My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 139 Back to Tiandou, Dai Tianxing's Little Thoughts

Chapter 139 Returning to Tiandou, Dai Tianxing's Little Thoughts

Looking at the falling head of Zhu Changsheng, the eyes of the only two remaining titled Douluo in the Zhu family revealed despair, and countless black shadows appeared in the gloom.

The rest of the Changlin army who had given up resistance looked in horror at the black shadows slowly approaching in all directions.

"By His Majesty's order, eliminate the rebellious officials and thieves!" The cold voice echoed in the darkness.

When the first scream sounded, it was destined that this endless night would be dyed scarlet again.

On the official road of the Star Luo Empire, a luxurious carriage slowly headed towards the Heaven Dou Empire.

The jolt of the carriage woke up the comatose Jiang Siming.

The heavy eyelids gradually lifted up, and what came into view was a pair of agile eyes, looking through the autumn water.A beautiful figure was tightly attached to Jiang Siming's body.

"Siming!" Zhu Zhuqing looked at Jiang Siming who was awake, and couldn't help showing a relieved smile on his tired face.

The fresh fragrance of the girl's virgin immediately lifted Jiang Siming's spirit at the moment. Looking at the natural formation on his chest, the Qi and blood in Jiang Siming's body unconsciously concentrated downwards.

"Uh, Zhuqing, can you get up from me?" Jiang Siming felt the change in himself, and said with some embarrassment.

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned when he heard Jiang Siming's words, and then felt the changes in Jiang Siming's body, and a faint blush appeared on his face.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's moving posture at this moment, Jiang Siming, who was already suffering a bit from patience, pinched his thigh involuntarily, trying to calm himself down.

But seeing the change in Jiang Siming's embarrassment, Zhu Zhuqing became playful for a while, and his delicate and weak body kept writhing.

Feeling as soft as jade, Jiang Siming finally couldn't help it, "Little girl! You are playing with fire!"

After speaking, Jiang Siming kissed her delicate lips heavily.

How can I bear this?If you're a man, you can't help it!
Zhu Zhuqing didn't have any precautions against Jiang Siming's sudden movement, his eyes turned from surprise to endless tenderness.

"Ahem!" Two deliberate coughs broke the sweet moment between the two.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing remembered that there were two other people in the carriage.Shocked, he pushed Jiang Siming away.

Jiang Siming turned his head just in time to meet the playful eyes of Shang Shuiyue'er and Dai Mubai, and couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

Zhu Zhuqing on the side looked at Jiang Siming's blank look at the moment, clenched his jade hand and lightly hammered Jiang Siming on the chest.

"I said, Siming, it's okay, you can distribute dog food as you like, I'm also a dog food manufacturer now!" Dai Mubai said with a pale face, and kissed Shui Yueer's delicate cheek beside her abruptly. , looked at Jiang Siming proudly.

For Dai Mubai's sudden attack, Shui Yue'er was a little caught off guard, the temperature on her face soared rapidly.

"You! I hate you so much!" Shui Yue'er didn't know what to say for a while, she just pointed her jade finger at Dai Mubai and complained.

"It's got it! You can force it, right?" Jiang Siming was also very helpless with Dai Mubai's move.

Jian Douluo, who was driving, heard the movement in the carriage, opened the curtain, saw a sober Jiang Siming, and couldn't help showing a smile.

"Boy Jiang, go on!" Jian Douluo said, and then threw Jiang Siming a ring soul tool.

Jiang Siming took it, and slowly supported his body, a little curious about what Sword Douluo gave him.

"Dai Tianxing gave it to you, saying it's a thank you gift." Jian Douluo said inexplicably.

Hearing the name Dai Tianxing, Dai Mubai's face changed slightly, but he didn't say anything after all.

Jiang Siming was not too surprised. Dai Tianxing's move to kill with a knife has stabilized the Dai family's position in the court, and it is really unreasonable not to give something.

"Boy Jiang! The danger this time is far greater than you imagined. Outside Xingluo City, nearly 15 troops have been assembled. This is not Dai Tianxing tidying up our tails. I'm afraid you'll have died a long time ago!" Sword fight Luo said with some lingering fear.

That's a well-equipped army of 15, not 15 civilians, who can be killed by soul masters at will.

Zhu Zhuqing and the others also agreed, they personally felt the sense of oppression caused by the 15 Star Luo army.

"By the way, that old boy gave away your formula. Is your formula real or fake?" Sword Douluo asked with some doubts. Since he knew Jiang Siming well, Jiang Siming would never He is the loser, how could it be possible for Dai Tianxing to take such a big advantage.

Jiang Siming grinned, but did not answer.

But when everyone saw Jiang Siming's malicious smile, they could probably guess that Jiang Siming's so-called formula was absolutely fake.

Just when everyone's attention was focused on Jiang Siming's malicious smile.

Jiang Siming, who was originally smiling, suddenly changed his expression and shouted loudly at Sword Douluo, "Ditch, ditch, ditch!"

Everyone's face changed, thinking that there was some kind of hostility.

"Bad old man, what a mess! Brake quickly, there's a ditch ahead!" Jiang Siming was speechless at the moment, as expected he couldn't be distracted while driving, even driving a carriage.

Jian Douluo, who had reacted, hurriedly turned around, and reined in the horse that was about to run towards the ditch.

At this moment, Jian Douluo's mood was extremely depressed, even if the dignified Titled Douluo drove a carriage for others, he was actually disgusted.

Watching the dramatic scene in the carriage, they were stunned for a moment, and then they couldn't help laughing.

After a frolic, everyone fell silent.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Jiang Siming's terrifying red skull face with some distress, and couldn't help but want to reach out and touch it.

But Jiang Siming stopped him, looked affectionately at Zhu Zhuqing's bright eyes and said, "It's okay, it will change back!"

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Jiang Siming's face close at hand, and kissed Jiang Siming's lips affectionately.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Zhu Zhuqing fell asleep on Jiang Siming's lap, the last trace of exhaustion finally let go of his face.

Jiang Siming looked at the girl in front of him with tenderness in his eyes.

Shui Yue'er at the side saw Zhu Zhuqing and Jiang Siming's intimate movements, followed Zhu Zhuqing's example and laid a pillow on Dai Mubai's lap, showing a cute smile, and closed her eyes in satisfaction.

Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows at Jiang Siming somewhat proudly, saying that I can also perform such difficult movements as yours.

Jiang Si understood him with a glance, and then began to study the ring soul guide that Dai Tianxing gave him.

When injecting soul power and feeling the items in the soul guide, Jiang Siming was a little surprised at first, but before he had time to get excited, his face turned black the next moment.

A black light flashed, and three crystal clear soul bones appeared in front of Jiang Siming.

It stands to reason that it is absolutely generous for Dai Tianxing to give three soul bones.Jiang Siming was a little surprised at first, why was he so generous to himself?

But seeing that two of the three soul bones in front of him were the left hand bone of the Dark Sacred Tiger and the right hand bone of the Bright Sacred Tiger, Jiang Siming could probably understand what Dai Tianxing meant.

Of course, what made Jiang Siming speechless the most was that Dai Tianxing, as if afraid that Jiang Siming would not know, specially used an extra-large label to mark the soul beast from which the soul bone came from.

However, the remaining soul bone allowed Jiang Siming to make up for the gap, and the right arm bone of the Shadowless Demon Cat was obviously reserved for Zhu Zhuqing.

Although Jiang Siming couldn't tell the age of the three spirit bones, judging from the color and origin, although the quality was not as good as the 10-year-old spirit bones, they were probably top-notch.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it seems that Dai Tianxing really loves Dai Mubai very much, I'm afraid Dai Tianxing has long been tired of fighting for power in the empire, but in this position, he can only do what he should do things.

But obviously Dai Tianxing didn't want his most beloved son to inherit his conspiracy-filled life.When Dai Mubai was sent to the Heaven Dou Empire in the first place, it should be to let Dai Mubai completely stay away from the disputes of the imperial court.

So he didn't choose to hand over the soul bones to Dai Mubai himself, but chose to use Jiang Siming's hand to hand over these two soul bones to Dai Mubai, also because he didn't want Dai Mubai to have nostalgia for the Star Luo Empire.

Jiang Siming looked at Dai Mubai who was teasing Shui Yue'er who was pretending to be asleep, and he was a little confused about whether to tear off the label on the spirit bone.

(End of this chapter)

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