Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 92 Killing Fan Baishan

Chapter 92 Killing Fan Baishan

Being stared at by Shen Yu, Fan Baishan shuddered violently, and Fan Jian was so frightened that he hid behind Fan Baishan, unable to say a word.

He originally thought that as long as his father came, this boy who appeared suddenly would be completely finished, but he never expected that there would be such a terrifying master under Shen Yu's command to protect him all the time, what is the origin of this boy.

Without Yunge and Yao Sheng, Fan Baishan, who was only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, was no match for Shen Yu at all, let alone Impermanence in Black and White.

Those students and Luo Yunshuang looked at the sudden appearance of black and white impermanence in horror. These two guys are really terrifying. Not only do they look eerie, but their strength is also so tyrannical. They easily killed the cloud in the bigu period Ge and Yao Sheng.

Shen Yu looked at Fan Baishan, and said coldly: "Black and white are impermanent, kill this person for me, and his soul will be dragged into the endless purgatory, where he will suffer in the pan of oil."

Fan Baishan is the person Shen Yu came to this world with the strongest intention to kill him. Even Xu Wainan didn't have such a strong intention to kill him. Even if there is no task issued by the system, Shen Yu will not let him go. If such a person who is bound to revenge is let go, there will be endless troubles.

"Dean Ling, help!"

Feeling the impermanence of black and white locked on him, Fan Baishan yelled in horror, he knew that only Ling Zhengnan could save his life now.

Ling Zhengnan came back to his senses, and his body fell to the ground quickly, blocking Fan Baishan's face, and then shouted: "Master Shen, please stop."

Seeing Ling Zhengnan blocking Fan Baishan, Black and White Wuchang also temporarily stopped moving.

Shen Yu frowned, looked at Ling Zhengnan and said, "Get out of the way, no one can keep the person I want to kill, and I will definitely kill him today."

Ling Zhengnan smiled wryly and said: "Master Shen Yu, I didn't know that you came in person, so I'm so rude, I'm sorry!"

"What, he is Shen Yu, the leader of the Ling Xiao faction, the Shen Yu who has been very famous in the Great Xia Kingdom recently?"

"I think so, otherwise, how could Dean Ling be so polite to him? Is there a second Shen Yu in Daxia Kingdom?"

"He's Shen Yu! He's so handsome! And his cultivation base is still very high, and his subordinates are so strong!"

"Tch, stop being a nympho, haven't you seen it? Shen Yu's Taoist partner is Senior Sister Murong!"

"It's no wonder Senior Sister Murong asked him to be her Taoist partner. It turns out that Shen Yu is the head of the Lingxiao Sect. They are really talented and beautiful, and they are a match made in heaven!"


After knowing Shen Yu's real identity, those students of Cangnan College who looked down on Shen Yu and were filled with righteous indignation turned into licking dogs in seconds, and those who scolded the little boy just now felt that Shen Yu was so heroic and handsome. people.

There were quite a few female students who became nympho in seconds, looked at Shen Yu, and starlets were about to appear in their eyes. It is estimated that Shen Yu would hook his fingers casually, and they would rush forward desperately.

"He turned out to be the head of the Lingxiao sect, how is this possible!"

Luo Yunshuang's eyes were full of shock, and a moment later, when he looked at Murong Feixue standing beside Shen Yu, his eyes turned to deep jealousy.

Why, why is Murong Feixue so lucky, why is she favored by Shen Yu, why is he always one step behind her.

How much worse is he than her? This excellent man, the current No.1 in Daxia Kingdom, should be his own.

But no matter how much resentment she felt in her heart, she still couldn't change the fact that the one standing beside Shen Yu now was Murong Feixue.

In fact, Murong Feixue also fell into a sluggish state at this time, the boy who suddenly appeared would be the leader of the Lingxiao Sect, Shen Yu.

No wonder he was younger than himself, but he had a perfect cultivation base, no wonder he was indifferent when facing Fan Jian, and even Fan Baishan, as if he didn't take the other party seriously at all. Everything is clear now.

It turned out that he was Shen Yu!

Thinking of this, a blush suddenly appeared on Murong Feixue's pretty face. It was really embarrassing for her to pull the majestic head of the Lingxiao Sect and pretend to be her Taoist companion. She would not think that she was a very frivolous girl Bar!
Even a beautiful girl like Murong Feixue, in front of a young hero like Shen Yu with extraordinary appearance, status, and talent, couldn't help but think wildly.

However, Shen Yu didn't notice the change in Murong Feixue's expression at the moment. He looked at Ling Zhengnan under the eyes of everyone and said, "I'm not interested in talking nonsense with you, let's get out of the way! I'm going to kill this person, if you Stand in front of me again, and I will solve it with you."

Although Ling Zhengnan's attitude was somewhat unruly, but for the sake of the sky, Shen Yu didn't want to do anything to him.

When those students heard Shen Yu's words, they sighed again. As expected of the head of the famous Lingxiao faction in Daxia, even facing the vice president of Cangnan College, he was still so domineering, what a role model for men!
Ling Zhengnan's expression changed slightly. Shen Yu's words made him feel very embarrassed, but he didn't dare to refute. He just smiled and said: "Master Shen, Mr. Fan doesn't know your identity, so I offended you so much. I will apologize to you on his behalf. Apologize, please let him go for the sake of Dean Cangqiong's face!"

Ling Zhengnan thought that by lifting the sky, he could make Shen Yu give in. After all, Shen Yu and the sky had a friendship, but Shen Yu let him down.

Shen Yu glanced at Ling Zhengnan with a half-smile, then suddenly changed the topic, and said: "Hehe, the face of your dean Cang Qiong is only enough to save one person's life, now I have decided not to kill you, don't you want to kill me?" Exchange your own life for Fan Baishan's?"

Ling Zhengnan's heart trembled, he didn't expect Shen Yu to have murderous intentions towards him.

The so-called heaven and earth are big, and Lao Tzu's life is the greatest. Ling Zhengnan naturally knows how to choose. Although making a concession at this time will cause a great blow to his majesty, but in front of life, what is this little blow?

If you want to blame, you can only blame Fan Baishan and his son, why do you say you have nothing to provoke Shen Yu?Don't know his name?

At this moment, Fan Baishan may have 1 grievances in his heart. If I knew Shen Yu's identity, would I provoke him?

Fan Jian is really using his life to explain what cheating is.

Ling Zhengnan sighed and backed away silently.

This scene also caused the Cangnan College students' worldview to collapse, and Dean Ling actually gave in under the intimidation of Shen Yu's few words.

Fan Baishan begged fearfully: "Dean Ling, help me! I don't want to die yet!"

Fan Jian was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, unable to utter a word, he didn't expect that he would lose his life just to pretend to win Murong Feixue's favor.

As soon as Fan Baishan's words fell, the black and white chains of impermanence pierced through Fan Baishan's body like a poisonous snake, and his eyes also showed deep despair.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task: kill Fan Baishan and get a summoning opportunity with [-] faith points."

(End of this chapter)

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