Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 62 Confrontation

Chapter 62 Confrontation
Xu Wainan is the great elder of Wuliangzong, and Ye Chaotian is the emperor of the Great Xia Kingdom. Both of them are the top people in the Great Xia Kingdom, so they naturally know each other.

Xu Wainan glanced at Ye Chaotian who suddenly appeared, and the frivolous look in his eyes subsided a little bit, because he saw Ye Huangtian behind Ye Chaotian, both of them were monks in the early stage of bigu, and Ye Huangtian's strength was not inferior to him.

Xu Wainan looked at Ye Chaotian and said in a deep voice, "I really didn't expect that His Majesty the Emperor would be here."

Han Cheng at the side glanced at Ye Chaotian, but nodded flatly, and didn't get off his mount, and knelt down to salute.

Feeling that Han Cheng's attitude was different from before, Ye Chaotian was stunned for a moment, and then sighed silently in his heart. Because of Han Yue's incident, Han Cheng must be very angry with himself, and the rift between him and Han Cheng also It's hard to fix.

After clearing up his somewhat disappointed mood, Ye Chaotian cupped his hands at Han Cheng and said, "General, you are here."

Han Cheng nodded indifferently to Ye Chaotian's initiative.

Xu Wainan didn't care about the embarrassing atmosphere between the two, he just looked at Ye Chaotian solemnly, and asked: "Your Majesty, I'm going to go to Yuxu Peak now, and I'm looking for Shen Yu, the head of the Lingxiao Sect, to help my disciple Take revenge, Han Cheng is a member of your royal family, you won't allow him to block me!"

When Ye Chaotian heard Xu Wainan's words, he and Ye Huangtian looked at each other, both of them seemed to be holding back smiles.

What did I hear?Xu Wainan actually wants to seek revenge on Shen Yu, just because of his cultivation in the early stage of Bigu?

Xu Jun, who was beside Xu Wainan, was afraid that Ye Chaotian would disagree, so he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, Shen Yu is so bold that he dared to kill Shen Qianjun, the direct disciple of Elder Xu. Today, Elder Xu is only here to trouble Shen Yu, and he absolutely does not want to talk to the emperor. Your Majesty is in conflict, please let him go."

Seeing Xu Jun and Xu Wainan's clumsy performance, like two clowns, Ye Chaotian couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Fortunately, Ye Chaotian's concentration is good, he suppressed a smile, coughed lightly and said: "Ahem, of course, I will definitely not stop it, you two please go ahead."

Ye Chaotian wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, finally caught Xu Wainan's attention, he frowned, looked at Ye Chaotian and said, "Is there any problem?"

Ye Chaotian looked straight, and said: "No problem, Elder Xu can do whatever he wants in Yuxu Mountain."

Xu Wainan nodded suspiciously, then his expression turned cold, and he said to Xu Jun beside him, "Xu Jun, you lead the way, we will go up to Yuxu Peak."

As soon as his words fell, Shen Yu's voice suddenly came from mid-air: "Don't bother, I'm here!"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Yu, who was wearing a green robe, fell from the midair like a startled bird, and appeared in front of everyone. Behind him was Zhao Yun, who was wearing a silver battle armor.

Seeing Shen Yu and Zhao Yun appear, Ye Chaotian, Han Cheng and the others subconsciously showed respect, and Han Yue was even more pleasantly surprised. Just as he was about to say hello to Shen Yu, Han Cheng winked at her , Han Yue obediently shut her mouth.

"Shen Yu, you finally appeared, hahahaha..."

As soon as Shen Yu appeared, Xu Jun let out a long laugh, with a hint of ferocity in the laugh.

To say that the person in the world who hates Shen Yu the most is Xu Jun. Ever since Shen Yu appeared, Xu Jun felt that his whole life had turned gray.

When he was on Yuxu Peak, he was wantonly insulted by Shen Yu, and he lost all face in front of his favorite junior sister. In order to avenge Shen Yu, he had no choice but to find Xu Wainan who came to the imperial capital to investigate the cause of his disciple's death, and risked betraying his master. However, he fell into death again. Xu Wai-nan was much more vicious than he had imagined.

But seeing Shen Yu at this moment, thinking that he was about to die, Xu Jun's heart immediately felt extremely happy, as if his lifelong enemy was about to die.

Aren't you very good?Don't you have subordinates in the foundation building period?In front of the bigu stage powerhouses, I would like to see, what's the use of your bigu stage subordinates?

"You are Shen Yu?"

Xu Wainan frowned, glanced at Shen Yu who descended from the sky, and at the same time glanced at Zhao Yun who was beside him without missing a trace. What made him feel strange was that he couldn't see through Zhao Yun's cultivation, but he didn't care too much , only when Zhao Yun is an ordinary person without cultivation.

He didn't believe that there were still young bigu stage experts like Zhao Yun in this world, and he also subconsciously ignored that Shen Yu and Zhao Yun flew down from Yuxu Peak.

Shen Yu nodded flatly, and then said: "You are the elder of Wuliangzong who came to seek revenge on me, Shen Qianjun's master, Xu Wainan?"

Xu Wainan snorted coldly and said: "That's right, Shen Yu, you are so brave, you dare to kill my apprentice of Xu Wainan, today I will make you pay in blood, tell me, are you kneeling and bound, or let me I will kill you with my own hands."

Shen Yu said disdainfully: "I've seen a lot of idiots, but this is the first time I've seen an idiot at such an age, and you're still an idiot in the bigu period!"

As soon as Shen Yu finished speaking, an explosive breath gushed out from Xu Wainan's body, blowing up his clothes and hair, and a black long sword appeared in his hand, covered with an evil black Light, the grade of this sword has reached the level of a low-grade mortal weapon.

He stared at Shen Yu closely, and said bitterly: "Boy, you are so courageous, you dare to talk to this old man like this, you are the first one in so many years, what you want to say for yourself today, Pay the price and die!"

After Xu Wainan finished speaking, he stomped heavily on the ground with his left foot, leaving a deep dent on the ground, and then his body was like a stream of black light, holding the sword and moving towards Shen Yu with lightning speed. He stabbed straight over.

The breath of the early stage of bigu made the oppressed people breathless. Where his body passed, countless gravels were blown into the air and turned into fly ash.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Wainan's sword had already arrived in front of Shen Yu, and the tip of the sword stabbed straight at Shen Yu's throat.

However, Shen Yu's eyes were as calm as water, and he didn't feel panic at all. He said softly: "Zilong, leave him alone and let me kill him!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Zilong's body swayed, and he came in front of Shen Yu, with the green sword in his hand slashing across his chest.

There was a crisp sound, and Xu Wainan's long sword, which was a low-grade mortal weapon, hit Qingzhijian, which was also a low-grade mortal weapon.

A violent tremor came from the blade of the sword, making Xu Wainan's tiger's mouth tingle, and he almost couldn't hold the sword anymore.

Xu Wainan was taken aback, he was at the early stage of Bigu, even if he stabbed a sword on a thousand-jin stone, it would be enough to pierce it, but now he was blocked by someone, how could this be possible.

He looked up subconsciously, and saw Zhao Yun holding the green sword in one hand, looking expressionlessly at Xu Wainan who was close at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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