Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 98 The Mysterious Giant Buddha

Chapter 98 The Mysterious Giant Buddha
Holding the Baiyi sword, Bai Suzhen looked coldly at the three old monks in front of her, and said, "Monks of Wanfo Temple, since you don't respect the decree of my family's head, don't blame Suzhen for being rude, accept the move!"

After the words fell, Bai Suzhen threw the Baiyi sword in her hand, and the moment the Baiyi sword floated in the sky, it turned into a majestic mountain peak, which was a thousand feet high.

"What is that, what a big mountain!"

"How can there be mountains floating in the sky!"

"If this mountain falls, will it destroy our Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple!"

"Could it be... Could it be that the Lingxiao faction is going to attack our Wanfo Temple?"


After the mountain transformed into by Bai Yijian appeared, the ordinary monks in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple were suddenly frightened.

The Baiyi Sword is Bai Suzhen's accompanying magic weapon, although its rank is not high, it can be considered a good spiritual weapon in this world. Under Bai Suzhen's control, it can turn into a mountain, and it is her sharp weapon in battle.

"go with!"

With a wave of Bai Suzhensu's hand, the mountain floating in the air bumped towards Mingkong and the others.

Ming Kong is in the middle stage of Golden Core, and the other two old monks are in the early stage of Golden Core. Facing the huge mountain transformed by Bai Yijian, they can't resist it even if they work together, but seeing the mountain getting closer and closer to them, the three There was no trace of fear on his face.

The three of them clasped their hands together and recited the Buddha's name in a low voice: "Amitabha Buddha! Please the World Honored One!"

As soon as the three of them heard the Buddha's voice, their bodies suddenly shone with golden light, and then a phantom of a [-]-meter-high golden giant Buddha completely enveloped the three of them.

The giant Buddha clasped his hands together, his kind Buddha eyes narrowed slightly, and his body exuded a holy radiance.

After Bai Suzhen saw this giant Buddha, she didn't hold back her hands. The mountain transformed into Bai Yijian slammed into the body of the giant golden Buddha. The seemingly indestructible mountain peak hit the body of the giant golden Buddha. The Buddha's body was only slightly shaken, but it was not injured at all, and it was still intact.

This scene caused Shen Yu and the others to change their expressions slightly!

The Baiyi sword was restored to its original form and flew back into Bai Suzhen's hand. Bai Suzhen held the Baiyi sword with a gloomy face, with a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth. She glanced at the Baiyi sword in her hand. There was also a trace of crack on the sword. The associated magic weapon, once damaged, she will also be injured.

Shen Yu frowned deeply. He looked at the golden giant Buddha that enveloped Ming Kong and the others, and his heart was shrouded in deep doubts. Could this giant Buddha be some kind of spell practiced by the three of them?He was able to block Bai Suzhen's Bai Yi sword, and even injured Bai Suzhen.

But it's not right either!Bai Suzhen has the cultivation base of Nascent Soul Consummation, and these three old monks only have the cultivation base of Golden Core Stage. Even if it is very difficult to block Bai Suzhen's attack, let alone hurt Bai Suzhen, what is this golden giant Buddha? thing.

Bai Suzhen wiped off the blood from the corner of her mouth, looked up at the giant golden Buddha in front of her, and saw that the eyes of the giant golden Buddha were still slightly closed, with a solemn appearance.

Looking at this giant Buddha, Bai Suzhen felt an urge to surrender to him.

At this moment, Ming Kong and the others suddenly opened their eyes, and then said in a light voice: "Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is in trouble, and the World Honored One is welcome to make a move!"

After the three people's voices fell, countless white light spots suddenly rose from under the sky, and then crazily flocked to the body of this giant golden Buddha.

Shen Yu squinted his eyes, looked down, and saw white light spots constantly floating out from the bodies of the monks in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, and then rushed towards the golden giant Buddha.

After a while, the bodies of these monks gradually withered, as if they lost all vitality!

"What's going on! My body!"

"Help! What is going on here!"


These monks finally felt that something was wrong. They were aging rapidly uncontrollably. This strange feeling made them extremely terrified.

Not only these monks, but at this moment the people in the entire western part of the Great Xia Kingdom worshiping the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, white light spots are constantly floating out of their bodies, their bodies are also constantly withering, and their vitality is passing uncontrollably.

This scene made Shen Yu feel bad, he looked at Mingkong coldly, and asked sharply: "Old monk, what did you do!"

Ming Kong still had a kind smile on his face, and said indifferently: "Hehe, they are believers of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple. Now that the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is in danger, it is time for them to make contributions. They will become part of the Boundless World Honored One, which is also theirs. pleasure."

pleasure?It is shameless to take it as an honor to deprive others of their life!
Shang Zhang said to Shen Yu in a low voice: "Master, you must immediately stop this giant golden Buddha. This giant golden Buddha should be the avatar left by a strong man. The purpose of Wanfo Temple staying in Daxia is very likely. It is to accumulate merit for this giant Buddha and help this giant Buddha become stronger.

It's just that this giant Buddha is too evil, it can deprive its believers of their vitality and use it as their own powerful nourishment, once it absorbs the vitality of tens of millions of people, we will be finished. "

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple incites the people to believe in them in order to create karma with these people. As long as karma occurs, these unarmed civilians will have no power to resist the deprivation of their vitality by the golden giant Buddha.

Shen Yu's heart trembled, and then he said to Zhao Yun and Bai Suzhen: "Zilong, Suzhen, attack this giant golden Buddha with all your strength, don't let him fully awaken."

Although Shen Yu was very puzzled about the identity of this giant Buddha, but now is not the time to think about it.

Hearing this, Zhao Yun did not dare to neglect at all, and he also felt a huge threat from this giant Buddha.

An astonishing sound of dragon chant resounded, and Zhao Yun transformed into Yinglong in an instant, revealing Yinglong's real body, a [-]-meter-long yellow dragon with wings on its back, and the dragon power on its body made people tremble with fear, even Ming Kong, who had been calm all the time, , A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Dragons!Does the Dragon Clan still exist in the Kyushu Continent?

After Yinglong's real body appeared, Zhao Yun slammed into the golden giant Buddha with his huge dragon body without reservation, like hitting a mountain, and the deafening sound rang out.

After Ying Long's real body collided with the ancient Buddha, there was a strong turmoil, which made Shang Zhang unable to bear it. He raised Shen Yu and pulled a distance away.

When Shen Yu reappeared, he took a closer look, and there was a trace of blood overflowing from Yinglong's dragon head, which surprised him.

Ying Long's physical body is so strong that he can compete against the consummation of distraction with his physical body alone, but when he bumped into this golden giant Buddha, he was actually injured.

However, this giant Buddha was not unscathed. Under Zhao Yun's brutal impact, the ancient Buddha's body trembled slightly, and the countless light spots that originally floated into his body also scattered aimlessly in the air.

At this time, the Baiyi sword in Bai Suzhen's hand turned into a mountain peak again, and smashed towards the ancient Buddha.

Shen Yu looked at the battle in front of him, and said silently in his heart: "Daji, I have encountered some troubles, come here to help immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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