My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 137 But that's it

Chapter 137 But that's it
"Really?" Jiang Siming finally showed a relaxed look, and Zhu Zhuqing and others left safely so that Jiang Siming no longer had to worry about the future.

"Tsk tsk, I really can't bear to kill a genius like you. For this sake, I'm still so calm. If you can join my Zhu family, I will let you go! Let you marry Zhu Zhuqing in an open and honest manner." Zhu Xingtian looked at There was a bit of appreciation in Jiang Siming's eyes, and a bit of playfulness in his words.

Jiang Siming touched his chin, as if he was thinking, but the corner of his mouth couldn't help grinning the next moment.

"I don't like trouble, and I don't like being controlled by others. I will naturally fight for my own things!" Jiang Siming stretched his waist and said slowly, seemingly unaware of the dangerous situation now.

"Interesting, I really want to know who gave you the courage now!" Zhu Xingtian looked at Jiang Siming curiously and said.

"Changsheng! Go and verify the authenticity of the things." Zhu Xingtian ordered Zhu Changsheng.

Zhu Changsheng, who seemed a little excited while holding the parchment, immediately replied, "Yes!"

"Don't worry! You are not ready to die yet." Zhu Xingtian looked at Jiang Siming and said coldly, his figure disappeared like a ghost.

Jiang Siming moved accordingly, his domineering aura was released instantly, and a figure suddenly appeared and stagnated in midair.

Jiang Siming seized the opportunity, and instantly hit Zhu Xingtian with a phantom purple sword energy from the Immortal Sword.

Zhu Xingtian, who was originally surprised by Jiang Siming's strange domineering aura, suddenly became confused, and his body fell down involuntarily.

Jiang Siming's series of actions made it easy for Ben to watch the battle. Zhu Xingdi and Zhu Xingren watched the dramatic changes in the battle, and couldn't help exclaiming "Big brother!"

"Kill God Possessed!"

"Evil Qi Lingran!"

Jiang Siming's aura rose instantly, and the sword in his hand had been replaced by the Absolute Immortal Sword, with traces of gray sword air flowing around the sword, leaving deep invisible sword marks where the sword pointed.

At Jiang Siming's dantian, the gray original sword energy shines brightly.

At this time, Zhu Xingtian, whose eyes were a little dull, finally reacted, secretly thinking in his heart that it was not good, but it was too late.

"Sword Qi leaves traces!"

The ten-meter-long gray sword energy was filled with fierce aura, as if it wanted to tear apart the space.

Zhu Xingtian turned pale with shock, hurriedly mobilized his soul power, and put his hands on his chest.

The gray sword energy came in an instant, but instead of bursting out with a huge roar as imagined, it passed through Zhu Xingtian and attacked the Zhu family's second, third and Changlin army again.

Zhu Xingdi and Zhu Xingren reacted quickly and jumped to escape the terrifying blow.

However, the dozens of soldiers of the Changlin Army behind the two did not have time to show panic in their eyes.The gray sword energy had already passed through their bodies, and the expressions on their faces were frozen forever.

There was a few breaths of silence in the air, and the chests of dozens of Changlin soldiers spurted blood all over the sky. Coupled with the dim lights at this time, it was especially bloody and weird.

Even though Changlin Jun who had just reacted by the side retreated in horror, they only saw a gray sword energy passing by, followed by the fall of the brothers around them.

Zhu Xingdi and Zhu Xingren ignored the shock, and flew to rescue Zhu Xingtian who was still frozen in place.

However, at the next moment, Zhu Xingtian wailed suddenly, and blood sprayed out from his chest and back.

"Brother!" Zhu Xingdi and Zhu Xingren rushed forward, stabilized Zhu Xingtian, and kept sending soul power into Zhu Xingtian's body, trying to stop Zhu Xingtian's bleeding wound.

Jiang Siming held the sword in one hand, and the sword air flowed around him, exuding a sharp sword intent from his whole body, showing his strength.

However, Jiang Siming did not chase after the victory. After all, the attack just now used the original sword energy, which consumed him a lot.

Just now he had the advantage of surprise, if he really cornered the opponent and faced two defensive titled Douluo of the agility attack department at the same time, it would be difficult for Jiang Siming to gain the advantage again.

The only way for Jiang Siming to get out of trouble now is to procrastinate as long as he can, waiting for Jian Douluo to settle Zhu Zhuqing and others.

"Impossible, you are only five rings, how could you hurt me? Boy! I'm going to kill you, ahem!" Zhu Xingtian stared at Jiang Siming, who was standing with a sword in front of him, blood continued to flow from Zhu Xingtian's mouth.

Zhu Xingdi and Zhu Xingren also looked at Jiang Siming vigilantly, not daring to act rashly.Jiang Siming was able to succeed in that blow just now. Although Zhu Xingtian was careless, there is no doubt about the horror of that blow.

At this moment, Jiang Siming was urging his aura of domineering with all his strength, and his own aggressiveness made the remaining two titled Douluo of the Zhu family dare not make a move easily.

"Second, third, you must kill him! If you let him go, it will definitely be a disaster for our Zhu family!" Zhu Xingtian's blood kept slipping from the corner of his mouth, and he covered his chest with one hand, feeling a little agitated Said.

Zhu Xingdi and Zhu Xingren looked at Jiang Siming who was on the fifth ring in front of them, with fierce eyes. If Jiang Siming was really allowed to practice to the ninth ring, it would be a great threat to the Zhu family.

The two looked at each other with a fierce light in their eyes.

In the blink of an eye, two ghostly figures rushed towards Jiang Siming.

The two didn't drag each other out. Although it's contemptible for two Douluo to fight against a soul king with five rings, but compared with the interests of the family, what's the surface of the skin?
"Come on, come on!" Jiang Siming gritted his teeth, and the Immortal Killing Sword also appeared in his hand, and the scarlet killing air flowed around the sword.

The next moment, the sword energy and the shadow of sharp claws flickered alternately. The speed of the two agility attack title Douluo was so fast that even though Jiang Siming's reflexes were heaven-defying, they were still a little difficult to parry.

Even though the Nether Civet is much weaker than the Clear Sky Hammer, the opponent is still a Title Douluo, under the pincer attack.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but retreated, and blood kept spitting out from his mouth. The wound caused by the sharp claws had already seen thick bones, and the blood had stained Jiang Siming's clothes red.If it weren't for Jiang Siming's strong physique, he might have been unable to hold on.

With a scoff, three bright red claw marks appeared on Jiang Siming's chest.The severe pain made Jiang Siming's expression even more ferocious.

Seeing this, the two titled Douluo couldn't help being overjoyed, and took advantage of the victory to pursue.

"Prison! All attributes are reduced by 50%."

The two Titled Douluo instantly felt their speed drop rapidly.


"One sword to separate lives!" Jiang Siming had been waiting for this opportunity, waiting for the two Titled Douluo to be careless.

The gray and red sword qi instantly tore apart the two black shadows, but Jiang Siming's face did not show any joy.

Zhu Xingdi and Zhu Xingren reappeared 10 meters away from Jiang Siming.

The arms of the two men trembled slightly, traces of blood dripped, and the two gray and red sword qi eroded wantonly at the wound.

Jiang Siming looked at the two people in front of him at this moment, still standing proudly, even though the bluestone slab on the ground had been soaked in blood.

"Fuck! Old man, if you don't come, I'll be here forever!" Jiang Siming couldn't help slandering himself.

Although at this moment, Jiang Siming was somewhat exhausted, he still grinned and said, "Title Douluo! That's all!"

"Changlin Army, kill him for me. Anyone who can hurt him will be rewarded with ten taels per person in the whole army. If he can be killed, the murderer will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold, and each person in the whole army will be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold." Watching the battle from the sidelines Zhu Xingtian shouted loudly at this moment.

It's fine for me to be injured, if the other two titled Douluo of the Zhu family are also injured, I'm afraid it will be in vain.After all, there was such a big commotion tonight, but the Dai family has not expressed their position at all, which made Zhu Xingtian feel a little worried.

Zhu Xingdi and Zhu Xingren also retreated quickly when they heard Zhu Xingtian speak.There was a sense of erosion coming from the wound from time to time, and even the soul power couldn't stop that strange erosion force, which made the two feel very uneasy.

Changlin Jun behind the three couldn't help but feel a little moved when he heard that the reward was so generous.Looking at Jiang Siming who was seriously injured at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little ready to move.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. In an instant, countless heavy armored shields surrounded Jiang Siming, and arrows flashing with cold light protruded from the gaps.

(End of this chapter)

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