No, the whole world wants to contract me?

Chapter 40 I Shouldn't have Saved You!

Chapter 40 I Shouldn't have Saved You! (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, second watch!)


Who looks down on you~
Fatuo was already in pain.

He was fascinated.

What the hell is buzzing in his mouth!

Huo Huo alone was not enough, he felt that he couldn't use the power of the earth's veins for some reason!
Without the power of the leylines, what would he use to carry the mountains and absorb the essence of the ground!

Please come out.

If he doesn't come out, Fatuo will die.

Fatuo's face changed drastically again!
If it weren't for the fact that his face was already condensed with clods of soil, his current face would probably be pale.

Just now, he felt that his essence and blood were being absorbed! !

Every drop of blood is the power of a hundred years of cultivation!

Now Fatuo completely lost his temper, his ability disappeared, his spiritual power disappeared, and his blood essence disappeared!
He is afraid!

He felt like he had an underfed wolf in his mouth!

I want to eat and wipe away all the essence of my body!

"Great Immortal, please come out, I don't dare to offend the Dragon Clan anymore!" Fatuo said in embarrassment.

What kind of evil did it do!
It was obvious that his treasured gluttonous blood was robbed, and now he came up to ask for it, but he was the one who was beaten!


When you come out, I will not destroy you! !
It's like trampling ants to death, stepping into powder!

Tang Ren didn't speak.

But he has already told the former what he thinks with his actions!

Under the pull of Feituo and Tang Ren's power, the spiritual power is still more biased towards Tang Ren.

Essence and blood were also pouring towards Tang Ren bit by bit!

He is going to kill each other! !

Since you have offended, you must cut the weeds and eradicate the roots!

He will not allow anyone to destroy the peace of today! !
I feel that my strength is still being swallowed!
The prayer on Fatuo's face quickly turned into madness!
The body stumbled, and it was difficult to use the limbs to prop up the body again!
And the wind and sand on the ground continued to expand around Feituo!
"Hey!! You forced me!"

It is impossible for any creature to lie on the chopping board and be slaughtered!
He Fatuo can't!


Accompanied by Feituo's angry roar, the spiritual power that was still pulling just now gathered towards Tang Ren as if he didn't want money, and hit it!
The sand and dust swept outside and the aura from the ground began to sweep towards Feituo's body!

Bang! !

With a loud sonic boom, Tang Ren and Yu Xiao were directly blasted out!

"A big guy is a big guy, so powerful?"

Using spiritual power to throw Yu Xiao far away, Tang Ren gradually began to examine the big man in front of him.

It is already very strenuous to stand still, but he still has such a strong strength.

"System, winning percentage." He asked.

【Ding!The winning rate is only 70%, do you buy insurance? 】


Tang Ren couldn't help frowning.

70 is already considered high.

But you must know that this is a guy who has been weakened by Tang Ren before, and this is only 70%, which shows how difficult it is to defeat this monster in front of him.

"It seems that this battle cannot be resolved in two strokes."

Fatuo is also examining the former at this time.

Egg? ?

Just one egg? ?
Fatuo gasped heavily, his eyes widened, his expression full of astonishment.

He never thought that what he called his father just now was just an egg? !
After a few breaths, his shocked expression couldn't help but twitched.

Fatuo felt that he had been insulted!
"It's just you! A little thing that hasn't hatched yet dares to hurt my body!!"

"What a shame!!"

Accompanied by Feituo's thunderous roar, the sandstorm became more and more violent!
Just the momentum alone is enough to make people breathless.

"Crush you!"

boom! !

【Ding!The Tathagata palm is activated!Thousands of divine thoughts activated!Thick soil stepping fiercely launched!Dragon addicted to launch...]


After some time, Yu Xiao gradually regained consciousness.

so hungry
However, as soon as his body moved, the tearing pain in his body made him clench his teeth directly.

"Hiss~ It hurts so much, my body seems to be broken!"

Panting for a while, he mobilized the black spiritual energy with difficulty, connecting the dislocated muscles and bones of his body.

What happened to yourself?
Did Brother Tang beat you up?
The memories that gradually appeared in his mind made him quickly deny the idea just now.

"By the way, I was crazily stepped on by a big monster! Wow~ I didn't expect that I was still alive."

After rejoicing that he was still alive, Yu Xiao quickly became confused again.

"By the way, what about the big monster?"

But when he looked around, he couldn't help but gasped.


Blood splattered!

The hill-like monster fell not far away from him, with countless wounds on its shriveled body.

Large, small, long, and short wounds were either bleeding or congealed.

Fatuo, who was arrogant just now, is now in such a mess!
This, this guy, who can save himself!

Thinking of this, Yu Xiao frowned again, thinking about everything that happened before.

"Tianniang! Tathagata God Palm even gave me full proficiency and didn't shoot you to death!"

"You think I'm weaker than this idiot, don't you?!"

"See if I suck it to death and you're done!"

"Who do you look down on! What a big guy!"

"Brother Tang can talk!" Yu Xiao said with his eyes widened suddenly.

He remembered!
In the end, it seemed that Tang Ge rushed into the monster's mouth, and then cursed.

Could it be that Brother Tang saved himself?
An egg that was almost digested by itself, a monster that was almost digested by itself.

The fight between the two is ridiculous no matter how you think about it.

but now···

After a while, Yu Xiao stood up again after his muscles and bones were almost exhausted.

He staggered and looked around, and quickly settled on a direction.

Tang Ren stopped not far from Feituo's body.

He is so sleepy.

After a big fight, he went straight down.

No, no, I feel like I won’t be able to do it for a long time in the future.

ah cut~
Just when Tang Ren was about to close his eyes, a gust of cold wind that seemed to blow from nowhere made him shiver suddenly.

What's the matter?
Could it be that the big man broke his eggshell during the fight just now? !

However, as soon as he had this idea, a familiar magic sound made him understand!


Yu Xiao spared him, and didn't even intend to distance himself from the other party.

Seeing that Tang Ren was here, he was even more certain that the other party had saved him.

"Brother Tang~"

Tang Ren frowned.

Don't speak, don't get angry, endure the calm for a while, and take a step back to broaden the sea and the sky.

You must be calm and just sleep.

Think of the high-end version of Tang Seng, think of the Great Sage with a splitting headache.

Just pretend to be asleep.

Tang Ren, you can do it, but you must not evolve the other party into a high-end Tang Seng!

"Brother Tang~"

Tang Ren frowned even tighter.

"Brother Tang, let me tell you about my life again."

"Four years old..."

Bang! !

【Ding!The Tathagata Divine Palm is activated, and the effect is outstanding! 】

"I shouldn't have saved you!!"

 grateful. , early (the sun), 100 rewards for Xiaoyao Yimeng, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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