No, the whole world wants to contract me?

Chapter 46 The Year Is Coming

Chapter 46 The Hundred Years Are Coming (Some Water)

It didn't take long for the two to look at each other before Su Qingxue turned her head.

"Okay, Yanhe, let's go in."

Although she couldn't hear any other flavors from the language, her heart wanted to recognize it in every possible way.

But now, absolutely not!
Yanhe nodded and said, "Yeah."

And when he was leaving, he looked at Qiu Yulan again, and his eyes quickly turned to threats!

"Hmph! Take good care of your own disciples, and be careful not to burn yourself!"

This statement is both a threat and a big truth.

There are hundreds of millions of immortal cultivators in Tianxuan Continent!

And those who really traveled thousands of miles and ventured into this Halloween city, even the lowest-level Qi practitioners, who didn't have a big backer behind them!
Here, it's better to grow some color!

Seeing the two leave, Qiu Yulan's expression remained dull.

Seeing the strange scene, Yun Chaoyang, who was not able to intervene, couldn't help but frowned, and hurried over with his hands together, saying, "Eldest brother?"

"it's okay no problem."

After Qiu Yulan came back from her thoughts, she quickly shook her head.

It couldn't be her, she was dead.

"Master! Master! Make the decision for us!"

While in a trance, Sun Man's mourning sounded again.

Seeing that the atmosphere was suitable, he ran over quickly, trying to grab the former's clothes.

Of course.


Rejecting with flick of her sleeves, Qiu Yulan suddenly let out a cold snort and left.

She has heard it!
Ever since Xiaoxue died, this bitch has been cursing Xiaoxue to die!

If she hadn't been concerned about making a big offering, she would have killed this bitch with one blow!

The farce ended here, and the others in the inn continued to drink their own wine as if they lost their interest.

"Your Highness Yaoji, can you settle down later and accept the invitation of my Majesty?" A middle-aged man in luxurious clothes stopped in front of his children and said with a respectful smile.

Su Qingxue's dark eyes quickly glanced at the other person's attire, and the misty white cloud jade pendant unique to the Floating Cloud royal family hung around her waist, and she soon realized who it was.

After only two breaths of time to examine, Su Qingxue nodded and said: "Of course, I will visit Senior Fuyun regardless of his seniority or status, even if he doesn't say anything."

"Okay, the little one will go back to his life."

Those who came came quickly, and returned quickly, and when he got a definite answer, he quickly retreated.

"Princess, how is it?" After the others left, Yanhe asked hastily.

To be chosen by Su Qingxue as a personal servant, his eyes will naturally not be too bad.

The dialogue between the two just now is not something that can be arbitrarily overridden at my level.

"What else can I do? Yaotian... Father Emperor has friendship with the former emperor of the Fuyun Empire, and he is considered the uncle of the Fuyun Sage. Although he is old and does not want to show up again, the Yuyan Empire is still myself, and the Fuyun Sage can do it all." Made a deal."

"I'm afraid the princess will suffer..."

Su Qingxue waved her hand.

She is not really just a bratty little girl.

Zeng was the Holy Dragon Empress in her previous life, and she made friends with too many saints.

A floating cloud sage, she can still handle it.

And the more she goes up, the more she realizes that people in this world...

some water?
"Princess? What are you thinking?"

Being called out suddenly, Su Qingxue soon returned to this side consciously.

Shaking his head, he said, "It's okay, let's go."

Until an hour.

The doorway of the private room exclusively for Sage Lord Floating Cloud.

"It's annoying."

After greeting, Su Qingxue went in alone.

The eyes are indifferent, with a taste of simplicity and elegance. He is obviously an emperor and a saint, but this Floating Cloud Sage gives people a very simple feeling.

Su Qingxue's expression didn't change much.

"Hehe, let's do it. I never thought that Princess Yandi, who was only born a hundred years old, has already reached the realm of Taiyi True Immortal. That's amazing."

"Senior Fuyun praised you, but Yao Ji wasted so much of my father's love to get to where she is today. It's really hard to wait for the elegant hall."

"Hehe, you're so humble. It's rare to be able to raise yourself to such a level by external force. It's better than some people who are only the first real immortals by external force." Tang Mengsheng said at the end, as if he had thought of something bad. , with one hand covering his forehead.

Tang Jiujiu: You just report my ID card directly!

Su Qingxue didn't object.

Relying on foreign objects to improve strength sounds like a joke, but it is actually not that easy.

Just like eating, how much can a person eat in a day?
How much can you digest?

It's not bad for ordinary practitioners to absorb [-]% of the power of the panacea.

Genius points can absorb [-]% to [-]% of them.

No matter how powerful it is to absorb [-]%, it will be as good as the sky.

But she cooperates with Yaotian to make the absorption reach an unprecedented 90%!

But a hundred years, the peak of Taiyi True Immortal!
This is definitely a shocking thing!

And when she thought of her super fast cultivation, she couldn't help but recall that strange egg.

Ah ~
Dead pervert!
Inside the God Market.

Tang Ren trembled inexplicably.

Change, change? ?

As soon as this strange idea was born, he denied it himself.

Thinking about it carefully, I haven't broken my shell yet, even if the sky changes, it has nothing to do with him!
"Damn it, it's been a hundred years, no one still misses me, right?" He couldn't help complaining.

The male dragon's sixth sense told him that someone was greedy for his body!
"Brother Tang! I'll dig it out!!"

Not far away, Yu Xiao's voice quickly pulled him back from his thoughts.

"Ang, let me see."

"Brother Tang, you now feel like the reincarnated treasure egg of Jubao Ding! You really mean where there are treasures?!"

Yu Xiao placed the object beside Tang Ren, and looked at the big quail in front of him with admiration.

If I had to say that I used to call the other party brother, it was to please the children and not let them cry.

Then he really admires it from the bottom of his heart now!
Ever since he woke up from an inexplicable serious injury last time, Tang Ren allowed him to eat for the first time!

And it can also directly locate the location of the treasure like Jubao Ding!
As for whether Brother Tang absorbed Jubaoding's ability, it's not important anymore.

He had thought about it before, even if Brother Tang took the Jubao Ding away, he would admit it, after all, Brother Tang gave him his life!

What's more, Brother Tang is still eager to give him something to eat, and while eating these things, he has inexplicably lost his cultivation base and returned inexplicably!

The Dragon Clan is indeed an existence favored by the heavens! !

"Okay, there is almost enough food in this area, let's change it." After checking that the objects dug up by Yu Xiao were not dangerous, he directly fed them into the other party's mouth.

"Okay ok~"

"By the way, stupid dragon? What state are you in now?"

"Taiyi Xuanxian has achieved great success!"

"Huh? Only Xuanxian Taiyi?? After eating so many treasures from heaven and earth, that's all? What a prodigal!"

"Brother Tang, you have to digest it after eating, and not all of it can be digested. I think it's pretty good to improve this point." Yu Xiao said without ambition.

Immortal Taiyi Xuan!
When his strength was still there before, he was only in the realm of Taiyi True Immortal.

And he also knows how difficult it is to advance to the next level of cultivation base!
But for a while.

Not only did he recover from Void Return to Taiyi True Immortal, but he was also promoted from Taiyi True Immortal to Taiyi Xuanxian Realm!

And the way to advance is to eat!
It feels silly, but it's true!
"Stop talking nonsense to me!"

"Give it to me! It's best to finish the food in Shenxu!"

 Uh uh uh, let's start with a chapter today (even this chapter still has some water...)
  But tomorrow Krypton will find a way to make it up!
  The next chapter, the Shenxu Market opens for the second time!It's a new turning point, and Krypton wants to think about the future and fill in the pits ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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