No, the whole world wants to contract me?

Chapter 39 Who do you look down on!

Chapter 39 Who do you look down on! (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, one update!)

Boom! !
Fei Tuo's big feet stomped towards Yu Xiao like crushing ants!

"Run! Try another run!"

"Stinky ants! Dead reptiles!!"

Fatuo is completely pissed off now.

Embed the latter into the ground with one foot!
With such a foot, anyone who stepped on it could kill the dragon. This time, even if Feituo sometimes stopped for a while, Yu Xiao couldn't escape after being trampled on crazily.

I can't even stand up.

The food he ate just now flowed out of Yu Xiao's mouth with some blood.

Black Flood Dragon, a proud figure!

But now it is really like a reptile, stuck to the ground and motionless!
"Heh, heh~"

Even though he was dying, Yu Xiao still laughed.

Consciousness is already blurred.

The pain in my body has gone numb.

But think on the bright side.

I didn't die~
After so many attacks, he is still alive. It seems that God really cares for him.

As long as you don't die, there is hope for life~
Shenxu has been imprisoned for 300 years, and he has always encouraged himself like this.

think better

"Huh? The Dragon Clan is indeed extremely powerful physically, and they still survived being trampled on like this!"

Feeling that the former's blood was still surging, Fatuo's monster-like face also showed some surprise.

He naturally knows the noble dragon clan.

He still remembers the figure of the overlord when Wan Yao worshiped a dragon emperor, he still remembers it fresh!
If it was outside, he would not dare to provoke the Dragon Clan.

But in this shitty god market!

How dare he provoke him!
Not only do you provoke him, but you dare to step on him!
Like stepping on a reptile, he once bowed his head and only dared to look at the dragon clan!

Trampling underfoot!
"Hmph! The gate of Shenxu has been closed long ago, and the little dragon descendant will not die. Could it be that you are thinking that there will still be a dragon to save you?!"

boom! !

Another foot stepped into the sunken ground that he had stepped on!

When he lifted his foot, the life of the reptile was still like a willow in the wind, wanting to be broken!

"You reptile!"

However, just as Fatuo raised his big foot again, he seemed to think of something and put it down quickly.

When he looked at the figure on the ground again, he was full of greed!
"The violent power of the gluttonous blood essence didn't blow this guy to pieces, but his vitality is still so tenacious?"

"The blood essence of the dragon clan can't really neutralize the violent power in the blood of the ancient beasts, can it?!"

Fatuo felt that he almost missed a hundred million!

For a moment, he was so focused on venting his anger that he forgot that the other party had eaten the gluttonous blood that he had never dared to eat!

It was supposed to be a mortal dragon, but now it is living like this!
The turbid earth-yellow spiritual power pulled Yu Xiao out of the ground.

"Aren't you immortal? See when you get into my stomach! You're still alive!"

It was always Yu Xiao who opened his mouth wide and swallowed all kinds of food.

But at this moment, he became that food.

Yu Xiao opened his eyes with difficulty, and everywhere he looked was huge yellow and white fangs!

Behind the giant teeth is an endless abyss black hole!
Yu Xiao stared blankly at all this.

Even though he has always believed that the Dragon Clan is a race favored by God.

He believed that he too was the favored one.

But now, he still couldn't help shouting that sentence: " to the dragon!"

Fat Tuo's big mouth is closed!

A satisfied expression gradually appeared on his face.


The noble dragons have become their own food!
The Dragon Clan, it seems, is nothing more than...

Bang! !

Fat Tuo:? ? ?
Suddenly, he felt that the tooth he was holding on to had just hurt.

Subconsciously, he licked his upper teeth with his tongue.

Where are my front teeth? ?

A bloody front tooth fell straight to the ground.

"Tianniang! Tathagata God Palm even gave me full proficiency and didn't shoot you to death!"

"You think I'm weaker than this idiot, don't you?!"


Bang! !

An inexplicable voice came from his mouth.

Before Fatuo could react, the sharp pain on his tongue almost made him fall to the ground!

"Ah!! It hurts! My tongue!!"

Fatuo quickly mobilized his spiritual power and began to squeeze inwards!

He is bound to squeeze the guy who stomped his tongue into flesh! !
The earth-yellow spell pattern appeared on Feituo's head, and the earth-yellow spiritual veins constantly emerged from the huge body!
However, just as the huge spiritual power crashed into the intruders from all directions, nothing came of it! !

What's going on! !
Fatuo was confused at this moment! !
Just relying on my own strength, even the human golden fairy will make a sound when it comes, right?

Why is there no movement? ?
"Come again! See if I suck you to death and you're done!"

Accompanied by the inexplicable words in his mouth, the power he had just returned to nothing suddenly changed.

It's just the direction of movement...
and many more! !
Something is wrong!
My power is fading! !

Before Fatuo could think about it, a sense of overwhelming pressure caused his face to change drastically again!
【Ding!Dragon addicted to activate, the effect is outstanding! 】

[Plunder Feituo's spiritual power, spiritual power +10000! 】

[Plunder Feituo's blood, spiritual power +5000! 】

【Ding!Looted Feituo skills, Earth Vein Protection! 】

"Suck! Suck him dry!!"

Tang Ren spoke for the first time.

He really didn't want to admit that he had learned Yu Xiao's speech skills. After all, if he started to speak by himself, that guy would directly upgrade from the low-end version of Tang Sanzang to the top-end version of Tang Sanzang!

This can't be done!
But this time he was really annoyed.

He couldn't sleep well at first, and was also upset because he might break his shell, but now seeing Yu Xiao, who he hadn't beaten to death for a long time, was hammered to the point of dying, he was even more inexplicably angry!

"Who do you look down on! You are so big!!"

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(End of this chapter)

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