Chapter 726

All the disciples and masters from various factions on Lun Dao Mountain dispersed, and Shen Yu and his party also followed Jin Ying to Guanghan Palace.

After the Great War, Lun Dao Mountain has turned into a barren area, and the area within a radius of ten thousand miles has been razed to the ground. All living things in this area are extinct. From today onwards, there may be no more Lun Dao Mountain and the Tea Ceremony. .

This is the difference between this world and the Chinese world of cultivating immortals. This place is obviously more cruel.

Under the leadership of Jin Ying, it took less than three hours for Shen Yu and his party to arrive at Guanghan Palace, this sect floating in the sky at an altitude of [-] meters. Some surprised.

There are no less than a thousand palaces in the Guanghan Palace, all of which are floating above the clouds. Among the palaces, many graceful fairies in light gauze shuttle among them. cold meaning.

As the most distinguished guest of Guanghan Palace, Shen Yu naturally lived in the most luxurious room in the entire Guanghan Palace.

I don't know if it's because Shen Yu has been messing around too much during this time, making Daji, Qiong Xiao and Nangong Wushuang three women jealous. These three women directly brought Zhao Linger to live in a palace, so they didn't want to take advantage of Shen Yu Chance.

Shen Yu was also very helpless in his heart, he finally ended a major event and resolved a huge crisis, he wanted to have a good time with them tonight, relax and relax, but now everything is in vain.

Although Guanghan Palace is a sect composed of women, there are beauties in the sect, and as long as Shen Yu hooks his fingers, these women will be eager to lie on his bed, but Shen Yu is very fond of these vulgar fans. I'm really not interested.

Although these women are beautiful, they are not at the same level as Daji's daughters.

After Ming Que came to Guanghan Palace, he found a palace by himself, and went to review the immortal techniques of his previous life. Everyone else had their own affairs. Suddenly, Shen Yu became a loner.

"Hey, it's rare to be quiet! Let's sort out the harvest of these days!"

Shen Yu made a joke, and then said to the system in his heart: "System, isn't the saint realm above the Hunyuan Daluojin fairyland? Why is there suddenly another semi-sacred realm? What kind of realm is this?"

When fighting against the clone of the Emperor Jiujiang, Pan Gu once said that the clone of the Emperor Jiujiang was in the semi-sacred realm. At that time, Shen Yu was very curious. However, Pangu suffered a lot from that battle, and he was recuperating at the moment, so Shen Yu was also embarrassed. bother him.

And at that time, Shen Yu tried to summon Kong Xuan, but the summoning failed, which was also a strange thing, because at that time, he was concerned about the affairs of the Emperor of Jiujiang, so he didn't have time to figure out many things.

The system replied: "The host should know the necessary conditions for becoming a saint in the world of Chinese mythology! One is merit, the other is to kill three corpses, and the third is to have the primordial purple energy. If one of the three is missing, one cannot be promoted to the saint realm. .

The semi-sacred realm is actually the consummation of the Hunyuan Daluojin fairyland that has reached one of the three. The reason why the host did not summon Kong Xuan is because Kong Xuan satisfied the semi-sacred realm of one of the three. strong.

Strictly speaking, the semi-sacred realm powerhouse still belongs to the category of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The semi-sacred realm is rarely mentioned in Chinese mythology, but in this world, it is a real realm of existence.

Therefore, the host's summoning of semi-sacred realm powerhouses is the same as summoning Hunyuan Daluojin Fairyland. It costs 300 billion faith points at a time, but if it is designated for summoning, it cannot be designated for summoning a powerhouse of this level.

To put it simply, you must use a random summon with 300 billion faith points to summon a semi-holy strong man, but you cannot perform a designated summon. Now you know why Kong Xuan cannot be summoned! "

Shen Yu nodded thoughtfully. He didn't expect Kong Xuan to be a semi-holy strong man who had cut off all three corpses. No wonder he was so awesome in Fengshen. He was not sanctified, what he lacked was only enough merit and virtue Hongmeng Ziqi became angry.

Thinking about it this way, the three holy emperors of Huoyun Cave should also be semi-sacred realm powerhouses, and the three of them have accounted for the merits.

After understanding this point, Shen Yu didn't feel that the system was so flawed, and even felt a little bit of taking advantage. After all, spending 300 billion faith points to summon a semi-holy powerhouse, isn't it just taking advantage of it?
After figuring this out, Shen Yu took a look at his existing resources again. Whether it was opportunities for identity fusion or opportunities for true awakening, they had been accumulated several times. They were enough in a short period of time, and even the faith value was accumulated again. Quite a lot.

At this tea ceremony meeting, Shen Yu triggered a lot of tasks, and the faith points that have been used up have now accumulated almost 500 billion, and the next activation of the system's new functions is only one step away.

"The next true awakening and identity fusion will be used on Monkey King! I don't know how far he can go."

After Shen Yu pondered for a while, he muttered to himself, and then took out another card, which was the magic weapon summoning card he had obtained before. On the summoning card was a blood-colored spear painted on it, with killing words written on the side. Sharpshooter three words.

"Damn it, a first-class innate spirit treasure unexpectedly exploded, so awesome!"

When Shen Yu saw the words "God Killing Spear", a bright light flashed in his eyes. He had heard the name of "God Killing Spear" for a long time.

It is rumored that this thing is made up of the filthy air of the world. Except for the merits and protection of the saints, the real body can be destroyed. So far, except for the innate treasure that was obtained by accident, the God Killing Spear is the highest level he has seen. treasures.

The most powerful treasure Shen Yu had seen before was Yunxiao's Hunyuan Jindou, which was a second-class innate spirit treasure.

With this treasure, even if his cultivation is limited, he can still hurt anyone below the Saint Realm without the help of the Sky Opening Axe.

"System, hurry up, summon the God-killing Spear!"

Shen Yu couldn't wait to say, the voice fell, a blood-colored long spear weighing hundreds of thousands of catties, more than a foot long, appeared in his hand, just holding the long spear, Shen Yu felt evil spirits invaded his heart, A feeling of being lost.

What a peerless weapon!
"Your Majesty, are you there? May I come in?"

At this moment, a crisp voice suddenly came from outside the palace, and Shen Yu immediately recognized that it was Bi Luo.

He came back to his senses, put away the god-killing gun in his hand, coughed lightly and said, "Come in!"

After the words were finished, the pretty Biluo pushed the door in from outside the palace and walked in. Seeing Shen Yu sitting on the throne, she hurriedly knelt down on one knee and said, "Biluo of Guanghan Palace, I have seen His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven."

Seeing it, Shen Yu couldn't help teasing: "Get up! Fairy Bi Luo was not like this before, why is she so born now?"

Hearing this, Biluo stood up and said casually: "Can this be the same? You are the master of the void heaven now, no one dares to offend, my master told me to serve you carefully, don't provoke you, Dare I be unrestrained?"

(End of this chapter)

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