Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 80 Fire Unicorn

Chapter 80 Fire Unicorn

Shen Yu's body slowly floated down in front of Xiongba, and said with a faint smile, "How is it, Chief Xiong?"

Xiongba raised his head and looked at Shen Yu, with a trace of unwillingness on his face, he said: "When did you steal my three-point return to vitality?"

There was a hint of complacency on Shen Yu's face, and he said, "It was Master Xiong who taught me just now!"

Xiongba frowned slightly, and said: "You just watched me use the three-point return to vitality, and you have already learned it. How is this possible?"

The three-point return to vitality is to closely coordinate the three unique skills of Tianshuangquan, Fengshen Kick, and Paiyun Palm. Under the combined use of the three unique techniques, they are violently struck from different directions, and at the same time complement each other internally and externally, and the three elements flow, so as to achieve It can be said that it is the best martial arts in the realm of natural transformation and endless life.

And Xiongba's self-created three-point return to the original is actually more properly called the three-element unity, which completely combines the long legs of the Fengshen, the fierceness of the cloud-dispelling palm, and the yin and cold internal force of the Tianshuang Fist into a set of three-point return to vitality , and then use the essence of the three unique moves to derive a three-point magic finger that is even better than the three unique martial arts.

At the same time, the three-point return to vitality can completely decompose anything or skills, and it also has the miraculous effect of sealing acupoints to stop bleeding, removing decay and promoting muscle growth.

How could it be possible for Xiongba to learn the tricks that Xiongba has painstakingly created just by watching them once?

He didn't know that Shen Yu came from the world of cultivating immortals in the mainland of Kyushu. He had seen more subtle spells, and his vision had been greatly improved, so he could easily see the essence of martial arts that was one level lower than spells. It can also be easily imitated.

Of course, even though Shen Yu, whose cultivation level was only a small level higher than Xiongba's, defeated Xiongba, it was not as easy as it seemed on the surface.Continuously performing big moves, especially the two consecutive golden lights, consumed a huge amount of true energy, and two-thirds of the true energy in his body had been consumed.

Shen Yu didn't explain to Xiongba, but said: "Xiongba, you are indeed a martial arts prodigy, and even a deep-rooted hero, but your vision is too low. If your vision can be higher, don't be obsessed with the world of fighting for hegemony." World, maybe one day, you will be able to break through the limits of this world."

Shen Yu still admires Xiongba, although this person is cold-hearted, but he is not lacking in a hero, so he can be counted as pointing out a way for him!

I hope that after hearing today's words, he can have an epiphany and stop going down the old path of being killed by Fengyun.

Xiong Ba was slightly taken aback, and the expression on his face became complicated, as if he was deep in thought.

"You Ruo has been sent back by me. My purpose is just to let you compete with me. Now that I have figured out my combat strength, let's go first."

After Shen Yu finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave, but at this moment, a trace of cold sweat suddenly appeared on his back, and his heart trembled violently.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

A low roar came from the Lingyun Grotto beside him, and they were slowly approaching him, which made Shen Yu frowned deeply.

What's the matter with this feeling, it seems that something has threatened my safety, and now I have completed my foundation.

Is there anything else in this world that threatens me?
A moment later, a thick heat came out from the cave of Lingyun Grotto, which made Shen Yu's heart tremble.

"The knees of the Buddha were flooded with water, and the Lingyun Cave was burned! Could it be... not good!"

Shen Yu's face changed suddenly, and then he lifted Xiongba who was seriously injured beside him, and once again cast the vertical golden light, appearing on the opposite side of the river in the blink of an eye.

The moment he left, a three-meter-tall, four-to-five-meter-long giant beast blazing with red flames rushed out of Lingyun Grotto. scorched earth.

The giant beast disappeared in a flash, flashed in front of Xiong Ba and Shen Yu, and then returned to Lingyun Grotto with thick flames, and everything returned to calm again.

"Huo Qilin, it turns out that there really is a fire unicorn in this world, but how could such a legendary beast like Qilin appear in such a world? And its strength is so low that it will die in the hands of Nie Feng later."

Hearing this, Xiongba said with a trace of shock: "Why, do you know the strange beast in Lingyun Grotto?"

Shen Yu nodded, and said: "Your current strength is not enough to compete with this fire unicorn, so you should come here less in the future!"

Xiongba nodded with a complex expression, and then asked: "The one you escaped from my Cloud Pailing Palm and the Three Points Returning to Yuanqi before was the martial arts you just performed?"

Just now Shen Yu displayed the vertical golden light and led Xiongba to escape from the entrance of Lingyun Grotto, allowing Xiongba to see a power that he had never seen before, which seemed to have completely surpassed the scope of martial arts, allowing Xiongba to see a whole new world.

Shen Yu smiled and said: "If you want to learn this supernatural power, find a way to improve your strength and leave this world as soon as possible!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Yu's figure disappeared in front of Xiongba, and left Fengyun World.

After Shen Yu came out of Fengyun World, Zhao Yun was waiting for him outside the space-time room. When he saw Shen Yu appearing, he stepped forward and said, "Master, Ye Chaotian has just sent news that Fang Zhiyun, the master of the Yun Kingdom, brought A few subordinates have come to Daxia Guoxing Master to question their crimes, and they are now in the Daxia Palace."


In the Jinluan Hall of the Great Xia Kingdom's Imperial Palace, Fang Zhiyun just glanced at Ye Chaotian indifferently, then waved his hand to make the servant retreat.

He stood up, looked at Ye Chaotian and said, "Ye Chaotian, I didn't come here today to show respect to you. Tell me, how did Prince Yunfeng die?"

Fang Zhiyun did not blame Ye Chaotian for Yunfeng's death. He knew very well that the strongest member of the Ye family was only in the Bigu period. The Ye family can be formidable.

Ye Chaotian squinted at Fang Zhiyun, and said in an indifferent voice: "Yunfeng had mischievous intentions in my Great Xia Palace, and has already been killed by my palace guards."

Hearing this, Fang Zhiyun immediately showed a strong murderous look on his face. He stared at Ye Chaotian fiercely, and said, "Ye Chaotian, I advise you to think clearly before answering. Kill my prince of Yun Kingdom. Your Ye family can't afford the crime, don't think I don't know, what kind of thing is your Ye family that can kill my Prince Yun?
If it wasn't for finding out the real cause of the prince's death and bringing the murderer to justice, do you think I would still be so polite to you?Let me ask you again, who killed the prince? If you don’t answer me again, I will kill you now, and then I, the master of Yun Kingdom, will come and slaughter all the people of your Great Xia. Funeral! "

As soon as Fang Zhiyun's words fell, the violent aura surged out of his body, pressing down on Ye Chaotian fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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