheng.

When Ren Pingsheng met Luo Ya for the first time, his cultivation had already reached Yuan Ying Consummation. He had no family or sect, but he was also known as Man Qingzhou. Facing the wooing of countless sects, he was not moved. He always wore a coir raincoat, like a fisherman by the river. , stand aloof from the world.

Luo Ya, who had just gained fame at that time, was only at the middle stage of the golden core, but Ren Pingsheng did not hide any secrets from Luo Ya, and gave her what he had learned all his life.

Some people say that Ren Pingsheng played a pivotal role in the reason why Luo Ya was able to break through to the Nascent Soul Stage at the age of 32.

As the only man who can accompany Luo Ya, everyone thinks that Luo Ya is already famous, and countless men who admire her feel sad for her.

But for some reason, a hundred years ago, Luo Ya returned to the Great Xia Kingdom alone, entered Cangnan College, and served as an ordinary tutor, not caring about worldly affairs.

Her alluring face was also covered by a light veil, and she has never shown her pretty face in front of the world since then.

However, Ren Pingsheng stayed in Qingzhou Central Region and continued his legendary experience.

No one knew what happened between them, except Luo Ya and Ren Pingsheng.

Many people wanted to ask Luo Ya for inside information, but Ren Pingsheng let it go. Luo Ya was tired of life in Qingzhou and wanted to go back to Daxia to live a peaceful life. Whoever dares to disturb her would be his enemy, Ren Pingsheng The ends of the earth, after all, will never die with it.

Although Ren Pingsheng was well-known at that time, after all, he was only a consummated Yuanying, and he was not considered an invincible Qingzhou. Many people couldn't help but care about his words.

However, after he successively killed several top powerhouses above the Nascent Soul stage, many people realized that he had broken through to the Nascent Soul stage and became the top person in Qingzhou's food chain.

After listening to Xiao Chenchen's story, Shen Yu was full of curiosity and said: "Since Luo Ya is not from Yunguo, and is such a legendary figure, why did she suddenly come to our Lingxiao faction? Hasn't she not stepped out for a hundred years?" Is Cangnan College already? It’s really strange.”

When Xiao Chenchen heard this, he said angrily: "How do I know, maybe she is here to kill you, a stinky rascal, and you will definitely be killed by her."

This woman is still hating Shen Yu, but it's no wonder Xiao Chenchen, although Xiao Chenchen usually wears revealing clothes, has a burst figure, and looks charming, but she is by no means a dissolute person. She was naked by men for no reason. , I feel wronged when I think about it.

Shen Yu was anxious about Luo Ya's matter, so he said: "Xiao Chenchen, you can continue taking a bath here, I will go and see what Luo Ya's intentions are."

"Shen Yu!"

Hearing Shen Yu mentioning this matter again, Xiao Chenchen immediately frowned, picked up a stone, and mercilessly threw it at Shen Yu who was not far away.

Shen Yu jumped, dodged the stone thrown by Xiao Chenchen, and quickly left the hot spring.


"Shen Yu, how is it? How about this gift I gave you?"

As soon as Shen Yu returned to the residence, the Snow Wolf King raised his wolf head, squinted his wolf eyes, and said to Shen Yu with a smile.

Shen Yu's eyes turned cold, and he said: "Snow Wolf King, this is only one time, if this happens again next time, I will take your wolf skin off."

Shen Yu felt that maybe he was too easy-going on weekdays, so that these people under him dared to plot against him. As the head of a sect, he must have dignity, and he couldn't make people feel that he could do anything by his side. He wants to slowly establish his majesty.

Sensing Shen Yu's cold gaze, the Snow Wolf King was slightly taken aback, then suppressed the smile on his face, and nodded heavily.

He knew that Shen Yu wasn't joking with him this time, as the head of a sect, the biggest taboo was for his subordinates to plot against him.

Snow Wolf King crossed the line this time.

Ignoring the Snow Wolf King next to him, Shen Yu said softly: "Shang Zhang, take me to see Luo Ya!"

According to Xiao Chenchen, Luo Ya is not a vicious person, and she did not necessarily make things difficult for herself when she came to the Lingxiao Sect this time, otherwise, with her cultivation base that reached the Nascent Soul stage a hundred years ago, I am afraid that she would have been in Yuxu for a long time. The mountain is making a fuss, and no one can stop her.

Although there is a certain risk in going to see her like this, you can't just watch a Nascent Soul strong man in Yuxu Mountain and leave her alone!

After Shen Yu's words fell, Shangzhang, the Mountain God, appeared in front of him, and then waved lightly at Shen Yu, and the two left the pavilion at the same time.

When Shen Yu reappeared, he had already arrived in a forest on Yuxu Peak, about five or six miles away from Yuxu Palace on the peak.

"Teacher, aren't we going to Yuxu Palace? How did we get here?"

As soon as Shen Yu appeared behind a big tree, he heard a crisp voice from a distance, it was the female student who had been following Luo Ya.

At this time, Luo Ya's hazy voice without the slightest emotion also sounded: "We went to Yuxu Palace to find the head of the Lingxiao faction. Now that the other party has come, we don't have to go."

already appeared?
When the three students heard this, they looked at each other in surprise, and they all looked around in unison.
Hiding in the dark, Shen Yu, who was tens of meters away from Luo Ya and his party, was also shocked in his heart, knowing that the other party had found him.

He didn't continue to hide, clapped his hands, and walked out from behind the big tree with his business badge, saying: "As expected of Senior Luo Ya, who is famous in Qingzhou, he found me so easily, Shen Yu admires."

After Shen Yu appeared, Luo Ya and the three students looked at him at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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