My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 138 Zhu Family Douluo, Absolutely!

Chapter 138 Zhu Family Douluo, Absolutely!

Jiang Siming looked at the Changlin Army who surrounded him heavily, and took a deep breath.

"Can you live? It depends on God's will!" Jiang Siming smiled in relief. When he took out the m4a 1, he never thought that it would cause so many troublesome things.All of this was due to being too confident in my foresight at the time.

Jiang Siming slowly tore off the mask that had been tightly stuck to his face and the wig on his head. Sweat and blood soaked the silk mask, making Jiang Siming extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, that half of Jiang Siming's sinister face was deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.


In an instant, the evil spirit erupted to the extreme, and the negative emotions magnified ten times made the Changlin army surrounding Jiang Siming even more frightened.

At this time, Jiang Siming, who was soaked in blood, was a devil from hell in the eyes of all Changlin Army soldiers.

"Kill!" Someone in the Changlin army shouted out in horror.

In an instant, countless arrows rained at Jiang Siming.

"Chaos Clock!"

The huge bell body instantly enveloped Jiang Siming, but the countless arrow feathers couldn't hurt Jiang Siming at all.

After the arrow feathers passed, the heavy shields coming from all directions slammed into the Chaos Clock. After hitting again and again, with the slight tremor of the clock body, Jiang Siming couldn't help spitting out another mouthful of blood.

For the soldiers of the Changlin Army, this is equivalent to ten taels of gold. Above the Chaos Clock, the Changlin Army hit more and more crazy.

Jiang Siming wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the four black soul rings floating in front of him completely merged into the night.

It's just that no one noticed that one of the black soul rings had quietly lit up at this moment.

"The Shock of the Bell!"

In an instant, the avenue pattern engraved on the Chaos Clock exudes a little stream of light, converging into a strange imprint that flows quickly, above the Chaos Clock.

The Chaos Clock was firmly embedded in the ground, and the bluestone slabs were shattered inch by inch. A strange shock force sent Changlin Jun and his heavy shield flying away. At this time, the broken stones became a life-threatening talisman.Planted a blood-colored flower.

Countless Changlin Army soldiers fell, but more Changlin Army soldiers rushed up.

"Jiang Siming! You must die today!" Seeing that Jiang Siming was about to exhaust himself, Zhu Xingtian and the others couldn't help laughing wildly.To them, the lives of those ordinary soldiers are nothing at all.

"Then give it a go!" Jiang Siming took back the Chaos Clock at this moment.

Holding the two swords of Absolute Immortal Sword and Killing Immortal Sword in his hands, Jiang Siming pressed the two swords tightly together without hesitation. The two colors of gray and red quickly intertwined together, emitting a dazzling white light to illuminate the night.

At this moment, Jiang Siming's eyes turned blood red, his face was filled with a ferocious expression, the little soul power left in his body was drained, and the radiant long sword in his hand seemed to have the power of a thousand catties.

"Death!" Jiang Siming roared hysterically. At this moment, he no longer had any extra soul power to use his soul skills, so he swung a sword aura hundreds of meters long with all his strength.

The white sword energy seemed to illuminate everything, and everything it passed was annihilated.

Without a drop of blood, half of the tens of thousands of long forest troops disappeared in an instant.

"Impossible!" Zhu Xingtian looked at Chang Linjun, who had disappeared half in front of his eyes, his eyes were full of shock.

"Is this really a soul king with five rings?" Zhu Xingtian and the others couldn't help feeling a burst of regret at this moment.

If Zhu Zhuqing can be treated kindly, maybe the Zhu family can add a powerful guardian.

As the white sword energy dissipated, it returned to the silence that the night should have had.

The rest of the Changlin army looked at the disappearing clean space, filled with fear.

At this moment, Jiang Siming's trembling hands showed a strange smile on his face.

"Damn! If you don't come, old man, I'm going to die!" Jiang Siming, who was calm on the surface, was actually flustered.At this moment, he can only scare the group of people in front of him by pretending to be calm.

Jiang Siming can only hope that there will be no brains in the Changlin army. If someone who is not afraid of death comes up and slashes himself, the current Jiang Siming really has no way to resist. The move just now has been exhausted. All the soul power in Jiang Siming's body.

Now the only thing that is still released is the aura of domineering, which has increased by 100%, hoping to win a little more time.


A limping soldier suddenly slashed at Jiang Siming with a dull expression on his face.

"What the hell!" Jiang Siming was really speechless at the moment.

"I didn't expect that I would die in the hands of an ordinary person in my wise life!" Jiang Siming was not sad at the moment, and he couldn't help but smile on his face.

It was a mistake for Jiang Siming to come to Douluo Dalu.The world where the strong are respected is cruel. Jiang Siming used to be very envious, but after experiencing it, he found that he didn't seem to be happy.

What's wrong with an ordinary world?
A cold light flashed across, and Jiang Siming gently closed his eyes, waiting for the next moment of fate.

However, more than a dozen breaths passed, and there was no suffocation of waiting.

Jiang Siming slightly opened his eyes, and Jian Douluo stood in front of Jiang Siming playfully.

"You old chicken thief!" Jiang Siming passed out in Jian Douluo's arms after speaking.

In fact, when Jiang Siming finished using the two swords in one, the moment his soul power was emptied, Jiang Siming's ability to stay awake was all supported by his will.The arrival of Sword Douluo at this moment finally temporarily relieved his tense nerves.

"What a stubborn boy!" Jian Douluo slowly carried Jiang Siming on his back, and tied a long rope around his waist.

"I've reached level 98! How does it feel to try full firepower for the first time?" Sword Douluo grinned, his eyes full of killing intent.

Sword Douluo!Angry!

"Level 98!" The pupils of Zhu Xingtian and the others dilated instantly.

Now without Zhu Zhuqing and the others, Sword Douluo didn't have to worry about the aftermath of the battle affecting them.

The phantom of the Seven Killing Sword went straight to the zenith, and the long sword swung, as if to move the clouds and move the moon.

A sky-high aura instantly annihilated everything around Jian Douluo, and at this moment Jian Douluo seemed to be standing in the void.

"Kill him!" Zhu Xingtian was already insane at the moment, seeing that Sword Douluo, who was already like a god, had lost confidence.

The rest of Changlin Jun looked at Jian Douluo who was like a sword god descending from the earth in front of him, his trembling hands could no longer hold the hilt of the sword, and the clanging sound kept ringing.

Seeing this, Jian Douluo didn't make it difficult for those Changlin soldiers who had put down their sabers.Military orders are hard to break!But no one wants to die so meaningless.

Zhu Xingtian and Zhu Xingtian, who were seriously injured, and Zhu Xingdi and Zhu Xingren, who were crippled by the force of the killing, were left in the Zhu family.

"Jian Dao Chenxin! My Zhu family has fallen this time, how can we let us go?" Zhu Xingtian also admitted at this moment, the Zhu family has suffered such a big loss, but fortunately, he has already obtained the formula, even if Sword Douluo and the lion opened his mouth , it is acceptable to be able to keep the Zhu family's high-end combat power.

"Hehe! I don't mind. If I don't die with one strike, I'll spare you." Sword Douluo smiled coldly, without any delay, the huge phantom of the Seven Kills Sword swept towards the three of them in an instant.

The fierce sword energy pierced the night, followed by a huge burst of wind.

The three members of the Zhu family all knelt on one knee, spitting out a mouthful of blood.Zhu Xingtian, who was already seriously injured, finally couldn't hold on, and completely lost his breath.

"Big brother!"

The remaining two felt the disappearance of Zhu Xingtian's vitality, and endless hatred welled up in their hearts, but at this moment, the bloody sword marks on their chests reminded them all the time that revenge is courting death.

"Thank you Jian Dao Chenxin! Be merciful!"

"It's a pity!" Sword Douluo sighed inexplicably, and disappeared into the night with Jiang Siming.

Just when Zhu Xingdi and Zhu Xingren finally breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to leave with their elder brother's body.

The head of a dead man slowly rolled in front of the two of them.

"Longevity!" The two couldn't help exclaiming.

(End of this chapter)

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