Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 641 The Unicorn Arm

Chapter 641 The Unicorn Arm

Shen Yu gently picked up the bronze number plate in front of him, and then a strange look appeared on his face, the number plate actually had number one written on it.

My luck is really against the sky!It turned out to be the first one to appear again. Could it be that Jin Ying planned it in advance?
But if you think about it carefully, it shouldn't be so. There are more than tens of thousands of people watching the battle at this moment, and there are many Hunyuan Taiyi Jinxians among them. benefit.

"Junior Brother Yushen, what's your number?"

Ming Que on the other side glanced at the number on his bronze medal, saw that it was 78, and then transmitted it to Shen Yu.

Shen Yu responded with a light smile: "My luck seems to be very good, I actually got number one, haha..."

Although he was the first to appear, Shen Yu didn't feel any pressure. He had long regarded the tea ceremony as a game. No matter who the opponent was, he could easily defeat or even kill him.

Seeing it, Mingque, who was not aware of it, said worriedly: "I don't know who your opponent is. If your opponent is too strong later, let's change the number and I will call for you." This one."

Although Ming Que knows that Shen Yu is very strong, but she cares about it. In her heart, Shen Yu's cultivation base is only the ninth floor of the Golden Wonderland after all, and he has no advantage over anyone. The fairyland is Shen Yu.

But Shen Yu smiled confidently: "It's okay, no one is my opponent in this tea ceremony, I have my own measure."

Ming Que didn't know that Shen Yu had broken through to the middle stage of the Taiyi Gold Wonderland, Bi Luo seemed to see that the two were talking, and this time he didn't hide it, just smiled: "Yu God, my number is 99, almost Collided with you."

Now Shen Yu knew that Guanghan Palace hadn't tampered with the number, otherwise it wouldn't be such a mess.

At this time, Jin Ying, who had already retreated to the referee's seat, said loudly, "Contestants No. [-] and No. [-] please come on stage!"

As soon as the words fell, a man from the Sword Clan with a long knife about a foot long on his back jumped onto the competition stage, with a cold smile on his lips, he said, "I don't know who my opponent is, it's really unfortunate!" , come up!"

Seeing this sword clan man appear on the stage, the audience in the auditorium took a deep breath. They didn't expect that the number [-] turned out to be an extremely cruel sword wielder. They didn't know who his opponent was, and they were so unlucky. .

Needless to say, how fierce these seven sword-wielding men were, all opponents encountered in the second stage were beheaded by them.

Shen Yu looked at the sword clan man standing on the competition stage, with a bright smile on his mouth, he was really lucky to meet a sword clan man, this is the opponent he most wanted to meet!
If this knife clan man is killed, I don't know what expressions those sword clan masters behind the scenes will have.

Thinking of this, he got up and was about to fly to the competition arena. Mingque said worriedly from the side: "Junior Brother Yushen, be careful."

It's not just her, Bi Luo's face also showed a dignified look, she didn't expect Shen Yu to encounter a hard stubble in the first battle.

Shen Yu nodded, and then flew down onto the martial arts arena. As soon as he arrived at the martial arts arena, there were exclamations from all around.

"I didn't expect that this first battle would be Feather God fighting against the mysterious man wielding a sword. What a wonderful battle!"

"I don't know what treasure this Feather God will bring out this time. I'm more curious about how many innate treasures he has than his combat power!"

"I don't want him to use the Xiantian Lingbao again. This will make this competition more exciting, don't you think so!"

"In any case, this battle is very interesting!"


Li Buyi and the others saw that the two sides in the battle were actually Shen Yu and the Dao clan man, and they were all relieved. These two were their arch enemies, and it was a blessing that they didn't meet in the first round.

Jin Ying looked at Shen Yu's figure and murmured to herself: "I met these people in the first battle, Heavenly Emperor, you won't let me down!"

The knife clan man on the martial arts stage looked at Shen Yu in front of him and said with a smile: "I am so lucky that I met you in the first battle, why don't you give me all the innate treasures in your hand, I can spare you You die!"

Shen Yu also responded with a sneer and said: "Kill me? I want to see if you have such abilities. Stop talking nonsense and do it!"

A strong killing intent erupted from the sword clan man, and then he looked at Shen Yu indifferently and said, "Since you refuse to take the initiative to hand over those spiritual treasures, I will kill you and then seize the treasures! Remember, my name is Dao Chi, it is your honor to die in my hands today."

After Dao Chi finished speaking, he took out the Zhangxu long knife on his back, held the handle of the knife with both hands and gave a soft drink, and saw that the long knife grew three feet again in an instant, and the blade was covered with a thick black aura, as if Like a magic knife in hell.

Then Dao Chi's body jumped forward suddenly, his body was like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, and he slammed forward, and the long knife in his hand was also swept up in a black wind in an instant. The snow rolled up.

Seeing Dao Chi erupting with such a huge momentum, and the cultivation base of the late stage of the Taiyi Gold Fairyland pouring out without reservation, everyone suddenly showed panic.

The few members of the Sword Clan sitting on the clouds had a sneer of complacency on their faces. These idiots from the lower world really thought that their great Sword Clan members were not as good as them, right?

People of the sword clan, if they take out one casually, their cultivation base will not be inferior to them, and their combat power will be several times stronger. Now that their true strength has exploded, let these people in the lower world face the fear well!

Bi Luo and Ming Que looked at the competition stage with worries on their faces. They had known for a long time that the man with the long knife on his back was extremely powerful, but they didn't expect to be so strong that they even hid their cultivation. .

Suddenly, both of them began to worry about Shen Yu, hoping that the innate spirit treasure in Shen Yu's hands could protect him well!
But at this moment, Shen Yu on the martial arts arena did not show the slightest fear on his face, instead he was calm as usual. He looked at the strong wind blowing in front of him, and the fierce-faced Dao Chi who was holding a long knife in the strong wind, with a trace of disdain on the corner of his mouth .

With this little strength, he dared to boast in front of him. He was really overconfident. Who did he think he was facing.

Just when the several feet long blade in Dao Chi's hand hit the top of Shen Yu's head, Shen Yu stretched out his hand suddenly, and the arm was covered with black scales, which suddenly became five feet long. One foot thick, like the arm of a unicorn.

This arm grabbed the blade of Dao Chi's long knife, and the storm on the competition stage dissipated without a trace in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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