Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 79 Challenge Xiongba

Chapter 79 Challenge Xiongba
In the space-time room on Qianli Peak, Shen Yu was training in Fengyun World. Three years in Fengyun World was equal to one hour in the outside world. This time Shen Yu directly entered Fengyun World for two hours, which was equivalent to six years. In Fengyun World, he also made a perfect breakthrough from Qi training to foundation building.

After breaking through and building the foundation successfully, Shen Yu challenged the big boss Xiongba in Fengyun World.

There are a few people in Fengyun World whose strength is quite good, like Wuming, Juggernaut, and others, who have almost reached the late stage of foundation establishment, but there are no Di Shitian and top ten warriors in the currently opened Fengyun World, otherwise these people's The strength has probably reached the bigu stage.

The reason why he challenged Xiongba was that Shen Yu wanted to verify his real combat strength. In the past few years of experience in Fengyun World, he also experienced countless battles, but every time he relied on his realm to crush his opponents, he had not yet followed He has fought against masters of the same level, and now Xiongba is a good opponent.

On the top of the Buddha next to Lingyun Grotto, Shen Yu and Xiongba stood facing each other, their clothes and hair were blown by the strong wind.

Xiong Ba stared at Shen Yu in front of him, and said with a gloomy expression: "I never expected, Shen Yu, that you would be the most hidden person in the Tianxiahui. This old man always thought that only Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun were my threats." , but I didn't expect that it was you who stood in front of me in the end, and it was the old man who underestimated you."

After Shen Yu entered Fengyun World, he joined Tianxiahui, and then grew up step by step in Tianxiahui. Although Xiongba had noticed him a long time ago, he cared more about Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun in Ni Bodhisattva's comments. It was too low-key, even worse than Duan Lang, and later he stopped paying attention to Shen Yu.

What he didn't expect was that after he used Kong Ci to force Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun away, the inconspicuous Shen Yu suddenly defeated Qin Shuang, took his daughter You Ruo away, and then made an appointment with Qin Shuang. He faced off on the top of the Buddha, as long as Xiong Ba won him, Shen Yu would let You Ruo go.

Although Xiongba is a cold-hearted hero, he still has very deep feelings for his daughter, so he accepted Shen Yu's challenge.

Shen Yu looked at Xiongba, smiled lightly, and said, "Guangzhu Xiong's vision is naturally correct, and I didn't mean to threaten you. I'm asking you to fight today. I just feel that there are not many people in this world who are qualified to be my opponents." , I can only verify my strength from you, as long as you can defeat me, I will let You Ruo go."

Xiongba snorted coldly and said: "You are really boastful, this leader wants to see if you are as powerful as you boast."

After finishing speaking, Xiongba circulated his whole body's true energy, and then punched Shen Yu.

"Sky Frost Fist!"

Xiongba let out a low growl, and the icy breath that seemed to be able to freeze everything rushed towards Shen Yu.

Shen Yu didn't change his face, he moved his feet, turned his Fengshen legs, his body disappeared from the spot, flew into the sky, and avoided Xiongba's Tianshuang fist.

As soon as his body left, the place where he was standing was already covered with a thick layer of frost. A little later, he would be frozen into an ice sculpture.

Xiongba's three unique skills are mutual generation and mutual restraint. Tianshuang Fist restrains Paiyun Palm, Paiyun Palm restrains Fengshen Leg, and Fengshen Leg restrains Tianshuang Fist.

"Fengshen Legs!"

After dodging Tianshuang's fist relying on Fengshen's legs, Shen Yu's body swayed gently in the sky, kicked out several powerful arc-shaped winds one after another, and quickly attacked Xiongba.

Xiongba frowned slightly, although he had already expected that Shen Yu might have learned the three great skills secretly, but when Shen Yu used it, he was still a little surprised.

However, he wasn't too afraid. Looking at the several winds flying towards him, Xiongba stood in place, his legs were motionless, and his palms suddenly slapped forward.

"Cloud Dispelling Palm!"

Cloud Pai Palm is like an endless stormy sea, with wave after wave of palm strength, and it can cover a large area. No matter how fast the Fengshen's legs are, they can't escape from the sea-like ocean of palm strength, and they may even be caught by the sea. The cloud-dispelling palm was dragged into the palm strength, sinking deeper and deeper.

Moreover, Shen Yu was in the air at this time, and had no focus, so he couldn't use Fengshen's leg to get away quickly again. He had just lost his previous strength, and the new strength was not yet generated, so he couldn't quickly launch Tianshuang Fist for a while, so his current situation can be said to be very serious. dangerous.

Xiongba naturally knew this very well, so he looked at Shen Yu floating like duckweed in the palm of Paiyun Palm, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the confrontation just now, the strength of Shen Yu's true energy really shocked Xiong Ba, and he was no longer inferior to himself, but when it comes to understanding the three great skills, Xiong Ba was better than Shen Yu after all, that's why he first It is better to strike first, and attack Shen Yu first.

But at this moment, Shen Yu, who was like a duckweed in the palm of the sky, suddenly turned into a golden light, and disappeared from Xiongba's sight out of thin air.

"Sky Frost Fist!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a low shouting sound, and Shen Yu, who appeared on the river below the Buddha at some unknown time, punched the head of the [-]-meter-high Buddha.

In just one breath, the huge head of the stone Buddha was actually frozen by frost.

Xiongba's reaction was also quick, relying on Fengshen's legs, he appeared in the sky in an instant, avoiding the freezing of Tianshuang's fist.

Then Xiongba, whose body was temporarily floating in the sky, suddenly appeared a nearly transparent round water ball between his hands.

"Three points return to vitality!"

Xiongba let out a loud shout, and smashed the ball in his hand into the river a hundred meters below.

Shen Yu looked at the dropped water polo, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he murmured: "It's finally done."

One of the purposes of Shen Yu's fight with Xiongba today is to see Xiongba's three-point return to vitality.

Xiongba attaches great importance to the three-point return to vitality, and rarely uses it in front of people, and even hides the cheats very secretly. Shen Yu has never had the chance to see it, and today he can finally see the true face of the three-point return to vitality.

"Longitudinal golden light!"

Shen Yu once again used the Zongdi golden light to disappear from the river. This spell is like a bug in the Fengyun world that is not the world of cultivating immortals. Although Shen Yu has only learned a little bit, it is enough to deal with Xiongba.

Three points of vitality hit the river surface, and there was a deafening violent explosion on the river surface. More than a dozen waves tens of meters high exploded on the water surface, and even the water level of the river increased a lot. The scene was majestic and spectacular.

At the same time, Xiongba's body swung down from the sky and landed on the soles of the Buddha's bottom, squinting at the river surface filled with mist!

But at this moment, a low voice suddenly came from behind the water mist: "Three points to the vitality!"

Xiongba was startled suddenly, before he could react, a water polo flew out from behind the water mist, and hit Xiongba's chest heavily, Xiongba was caught off guard, his body flew upside down, smashing hard On the stone wall behind him.

Xiong Ba spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face instantly turned pale. He knelt down on one knee, staring at the front, and said in disbelief: "How is that possible? When did you learn how to return three points to your vitality!"

 The function of the Internet cafe has been modified and changed to a virtual small world, everyone rests!
(End of this chapter)

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