No, the whole world wants to contract me?

Chapter 45 Reunion, in various senses

Chapter 45 Reunion, in various senses (four more!)

Good guy.

Tang Ren called him a good guy.

This skill is kind of interesting.

Mom won't worry about me anymore...

Wait, I don't have a mother.

【Ding!Spirit power +100]

"Hey! Are you trying to dissuade me?!"

The inexplicable increase in spiritual power made Tang Ren feel that he was being internalized.

Leaving aside the system, he set his sights on the words "Fusion of Taotie's essence and blood".

"Can this thing be explained?"

As soon as Tang Ren finished speaking, all his spiritual consciousness automatically converged on the red bloodline around Yu Xiao's body.

[Glutton Essence Blood: Essence blood of gluttonous beast from ancient times, eating the blood essence of gluttony can gain the same ability as gluttony, anyone who sees it will eat it, the more he eats, the stronger he becomes.

Disadvantages: extremely difficult to suppress!
Summary: It is really easy to use if it is easy to use, but it can also be worrying when it is difficult to use.It is best to keep eating to satisfy the gluttonous blood, it will be used by you.You can't get satisfaction, and you can see the consequences. 】

"Good guy, feelings are still my fault?"

Tang Ren's face darkened immediately after seeing this dead long dead long explanation.

It turned out that he restricted the other party's eating, which made Yu Xiao, who had absorbed the blood of Taotie, go crazy.

for a long time.

The black flood dragon gradually opened his eyes.

Where are you?

Before he could think clearly, the pain of tearing his body attracted his attention.

It hurts! !
And so tired, so hungry.

Once the brain started to function, all the information in the body flooded into his mind.

It feels like being trampled into a cake by Fatuo again!

"Stupid dragon, eat these!"

Just when Yu Xiao was going through all kinds of torture, Tang Ren used his spiritual power to pull the opponent's mouth open, and stuffed the interspatial ring, the three-legged small tripod, and some inexplicable things into the opponent's mouth.

Is this what carbon-based organisms eat?
Tang Ren didn't know, it wasn't him who ate it anyway.

After stuffing all the miscellaneous things in like trash, Yu Xiao swallowed them without thinking.

Ping Pong Pong~
The stomach is full of the sound of copper and iron clashing.

Yu Xiao:...

Brother Tang just gave him something to eat...

"That, Brother Tang."

"Come with me and continue digging when you're full! Good guy, there are so many things in Shenxu."

Before Yu Xiao could ask any more questions, Tang Ren refused to answer.

Tang Ren is in a bad mood right now.

He still can't accept that what he did was wrong.

However, it is indeed a mistake to use the theory of the previous life to measure the creatures in this world!

Su Qingxue's lifelong persistence.

Tang Jiujiu's killing and extortion is correct.

The mighty power of the gluttonous blood that swallows the sky and the earth.

These are undoubtedly not shocks to his cognition one after another.

【Ding!You feel that you are out of tune with this world, and now you just want to bid farewell to the stupid dragon and find a corner where no one is around to spend the rest of your life, spiritual power +50]

"Brother Tang, what are you doing?"

"I'll dig out food for you! Hurry up! There's not much time until the opening of the Shenxu Market!"

Tianxuan Continent!

Practicing Qi, Returning to the Void, Heavenly Immortal, True Immortal, Taiyi True Immortal, Taiyi Xuanxian, except for the strongest golden immortals and saints who can easily see it, monks of all realms are everywhere here!
"Hey, guest officer, there are really no guest rooms here. The royal family of Fuyun has already booked the room, so don't make things difficult for us."

The shopkeeper straightened his waist, and while laughing, moved the royal family of Fuyun out.

To be able to open a store in the most famous All Saints City in Tianxuan Continent, how can one not know who is the thigh.

The brocade-clothed girl beside Su Qingxue took the lead and snorted coldly: "Hmph! Who do you look down on! You are afraid of the royal family of Fuyun, so aren't you afraid of our Emperor Yan's majesty?!"

As soon as the words came out, the guests watching the theater around immediately caught the important words in the words.

"Emperor Yan?! Isn't Emperor Yan dying?"

"Where is Emperor Yan? Could this woman be..."

"Nonsense! Emperor Yan has already lived nine thousand years, your ancestor level!"

"Then who is she?"

"Princess Yan Emperor, Yaoji."

The guests were all very witty and talked in low voices, none of them dared to go too far.

The shopkeeper still had a naive smile on his face, his eyes rolled quickly, and he said again: "Oh, Your Highness Yao Ji, the villain has eyes but does not know Mount Tai, and I hope to forgive your sins. Sage Fuyun knew that you were coming, so let us I have also prepared a room for you, please come inside!"

The body is slightly owed, and the smile on the face remains undiminished.

Even if the former has a temper, this is the time to swallow it back.

Not to mention reaching out and not hitting the smiling person, this person will let them into the store again, saying it is an invitation from the sage of floating clouds.

If he loses his temper again, he will offend a saint!
"Hmph!" Yanhe thought to himself that the old thief was cunning, snorted coldly, and backed away.

Yaoji is also the name of Su Qingxue's eldest princess in Yan Country.

Seeing that there was no obstacle, she lifted her foot and prepared to go over.

"Brother, this is the shop! It's magnificent! Let's go in!"

"Junior Sister, we... can't enter this store."

Suddenly, two familiar voices made Su Qingxue pause.

His fists could not help but clenched tightly.

She once said that she must eat the flesh and blood of those courtiers to refine their souls!Never be reincarnated!

She is very vengeful!
"Why can't we get in? My father is a figure of Xuanxian Taiyi! How many people here are higher than my father?" Sun Man is still the same Sun Man. After destroying that damned senior sister, her His temper never restrained, on the contrary, he became even more insane.

Lin Pingjun had a big head on his face.

It's been almost a hundred years, and he feels that his junior sister's IQ still hasn't changed a bit!
Sometimes he even felt that the upper limit of his junior sister's IQ was here, and there was no room for improvement at all.

"Shopkeeper, isn't this someone who was invited by the Fuyun royal family?" Su Qingxue suddenly counted.

The dissatisfied tone, the store can naturally hear.


He just paused for a moment and quickly sized up Sun Man and Lin Pingjun, and soon became firm.

"Of course not! How is it possible! How could the royal family of Fuyun invite such a tasteless person?"

The tone of voice seemed to protect the dignity of the Fuyun royal family, but who was actually speaking for, I'm afraid there were not many people present who didn't know.

"You! Who do you look down on!" Sun Man stared at the shopkeeper without thinking too much.

However, the shopkeeper did not show weakness, and stared back directly, even with a provocative look in his eyes.

I despise you, what's the matter?

Su Qingxue looked coldly, and the shopkeeper sneered.

Sun Man, who had been raised under protection in the sect, directly pointed the finger at Su Qingxue!

Although she is not very smart, she can still see clearly who is causing trouble!
"You guys! I can't afford to offend the royal family of Fuyun, but what kind of onion are you?!"

Bang! !

When the voice falls, people fly.

The palm wind is sharp, and you can feel a little chill in the air!

Sun Man was directly pulled out of the store!

Yan He directly picked up the tea on the table next to him, and rinsed the hand he had just slapped the other party.

She still thinks her hands are dirty when shooting this kind of ants!
"Mere ants! How can He De dare to question Princess Yan?"

"it is good!"

"Fairy is bold!"


Everyone in the inn applauded.

They didn't just follow the trend, mainly because those two people were really too cheap.

They are absolutely in favor of beating people who don't recognize their identities!
"Slow! Wait a minute!"

Hearing the sound, another person arrived.

A slightly graceful woman arrived with a group of disciples of Yulingzong.

"Your Excellency, they are my disciples of Yulingzong, please..."

Qiu Yulan suddenly stopped talking halfway through.

"Little... Xiaoxue?"

 Bao'er, promise Krypton, tomorrow's recommendation ticket will have a copy of Krypton.

  Cough cough, the author will be full of class tomorrow, so when I update the second update tomorrow, I hope I don’t wonder if Krypton has become a vegetable.

  If the ranking continues to rise during this period of time, Krypton will continue to explode on Saturdays and weekends!

  In addition, the ranking is now 21. If you want to be able to reach the top ten, Krypton will update every weekend on a certain weekend, and start ten chapters on the day it is released! (It feels a little unrealistic, but people have to have a little dream), thank you for your support all the way! !

  ps: About the fan group, it will take a while, I'm a little afraid of hitting the street.


(End of this chapter)

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