Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 640 Qualifying Rules

Chapter 640 Qualifying Rules

After Shen Yu sat down, he looked at the two beauties with different shapes on the left and right, and Luo Ya who was not far away, who seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He felt a little helpless. This beauty was really not what he wanted. He really wanted to Find someone to switch places.

But this is the end of the matter, he can only feel pain and happiness.

Perhaps it was because they were in public places, so Ming Que and Bi Luo didn't show too much, they just sat quietly on the left and right sides of Shen Yu, and didn't say much, their eyes were on Jin Ying on the competition stage.

Shen Yu also looked around, and saw that Jin Ying on the competition stage was a beautiful woman who looked less than forty years old, but with her perfect cultivation of Hunyuan Taiyi Gold Immortal Realm, I am afraid her real age would not be less than One hundred thousand years old.

This Jin Ying is worthy of being a beauty who was once famous in the entire void of heaven. She was no less popular than Bi Luo today. Even though she looks a little older, she still has a charm, which is quite a bit of a young lady.

Moreover, compared to Bi Luo's youthful beauty, Jin Ying's body is a bit more noble and elegant. This is a unique temperament formed by years of high positions.

When Shen Yu looked at Jin Ying, Jin Ying seemed to feel something too, she also took a look at Shen Yu, and nodded friendly.

It was she who made Biluo take the initiative to find herself and invited herself to the tea ceremony, so it was not surprising that she showed friendliness.

After a while, Jin Ying on the stage said, "Geniuses, I'm serving the Enlightenment tea from Guanghan Palace."

After finishing speaking, she waved her jade hand lightly, and saw hundreds of delicate and charming Guanghan Palace beauties flying from a distance like clouds, and landed on the table in front of Shen Yu and the others. Each holds a delicate teapot.

These beauties put the teapots in their hands in front of Shen Yu and other geniuses, then left without saying a word.

Just looking at the exquisite teapot in front of Shen Yu and other geniuses, the tens of thousands of monks in the auditorium, no matter if they are senior seniors or young geniuses, all showed a strong fiery look in their eyes.

"Is that Enlightenment tea? I really want to drink it! I don't know what it tastes like."

"I'm afraid you will be unlucky in this life. With your talent, it is impossible for you to enter the top ten of the tea ceremony in your lifetime."

"If it wasn't for the Guanghan Palace's inner sect not accepting male disciples, I would definitely join them!"

"I'm envious of these geniuses! The talent is already high, but now there is enlightenment tea to drink, I'm afraid the gap will not be able to catch up!"


The audience in the auditorium kept sighing, but the top [-] contestants of the tea ceremony turned a blind eye. Their attention had already been attracted by the enlightenment tea in front of them, and some people even couldn't help but started drinking it.

Although some of them, like Li Buyi, are not drinking Enlightenment Tea for the first time, and the benefits they can bring to them from drinking it again this time are not as good as before, but they are still very happy in their hearts.

Comprehension is such a thing, even if it only increases a little, it can make people so happy that they can't sleep. Who would think that their comprehension is high?
Bi Luo smiled at Shen Yu who was beside him: "This Enlightenment tea is brewed from the ten-thousand-year-old tea collected by the seniors of my sect on the Daxue Mountain behind Guanghan Palace. The Daxue Mountain is cold all year round, and only the best quality cold tea trees can grow there.

The yield of those cold tea trees is very low, less than [-] catties of tea can be harvested in a hundred years, and even a catty of tea can not be harvested in a year on average, so this Enlightenment tea is extremely precious even to my disciples of Guanghan Palace . "

Guanghan Palace does not count the outer disciples, there are tens of thousands of inner disciples alone, and there are only less than a hundred catties of Enlightenment tea in a hundred years. It is true that not everyone can enjoy it. I am afraid that only the core disciples like Biluo, who usually to drink.

However, although this kind of thing is precious, it is useless to Shen Yu. He has the memory of two people, the Qilin Demon Saint and the Heavenly Emperor Shen Yu, and he also understands the two laws. His understanding is already very high. .

But no matter how you say, this is also the treasure of Guanghan Palace, so let's treat it as a thirst quencher!Taste is fine too.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for himself. He picked up the teacup and drank the tea into his mouth. He felt a burst of coolness all over his body, as if he was in the middle of a snow-capped mountain. heart soaring.

"How is it? Not bad!"

Seeing a hint of intoxication on Shen Yu's face, Bi Luo asked with some hope.

Shen Yu said noncommittally: "Well, the taste is not bad, wait until the business here is over, pack a bag for me!"

Although I can no longer use this enlightenment tea, I still have a few apprentices!Fang Bai, Luo Hua, Ling'er, and Murong Feixue's comprehension can only be regarded as mediocre, so let them drink some, the effect should be better.

Biluo had just taken a sip of enlightenment tea, and almost spit it out again, she said in disbelief: "Hey, brother, do you think this is rice flour? I'll give you back ten catties, even if it's me, I won't be able to divide it every hundred years." It's up to two catties."

On weekdays, Bi Luo is very precious to this Enlightenment tea, even those senior sisters and sisters of the same school, don't even think about taking anything away from her, Shen Yu actually wants to take away a lot of it from their Guanghan Palace, Are you kidding me!
Shen Yu didn't go to argue with her either. Although this girl was ordered by her master to invite him to the tea ceremony, she probably didn't know that Shen Yu had already faintly noticed her position in Jin Ying's heart. Jin Ying's purpose.

According to the current situation around Lun Dao Mountain, I am afraid that she is doing it to let herself block some disasters for her!
So as long as Shen Yu opens his mouth, let alone ten catties of enlightenment tea, even if she is asked to give him one hundred catties, she will not refuse.

At this time, many geniuses who participated in the tea ceremony had already drank the Enlightenment tea in front of them, and then showed satisfied smiles on their faces. Looking at the expressions on their faces, it seems that everyone has gained a lot.

It is estimated that after this tea ceremony, many people will break through!
Seeing this, Jin Ying said with a slight smile on her face: "Everyone, since you have already drunk the enlightenment tea, let's start the highlight of this tea ceremony! Now the tea ceremony will officially start the top [-] qualifying competition, please turn over Look at the number plate in front of you!"

As she spoke, Jin Ying waved her hand lightly, and then a bronze number plate appeared in front of them with numbers written on it.

The rules of the top [-] qualifying competition, each person has a number, from No. [-] to No. [-], the first match is No. [-] against No. [-], and so on, one point for each win, zero for the loser point.

After one round of competition is over and everyone has participated in the battle, the second round starts again. Such a rule will lead to the slow progress of the top [-] qualifying match, so the top [-] qualifying match will often last for several days as long as.

(End of this chapter)

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