Chapter 63
When Xu Wainan's long sword stabbed at Shen Yu, Han Yue was so frightened that she closed her eyes, while Xu Jun's face was full of ferocity, as if seeing Shen Yu's blood spattered seven steps.

Only those who have seen Zhao Yun's strength know that Xu Wainan wanted to kill Shen Yu in front of Zhao Yun, it was simply wishful thinking.

"You... who are you!"

Xu Wainan's long sword touched Zhao Yun's green sword, and there was a hint of fear in his voice.

Zhao Yun snorted coldly, and said, "The captain of the Ling Xiao sect guard, Zhao Yun."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yun stopped talking nonsense, and pushed forward violently with his right hand holding the long sword. Xu Wai-nan suddenly felt a huge force coming from the black long sword in his hand. His figure could no longer stand still, and he fell directly flew out.

At the same time, a silver spear suddenly appeared in Zhao Yunkong's left hand, and he threw it towards Xu Wainan who was still in midair.

call out!
There was a sound of piercing through the air, and the long spear pierced through Xu Wainan's body like a silver dragon.


After the spear pierced Xu Wainan's body, the huge inertia carried Xu Wainan's body forward and flew forward tens of meters, nailing him to a big tree.


Feeling the severe pain in his chest, Xu Wainan looked down subconsciously, and saw a long gun stuck in his chest, and blood was continuously flowing from the wound like the mouth of a bowl. The consciousness in the middle is also gradually blurring.

He raised his head slowly, and seeing the indifferent and disdainful expression on Zhao Yun's face, he realized that he had been cheated.

Why is the Lingxiao faction the strongest but building a foundation? This is simply a crouching tiger, hidden dragon sect.

But before he regretted it, Shen Yu took out the general sword that he was carrying with him, and punched the general sword at Xu Wainan expressionlessly.


A low moan came, and Gan cut Xu Wainan's neck with his sword, leaving a thin wound on his neck, from which blood flowed out.

The bigu stage is different from the golden elixir stage, and still does not exceed the limits of mortals, so after death, the soul will automatically enter the underworld, unlike the golden elixir stage, which has already cultivated the primordial spirit, and if the primordial spirit is not strangled together after death, there will be remnants possibilities in the world.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a strong man in the early stage of Bigu and gaining experience points of one hundred and two."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through and completing Qi training!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task: the wrath of Wuliangzong, successfully killing the master of Wuliangzong."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the mission reward: [-] Faith Points."

After Xu Wainan's death, Shen Yu also used the experience value function he had just obtained to break through to the perfection of Qi training, and at the same time received a task reward of 100 faith points.

Killing a monk at the early stage of Bigu actually allowed Shen Yu to break through three small realms, and he was only one step away from the foundation stage. The speed of this breakthrough was intoxicating.

But this is only in the Qi training period. If you break through to the foundation building period, if you want to continue to break through a small realm, you need no less than [-] experience points, and there will be more and more in the future. This is the same as playing games. In the later stage, the more experience is needed to break through.

"You... you actually killed the Great Elder of Wuliangzong, how is this possible, I must be dreaming."

At this time, the smile on Xu Jun's face froze, and he sat down on the ground with a plop, his face was full of despair, he felt as if he had fallen into a dream.

Isn't Zhang Sanfeng the strongest in the Lingxiao faction?Didn't he only have the cultivation base of the Foundation Establishment Stage?Who is this young man in white robe?

There was not much surprise on the faces of Han Cheng and the others. They just looked at Xu Wainan with a little bit of embarrassment. The dignified bigu period powerhouse, who was once at the top of the food chain of the Great Xia Kingdom, died like this. It's incredible.

Shen Yu didn't care about these people's thoughts, with a light move of his hand, the Ganjiang sword returned to his hand again, and then disappeared.

He glanced at Xu Jun, who was in a daze, without a trace of pity on his face, and slammed a cloud-dispelling palm at him.

"Do not……"

Xu Jun exclaimed, but in the face of Shen Yu's perfect cultivation of Qi, he hit a cloud-dispelling palm like a rough sea, it was like a piece of duckweed in the vast ocean, without any power to fight back , The body was destroyed in an instant, and completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

Although Xu Jun is Han Cheng's disciple, but this guy betrayed his master. Now it seems that Han Yue met Shen Qianjun in Yuxu Mountain, and it is even possible that this guy was responsible for it. Even if Shen Yu didn't kill him, he would He killed Xu Jun with his own hands, so he didn't feel bad at all when he saw Xu Jun was killed.

What he cares more about now is the cloud-dispelling palm used by Shen Yu. This set of palms seems to be of a higher level than the flower finger that Han Yue showed him.

He whispered in Han Yue's ear, "Yue'er, is this palm technique also from "Shaolin 72 Unique Skills"?"

Han Yue, who was looking at Shen Yu with splendor, came back to his senses, and said: "No, I have never seen this set of palms in "Shaolin 72 Unique Skills" before!"

Sure enough, what Han Yue saw was only the tip of the iceberg of the Lingxiao Sect, this sect still hides many great secrets.

It seems that they will stay here for a period of time in the future, so as to get more benefits.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a Qi training third-level monk and gaining three experience points!"

A monk who practiced Qi at the third level only had three experience points, not even enough to grit his teeth, wasting his own efforts.

Shen Yu curled his lips in disappointment, and after a while, he turned his gaze to Ye Chaotian and asked, "Ye Chaotian, do you know where the Wuliangzong is located?"

Ye Chaotian came back to his senses, hurried forward, and said: "Naturally, Wuliangzong is one of the three major sects of my Great Xia Kingdom. It is located in the Wuliang Mountain in the east. I don't know why the head of Shen Yu asked this?" ?”

Ye Chaotian already had a vague guess in his heart, so he asked a lot.

Shen Yu gave him a cold look and said, "Do I need to tell you?"

Ye Chaotian was startled, and hurriedly said: "It's Chaotian who is talking too much!"

The majestic emperor had no dignity in front of Shen Yu, and seemed so cautious, but Ye Chaotian didn't dare to feel dissatisfied in his heart, instead he took it for granted.

When a person's strength is too much higher than his own, he simply cannot afford to resist.

Shen Yu didn't pay attention to him anymore, but said softly: "Shang Zhang, go to Wuliangzong! Since they sent someone to trouble me, if I don't express it, it would be too easy to bully, Ye Chaotian, let someone guide Shangzhang."

After Shen Yu finished speaking, Shang Zhang's figure appeared in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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