Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 97 Visiting Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple

Chapter 97 Visiting Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple

Wanfo Temple is one of the three major sects of the Great Xia Kingdom and the only Buddhist sect in the Great Xia Kingdom.

Cultivation of immortals is popular in the Kyushu mainland, but Buddhism has always been in a corner, not as popular as other schools of cultivation. It seems that some people deliberately suppress Buddhism.

However, after all, Buddhism is a major sect among the sects of cultivating immortals, and he can be seen in every country.

Shen Yu wants to unify the three major sects and let the Lingxiao faction dominate in Daxia Kingdom. Wuliangzong has now declared his surrender. The remaining two sects are Wanfo Temple and Shenjianmen, and Shen Yu chooses to do it. The first sect is the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is located in the west of the Great Xia Kingdom, with an area of ​​1000 li. Although there are not as many people in the territory as the royal family and the other two sects, the Buddhist education for the people in the territory is still very good, even though there are only [-] million people in the territory. The people, but the loyalty of these people to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is terrifying.

It can even be said that the people of the Great Xia Kingdom in the territory of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple only know the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple and do not know the outside world.

"Is this the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple? It seems that there are some ways," looking at the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple below, a trace of curiosity flashed in Shen Yu's eyes.

The sect of Wanfo Temple is not located in the fairy mountain, but at the foot of an ordinary mountain. You can see it from mid-air. The Ten Thousand Buddha Temple is full of smoke and incense. Monks in white robes are chanting.

Bai Suzhen nodded and said: "Wanfo Temple is very mysterious. There are 5000 monks in the temple. Although Wanfo Temple is open to the common people in the territory, it only opens the front yard of the temple. The master monks of Wanfo Temple are all in the backyard. No one has ever been in their backyard, and they don't know how many masters there are in their backyard."

Shen Yu snorted coldly and said: "It's another group of guys who like to play mysticism, don't just be a bunch of evil monks, Zilong, let's fight!"

Zhao Yun, who was behind him, nodded, and then said to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple below: "The monks of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, I, the head of the Lingxiao Sect, are here in person, so hurry up and greet them!"

"Who dares to come to Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple to challenge?"

"I don't know, it seems to be some Lingxiao faction?"

"Ling Xiao faction, I heard that it is a newly rising sect in the Great Xia Kingdom recently, and its strength is very strong."

"Why did they come to our Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple? Our Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple and the Lingxiao Sect have nothing to do with each other!"


After Zhao Yun's voice sounded, the monks in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple raised their eyes to look at the four of Shen Yu in the sky, and started whispering.

"The head of the Lingxiao sect is here, and the old monk is welcome to welcome you, and I hope you will forgive me!"

At this moment, a low sound of the Buddha's chant sounded, and three old monks in gray robes slowly flew up from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple and came in front of Shen Yu.

The three old monks seem to be quite old, and their faces are very kind and kind. The head monk bowed slightly to Shen Yu, and said: "The old monk, the abbot of Wanfo Temple, Mingkong, does not know that Shen Yu is the head of the sect?" What's the use of coming to Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple in person!"

Shen Yu frowned slightly, this Ming Kong and the two old monks who closed their eyes and chanted scriptures behind him, they can even ride the clouds and ride the fog, and they should all be strong in the Golden Core stage.

Didn't it mean that the strongest monks in the Great Xia Kingdom are only in the Bigu period?Cangnan College is independent from the Great Xia Kingdom, let alone, why even the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, one of the three major sects, has Jindan Stage experts? Could it be that the royal family's intelligence has fallen to this level?
According to the information Ye Chaotian gave Shen Yu, the strongest of the three major sects were all in the Bigu period.

It seems that this Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is really mysterious, and even the royal family doesn't know much about them.

But Shen Yu wasn't afraid, so what about the Golden Core Stage, in the face of absolute strength, even hiding a few Golden Core Stage experts would be futile.

Shen Yu stared at Mingkong in front of him, and said: "Abbot Mingkong, I won't play around with you anymore. The Lingxiao faction wants to unify the power of cultivating immortals in the Great Xia, and then promote the method of cultivating immortals throughout the Great Xia to benefit all people. The Buddhist temple has three choices, one is to surrender to my Lingxiao faction, the other is to move out of the Great Xia Kingdom, and the third is to be destroyed by my Lingxiao faction."

After listening to Shen Yu's words, Ming Kong did not have any emotional changes on his face, and still said with a kind smile: "Master Shen, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple has always been closed for worship, and has never participated in secular affairs. To benefit one side, I don’t know why Master Shen came to threaten him, I really don’t understand!”

Shen Yu said with a disdainful smile: "Master Ming Kong, don't be so hypocritical, you and I know the virtues of the Xiuxian sect, the Wanfo Temple has been established in this area for thousands of years, and it has plundered countless resources. People in the West live frugally, but are still extremely devout to you, is this the merit of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple?"

Mingkong's expression changed slightly, and then he quickly recovered his benevolent expression, and said: "Master Shen Yu, I'm afraid you have some misunderstanding about our Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple. Buddhism emphasizes cutting off desires, accumulating virtue and doing good deeds, and only after death can one enter bliss In the world, only after rebirth can we eliminate disasters and solve difficulties, so the people in the west of Daxia are like this, we..."

"Stop talking nonsense, I am not here to talk about Buddhism with you, I only want your choice!" Shen Yu interrupted Ming Kong.

Behind Ming Kong, an old monk with a slightly burly figure heard Shen Yu's words and said angrily: "Hmph, Master Shen, Wanfo Temple has paid more respect to you, but you are still so aggressive. Do you think my Wanfo Temple is easy to bully?"

Shen Yu gave the monk a cold look, and asked lightly: "Why, does Wanfo Temple want to fight with my Ling Xiao sect?"

The old monk was not afraid, and said sharply: "If the Lingxiao faction insists on my Wanfo Temple to make a choice, today I will have to fight it out."

Now that the other party is about to attack, there is no need for Shen Yu to talk nonsense anymore. As the old saying goes, don't make noise if you can.

Shen Yu waved his hand and said, "Bai Suzhen, go and experience the strength of the eminent monks of Wanfo Temple!"

In the previous life, Bai Suzhen and the Buddhist sect had endless grievances, and even flooded the golden mountains. In this life, Bai Suzhen's first battle, let's also fight with these monks!

Bai Suzhen nodded, walked to the front of the three old monks, said with a pretty face, "Ling Xiao sent Bai Suzhen to ask the three elders for advice."

The gods who came to this world have no memories of their previous lives, but they are still slightly affected by their past lives. Therefore, when Bai Suzhen saw the three old monks in front of him, she felt a sense of disgust for no reason.

Mingkong raised his eyes to look at Bai Suzhen, and murmured: "It seems that what you said is true, there are indeed strong people in the Lingxiao sect, and this woman's cultivation should be at the Nascent Soul Stage."

Shen Yu frowned slightly at Ming Kong's words, how did he see Bai Suzhen's cultivation as a strong Jindan stage.

Bai Suzhen didn't care about the other party's words at all, with a flick of her hand, a Baiyi sword appeared in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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