Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 93 Bai Suzhen

Chapter 93 Bai Suzhen

After Black and White Impermanence killed Fan Baishan, Shen Yu also completed the system task, and he immediately said in his heart: "System, perform a summon with [-] faith points!"

The [-] Faith Points rewarded by the task can only be summoned at this level, and the [-] Faith Points cannot be accumulated in the system, so it is useless to keep this summoning opportunity, it is better to use it as soon as possible.

"Dead! Really dead! Hahaha..."

When Shen Yu was summoning, Fan Jian suddenly burst into laughter, as if he was stupid. His madness also attracted the attention of many students. Showing a trace of pity, he quietly walked away from Fan Jian.

Even Luo Yunshuang, who had flattered Fan Jian before, showed disgust and quietly retreated far away.

After Fan Baishan died, Fan Jian was a useless waste, a monk who practiced Qi training at the ninth level, Cangnan College can be seen everywhere, who would take a liking to him.

Moreover, Fan Baishan, Fan Jian and his son had made many enemies in Cangnan College on weekdays. Once Fan Baishan died, those enemies would take their anger out on Fan Jian.

One can imagine how miserable this guy's life will be in the future.

But Shen Yu didn't let Fan Jian go easily, and he didn't even think about saving his life to make him suffer even more. Let him deal with his enemies by himself!

Shen Yu moved his hands lightly, and while Fan Jian was smirking, he shot a three-point return to vitality, which directly hit Fan Jian's body, and even the few guards in the Foundation Establishment period who were in a state of desperation and didn't notice Shen Yu, also joined him. He was hit by Shen Yu's three-point Gui Yuan Qi and died tragically on the spot.

Before he killed Yun Ge and Yao Sheng, he broke through the bigu stage, and his combat power increased greatly. In addition, the four foundation-stage monks who protected Fan Jian were shocked because of Fan Baishan's death. Killing the four Foundation Establishment cultivators, plus Fan Jian, was effortless at all.

At this point, the small group of the Fan family of Cangnan College was wiped out by Shen Yu's group in an instant.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a monk who established a perfect foundation and gained 200 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a monk who established a perfect foundation and gained 190 experience points!"


Killing a few monks who had completed the Foundation Establishment Stage and adding Fan Baishan did not allow Shen Yu to make a breakthrough in his cultivation. In the Bigu Stage, every time he wanted to break through a small realm, he needed a huge amount of experience points , The experience value of the foundation building period monks is not enough to fill the gap between the teeth.

Moreover, Shen Yu also discovered that the experience points obtained by killing monks with the same cultivation level are not absolutely the same, and the system probably refers to the opponent's combat power.

"Black and white impermanence, step back!"

After killing Fan Baishan, Shen Yu waved at Black and White Wuchang and told them to retreat.

These two people are the images of ghosts and gods in the underworld, and they are too dark. If they stay here for a long time, it would be bad to scare these young students.

Hearing Shen Yu's words, Black and White Wuchang smiled, and then his figure suddenly disappeared in mid-air, the ghostly shadows all over the sky dissipated, the dark clouds receded, and everything returned to normal again.

At this time, those stunned academies came back to their senses, and stood in the distance one by one, looking at Shen Yu with a trace of fear and longing in their eyes.

Is this the head of the Lingxiao sect?Rumors say that he is domineering and decisive, has a lot of masters under him, and he is extremely talented. Now seeing him, he is really extraordinary.

With his own strength, he easily killed several monks in the foundation establishment stage, and he seemed to be under 20 years old, and his talent was even higher than that of Murong Feixue.

He summoned two masters anytime and anywhere, brutally killed Fan Baishan and his subordinate master, Gai Yaling, the vice president of Zhengnan, and his power was even more powerful.

This is the real overlord, the young talents, those so-called heroes of Cangnan College, are like the lights of fireflies in front of him.

But Murong Feixue looked at Shen Yu's back in front of him, but frowned slightly. When Shen Yu hit three points to return to vitality just now, the aura that emanated at that moment was obviously from the bigu period, but he didn't know it before. Is it still the foundation period?
Did he break through again in just a few short breaths?

But how is this possible? It takes time for every monk to break through. She has never seen someone break through in such a short period of time like him.

Looking at the seven or eight corpses on the ground, Ling Zhengnan sighed deeply. Today, he has lost face. People from Cangnan College were slaughtered in front of him. He didn't even dare to speak. An unprecedented shame.

But he didn't dare to speak, he was in the late stage of Jindan Realm, and he could clearly feel that the strength of Black and White Impermanence was far above him.

"Come here, dispose of all the corpses of these people, and let the others go!"

As soon as Ling Zhengnan finished speaking, more than a dozen people wearing Cangnan College tutor costumes suddenly appeared, and quickly moved the bodies of Fan Jian and others away.

In fact, when Ling Zhengnan showed up, they had already appeared in the dark, but they hadn't shown up all the time. There was such a big commotion here, these cultivation bases were at least the tutors of Cangnan College at the Foundation Establishment Stage, so it was impossible for them not to notice.

The students who were watching around also hurriedly dispersed. Although they wanted to continue enjoying Shen Yu's demeanor, they dared not listen to Ling Zhengnan's words.

Luo Yunshuang didn't want to leave at first, she was still eager to try, to see if she could come to seduce Shen Yu, but after feeling Shen Yu's cold eyes, she still left resentfully, she knew that Shen Yu was warning her.

Shen Yu didn't kill Luo Yunshuang, this woman was just helping the flames, and he didn't have a big problem with him, he didn't need to be as knowledgeable as a woman, it seemed that his tolerance was too small.

At this time, Ling Zhengnan came to Shen Yu with an embarrassed smile on his face, and said, "Master Shen, I wonder what you can do for coming to Cangnan College today?"

Shen Yu was just about to answer Ling Zhengnan's question when the system's voice suddenly sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning Bai Suzhen!"

"Race: Monster Race!"

"Gongfa: Water Spiritual Sutra"

"Cultivation: Nascent Soul Realm is complete!"

"Special attribute: flooding the golden mountain!"

Hearing the system's words, Shen Yu was overjoyed. He didn't expect to summon Bai Suzhen, who had reached the Nascent Soul Realm, making a big profit.

It's just this special attribute, what does it mean to flood the golden mountain?Could it be that he could use water spells beyond his level of cultivation?

Anyway, Shen Yu is quite satisfied with Bai Suzhen's cultivation, it is better than Black and White Wuchang, and Black and White Wuchang is only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

While Shen Yu was thinking deeply, Ling Zhengnan said cautiously again: "Master Shen, did you hear me?"

(End of this chapter)

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