Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 91 Identity Exposure

Chapter 91 Identity Exposure
A thunderous sound exploded in the sky, stopping the movements of Yun Ge and Yao Sheng's hands, and Shen Yu also suspended the action of summoning Black and White Impermanence.

Everyone looked up at the sky, only to see a 50-year-old man in a golden robe with an indifferent face, looking down on the people below like a god.

Shen Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was flying through the clouds. He didn't expect that besides Luo Ya and Cang Qiong, Cangnan College actually had monks above the Golden Core Stage.

Murong Feixue walked to Shen Yu's side, and said in a low voice: "This is Ling Zhengnan, the vice president of Cangnan College, and the most powerful person in Cangnan College."

Although Cang Qiong is the dean of Cangnan College, he has long been indifferent to the affairs of the college, so the most powerful person in the college is the deputy dean Ling Zhengnan.

"Meet Dean Ling!"

Seeing Ling Zhengnan appear, the students of Cangnan College nearby all knelt on one knee, looking fiery at Ling Zhengnan in the sky.

They knew that Ling Zhengnan was a person who had reached the Great Dao of the Golden Core, a real fairy god, who was fundamentally different from ordinary people, and it was also the goal of everyone in Cangnan College.

Even a person of high status like Fan Baishan, when he saw Ling Zhengnan, put away the aloofness on his face slightly, nodded to Ling Zhengnan in the sky, and said respectfully: "Fan Baishan has met Dean Ling."

At this time, the only two people who did not salute Ling Zhengnan were Shen Yu and Murong Feixue.

Shen Yu was disdainful, a mere Golden Core Stage cultivator was not enough to make him salute, as for Murong Feixue, seeing Shen Yu standing still, that's why he lost his manners in front of Ling Zhengnan. Suddenly, she was dominated by Shen Yu.

Ling Zhengnan naturally also noticed Murong Feixue and Shen Yu who were independent, but he didn't pay attention to Murong Feixue. Murong Feixue is a genius of Cangnan College, who may surpass him in the future. It is understandable that she has some privileges.

But Shen Yu's attitude made him frown slightly, but he didn't get angry immediately, but looked at Fan Baishan and asked: "Mr. Fan, what happened here, why do I see Yun Ge and Yao Sheng Let's do it!"

Fan Baishan replied: "This person broke into Cangnan College without permission and wanted to attack my son. I just asked Yao Sheng and Yun Ge to capture him and hand him over to the college."

Damn, this Fan Baishan's ability to reverse black and white is really extraordinary!

Hearing this, Murong Feixue said anxiously: "Dean, don't listen to what Elder Fan said alone. Things are not what he said, he is..."

"If I didn't ask you, stand aside," Ling Zhengnan said coldly.

Although he valued Murong Feixue very much, it didn't mean that Murong Feixue could question him in public, it had to do with his majesty as the vice president.

After Ling Zhengnan scolded Murong Feixue, he turned to look down at Shen Yu, and said coldly: "Who are you? Why are you rude when you see me?"

Shen Yu smiled and said: "Salute? I'm afraid that with your status, you still can't afford me to salute!"

Ling Zhengnan said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Joke, apart from Dean Cang Qiong, I have no one in Great Xia Kingdom who can't afford to be a respected person."

Shen Yu shrugged helplessly, and said: "Now that you've seen it, I'm the one you can't afford to bow down to."

Hearing this, Ling Zhengnan's eyes sank, and then he asked in an indifferent voice: "Sharp teeth, tell me, who are you and why did you break into my Cangnan College? If you don't give me an explanation today, I'll make you You stay in Cangnan Academy and repent for a hundred years."

This guy is quite vicious, he wants to imprison him in the courtyard to repent for a hundred years, his heart is cruel enough.

However, Shen Yu said with disdain: "With your mere Cangnan College, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep me!"

Fan Baishan on the side said sharply: "Dean Ling, this is a dandy, unreasonable, let me take him down!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to Yunge and Yao Sheng and said, "Yunge, Yao Sheng, take this guy down for me and abolish his cultivation."

Yunge and Yao Sheng looked at each other, and seeing that Ling Zhengnan was not organized this time, they instantly moved their hands towards Shen Yu.

Shen Yu calmly said calmly: "Black and white are impermanent, lock these two people's souls to me, and leave a life for me to kill!"

As soon as his words fell, the courtyard of Cangnan College suddenly became dark and windy, and the sound of howling ghosts and wolves rang out.

"What's going on, it's so dark!"

Sensing the sudden cold air in the sky, Ling Zhengnan's complexion changed slightly, and a trace of uneasiness rose in his heart.

As for the ordinary students in Cangnan College, feeling the strong yin energy, they trembled even more.

"What's going on, why do I feel that the temperature suddenly dropped a lot!"

"I don't know, I feel like I want to run!"


"Jie Jie, someone dares to attack the head of my Ling Xiao Sect, it's really beyond their control!"

Just when everyone was frightened, the black and white impermanent body appeared in midair.

Seeing these two people appear, many young students were so frightened that the three souls lost two souls. Damn, what is this, is it a ghost?Why is it so scary long?
Black and White Impermanence didn't care about other people's eyes, the soul lock chain in his hand locked Yunge and Yao Sheng in midair with just one breath.

"Ah... this... what's going on!"

Yun Ge and Yao Sheng also noticed the appearance of Impermanence in Black and White, and when the chain of soul lock was locked on them, they instinctively wanted to run away.

But the black and white impermanence appeared too suddenly, and the speed of the soul lock chain was extremely fast, and the soul lock chain locked Yun Ge and Yao Sheng in an instant, and the two had no power to resist.

At the moment of being locked, the two screamed, the mana in the body was instantly out of control, and the soul was also pulled by the soul chain, and fled out disobediently.

The two looked at the black and white impermanence in front of them in horror, and asked in horror: "Who are you?"

Black and white Wuchang spoke at the same time, and said with a cold smile: "Impermanence is demanding your life, a ghost is seducing your soul, Ling Xiao sent Black and White Wuchang, and came here to claim your life by the order of the head!"

"Black and white are impermanent, this young man is Shen Yu from the Ling Xiao sect!"

Hearing Black and White Wuchang announce his name, Ling Zhengnan's face was shocked, and he immediately understood Shen Yu's identity.

Many people only know that Zhao Yun, the unparalleled warrior of the Lingxiao faction, easily defeated Cang Qiong, the dean of Cangnan College, but few people know that before Zhao Yun and Cang Qiong fought, Black and White Wuchang once fought against Cang Qiong, and once gained the upper hand.

After the sky came back, he told himself that Zhao Yun might not stay by Shen Yu's side all the time, but Black and White Impermanence, as a master of the underworld, could appear wherever Shen Yu appeared at any time.

But why did Shen Yu appear here?

Just when Ling Zhengnan was in shock, Shen Yu took out his Gan Jiang Sword and Mo Xie Sword, and with a light wave, the two sword qi smashed the bodies of Yunge and Yao Sheng, and at the same time, the souls of the two also shattered. Captured by the soul-locking chain, he disappeared in an instant and entered hell.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a mid-stage bigu monk and gaining 300 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a monk at the early stage of bigu and gaining 270 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through to the early stage of bigu!"

With the death of Yao Sheng and Yunge, Shen Yu also broke through to the early stage of bigu.

Shen Yu, who was in a happy mood, turned his eyes to Fan Baishan and Fan Jian, who were frightened at the moment, and said with a dangerous smile: "Now it's your turn!"

 Fifth update, everyone’s suggestions are read by the old fish, and I will automatically ignore the trolls. I will continue to modify the previous article tonight, but it is not to delete, but to add something to make the logic more reasonable and not affect the plot. Follow-up If you have any suggestions, you can publish them in the book review area, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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