Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 725 Let the Apprentice Serve You

Chapter 725 Let the Apprentice Serve You
The action of subduing the void world was smoother than expected. Of course, this is also because Shen Yu's previous calculations were relatively sufficient, so it has such an effect. something.

Shen Yu slowly descended from the sky, and the rulers of the three major forces also followed.

After Shen Yu landed on the ground, he turned his head to look at Long Bufan, the Emperor of the Demon Saint Dynasty who was following him, and said bluntly: "Long Bufan, your Demon Saint Dynasty should have inherited the mantle of the Qilin Demon Saint!"

Long Bufan was slightly taken aback, then nodded, cupped his hands and said: "Yes, Lord Heavenly Emperor, according to the remaining records of the Yaosheng Dynasty, the current Yaosheng Dynasty was indeed established on the former site of the Yaoyu.

At that time, there was civil strife in the demon domain, and all the powerful clans of the demon clan were wiped out by the disciple of the unicorn demon saint. In the end, our black dragon clan took advantage of it and established the current demon saint on the basis of the demon domain established by the unicorn demon saint. dynasty. "

Hearing this, Shen Yu nodded and said: "Well, I have some fate with the Qilin Demon Saint, so I'm going to your Demon Saint Dynasty to find some things he left behind. After the things here are over, you take me to the Demon Saint Dynasty. Holy Dynasty!"

Hearing this, Long Bufan was startled. The Heavenly Emperor Shen Yu had something to do with the Qilin Demon Saint 1000 million years ago?
If this is the case, perhaps his origin is far more terrifying than what is shown now. Although the Emperor of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is very famous, in the eyes of monks in the void of heaven, the Qilin Demon Saint is always an unsurpassable existence.

After 1000 million years, it is really surprising that someone came forward and said that it was related to the Qilin Demon Saint.

Not only Long Bufan, but even the eyes of Jin Ying and Ming Jiuyou were full of deep surprise.

Shen Yu didn't explain much to these people, and sometimes keeping a little bit of mystery would be more effective.

He turned to the three of Jin Ying and said: "The three of you are all giants of the nihilistic heaven, and you need a lot of help from the three of you to make the entire nihilistic monks loyal to the heaven, and it is best to spread this matter to the four directions as soon as possible.

In addition, I have already said before that to build a new Heavenly Court on the former site of the Immortal Sect. Now that the masters of the Immortal Sect have been killed, it should not be considered a big deal for you to subdue the remaining disciples of the Immortal Sect. Difficult! "

The three of them nodded hurriedly, and Jin Ying said: "My lord, please rest assured, the three parties will immediately send people to subdue the Immortal Sect."

Shen Yu nodded, then smiled and said to Li Buyi and Xue Yuan who were at a loss in the distance: "Li Buyi, Xue Yuan, now that the Immortal Gate has become history, what are you two going to do?"

Li Buyi and Xueyuan looked at each other, and they both saw bitterness in each other's eyes. Strictly speaking, Shen Yu was the one who indirectly destroyed the Immortal Sect, but the Immortal Sect did betray the Void Heaven Realm, and they couldn't blame it. Shen Yu.

Seeing that the two of them were silent and their faces were full of conflicts, Shen Yu continued: "Since you two don't know how to choose, then I will make the decision for you, and you can join the Heavenly Court! This can also persuade Immortal No one involved in the mutiny.

I've already said that I still have a lot of things to do, and I won't waste too much time trying to subdue the nothingness of the heavenly realm. If the remaining people in the Immortal Gate refuse to surrender, I will kill them. Please help me persuade them. Can save their lives! "

After what Shen Yu said, the two of them really moved their hearts, and let them watch the younger brother and younger sister of the Immortal Sect die, but they couldn't bear it. After a while, the two nodded in unison and agreed to Shen Yu.

Shen Yu nodded in satisfaction, and then said to the five great generals in the Heavenly Court: "Yang Jian, you all go to the Immortal Gate together, and you must establish the Heavenly Court of the Void Heavenly Realm as quickly as possible."

The five of them clasped their hands together and said, "I respect the decree of the Emperor of Heaven!"

At the same time, the three of Jin Ying also counted all the masters under their sect who had not suffered major damage, a total of [-], the weakest one was Taiyi Jinxian, and there were no less than [-] in Hunyuan Taiyi Jinxianjing.

After the Five Great Wars led these people and Li Buyi and Xue Yuan to leave, Guanshiyin and Zhen Yuanzi came to Shen Yu's side, Guanshiyin said: "Your Majesty, the injuries of the Tathagatas have been stabilized for the time being, but they still need to cultivate for a while." fan."

In this battle against the Emperor of Jiujiang, Yang Jian and the other Hunyuan Taiyi Golden Immortals did not suffer much damage. Lu Ya and the other five Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxians were the most injured. Almost everyone had more than one wound on their bodies. or less injury.

Shen Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's good that the injuries are stable, let's find a place for them to recuperate first! Anyway, the order from the Heavenly Court to subdue the Void Heavenly Realm hasn't been spread yet, so these few days should be very leisurely."

After Shen Yu's words fell, Jin Ying said: "Your Majesty, this place is not far from our Guanghan Palace, why don't you go to our Guanghan Palace first! It's not too late for you to go to the new site of Tianting after the Immortal Gate is rectified. .”

The tea ceremony was held by Guanghan Palace, so it is only less than [-] miles away from Guanghan Palace, and it can be reached in a short time.

Shen Yu pondered for a moment, and then said: "That's fine, then let's go to Guanghan Palace to bother."

Avalokitesvara and others have to recuperate from their injuries, Guanghan Palace can be their temporary foothold.

Jin Ying was overjoyed when she heard the words, now Shen Yu is the new master of the void world, whoever can build a good relationship with Shen Yu will be able to take the lead in the new pattern of the void world in the future, now Guanghan Palace obviously takes the lead machine.

Jin Ying, who was excited in her heart, hurriedly said while the iron was hot: "Your Majesty, the first time you came to Guanghan Palace, let the little disciple Biluo serve you. If you need anything, just tell her, Biluo, listen! Reached?"

After finishing speaking, Jin Ying gave Shen Yu an ambiguous look, which made Shen Yu speechless.

Lord of the Golden Palace!Don't lie to me, several of my women are standing by my side, it's not good for you to seduce me with Biluo like this!These women like me are not easy to mess with, be careful that they kill you.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu hurriedly looked at Daji and Qiong Xiao, only to find that the two snorted coldly, ignored Shen Yu, and flew directly back to the building where Luo Ya lived before, dissatisfied, beyond words.

Ming Que covered her mouth and chuckled lightly, and then teased: "Master, it seems that you in this life are not as chic as in the previous life. There are a few more mistresses, and they still control you very tightly, hehe... "

Shen Yu knocked on her head angrily and said: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, they are just playing around, let's go to Guanghan Palace first."

Bi Luo, who was at a loss at the side, heard the words, and hurried forward and said, "Please, Your Majesty the Emperor of Heaven!"

(End of this chapter)

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