My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 273 Go straight ahead!

Chapter 273 Go straight ahead!
"Damn it, this makes the map too unreliable!" Jiang Siming complained weakly while holding a mobile phone.

It's a shame that I haven't found the right place after searching for a long time!

"Master, please ask me! How can I get to Weier Hotel?"

"What? What dimension?"





Jiang Siming finally let the old man "Ma Dongmei" go, asked several passers-by, and finally found this remote small restaurant.

"The evil spirit is so heavy, the underground black boxing arena should be here!"

Jiang Siming lowered his head and thought, should he wait until tomorrow?
Whether the martial arts conference can be held smoothly, Jiang Siming doesn't care at all, after all, apart from the five ancient martial arts families, other forces are not worth mentioning.

"Am I too obscene in development? Anyway, there is no new way to improve strength now! Obscene development is meaningless. Fuck him!" Jiang Siming gritted his teeth, feeling as if he was being too cautious.

The strongest person Jiang Siming has encountered so far is Li Changsheng, although he can not be affected by Jiang Siming's space power.But to die is only a Contra-level master, no matter how strong the ancient martial arts family is, it is impossible to have a master who exceeds the Contra-level, right?
Jiang Siming walked to a remote corner, and disappeared in a flash of silver light.

In the underground boxing arena.

Except for the already dead Zhao family who didn't even have scum left, the other four kept a distance from each other, and no one dared to act rashly.

"Have the three of you considered it? It's time to make a decision!" Bai Longma said with a sneer. Now that the face has been torn apart, if you can't be friends, you must be enemies.

However, in the next second, Jiang Siming suddenly appeared in the middle of the ring.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely strange, and everyone couldn't help but look at each other. How did this guy get in?
Bai Longma also had a dazed look on his face, who the hell is this?We are talking about big things, can we be more serious!
"I'll go!" Jiang Siming was also a little confused.

"The way he opened it is wrong!"

"Hurry up and take him down!" Bai Longma could only reflect it, and hurriedly shouted.

The conversation between them must not be leaked, this is not the time to tear faces with the practice world.

The other three paused, weighed the pros and cons, glanced at each other, and nodded.

"Fuck me right here? You want to die!" Jiang Siming didn't panic at all, since he decided to do it straight away!There are not so many scruples.


Except for the white dragon horse whose whole body was wrapped in black mist at this moment, the other three patriarchs were instantly frozen in place, looking at Jiang Siming in horror.

What kind of monster is this question?

"Oh? You are not affected by the imprisonment!" Jiang Siming frowned slightly and looked at the guy in front of him who was wrapped in black mist like a humanoid monster.

Jiang Siming always felt that he had seen the other party's appearance before?An uncontrollable disgust arose in my heart involuntarily!

"Death!" Bai Longma looked at the three patriarchs who had suddenly stopped, and didn't care about being surprised at the moment, waving a black mist to cover Jiang Siming.

"red lotus!"

A fiery red lotus bloomed from the ultimate fire, instantly burning away the black mist that filled the air.

"How is it possible!" The monster-like white dragon horse roared unbelievably at this moment, and quickly retreated violently.

"Want to leave? How can it be so easy!"


The hard ground turned into quicksand, and Bai Longma fell into it in an instant, desperately trying to break free, but the strange suction in the quicksand not only took all the strength off his body, but also swallowed the weird black mist Exhausted.

"The effect is not bad!" Jiang Siming nodded and said in satisfaction. Jiang Siming has mastered a total of four ultimate attributes.

Among them, Huobinglei has been used before, and the ultimate soil is the first time to use it.

"Wait a minute, it seems that arresting four old men is useless!" Jiang Siming said as if he had suddenly realized.

Jiang Siming didn't know that he directly arrested four heads of the five ancient martial arts families.After all, Jiang Siming really felt that the four people in front of him were too weak. Although the guy who could use black mist could break free from his imprisonment, his own strength was still too weak.

"Too much deceit!" Bai Longma was already furious at this moment, just now he was still talking about his grand plan, dreaming of changing the pattern of the practice world.

In the end, who the hell knew that just coming out and being alone would torture him to death!At this moment, he is still mocking himself here!Uncle Shi Keren can't bear it!Uncle can bear it, and aunt can't bear it either!

"Who of you can take me to see the Patriarch of the Bai family, I may consider to spare your life!" Jiang Siming snapped his fingers, and all three except Bai Longma regained their mobility.

The three old men who are still in the arena at the moment have a confused look on their faces. After a long time, you don't even know who is who, and when you come up, you pin the four of us to the ground and hammer them!

"I also hope that the seniors will keep their promises!"

The three of them have already accepted their fate, with such a big gap in strength, there is no way to resist!The three looked at the white dragon horse in the quicksand with pity.

You pretended to be aggressive with us just now, but you didn't expect the retribution to come so quickly!

"The person in front of you is the head of the Bai family, Bai Longma!"

Jiang Siming frowned, and stared at the three of them with a murderous look, "Do you think I'm easy to deceive? Don't expect me to respect the old and love the young! In terms of age, the four of you combined are not as old as me!"

The three of them wanted to cry when they heard what Jiang Siming said!Brother, the lives of the three of us are in your hands, why lie to you?
"Senior, this person is really the head of the Bai family, Bai Longma!"

"I'm meowing and my hoof is facing west!" Jiang Siming was in a bad mood, and slapped the old man who spoke just now.

The other two were astonished, their expressions were uglier than crying!

"It's up to you to kill or cut! Why do you want to shame the old man!"

Now the white dragon horse in the quicksand roared loudly and said, Jiang Siming is insulting himself!

"It can't be such a coincidence, can it?" Jiang Siming said to himself.

"Then who are you three?" Jiang Siming frowned slightly and said.

The old man who was blown away resisted the surge of Qi and blood in his body, and hurriedly crawled back.

It's not that he was cowardly, it's that Jiang Siming's ability to declare is too strong.

"I am the Patriarch of the Chen family."

"I'm the head of the Qian Family."

"I am the Patriarch of the Wu family."

Jiang Siming "..."

"Where is another family?"

"Back to senior, he was killed by the white dragon horse!"

"Senior, we were all forced by the old ghost Bai, and we really have no intention of going against the cultivation world! And we absolutely dare not challenge the status of the seven major forces! I hope that senior will spare my life!"

The three said sincerely, almost crying.The three powerful figures in Dongjiang Province can't care about their face at this moment!Life is gone, who wants face?
 I found out that the plot of the main world doesn't seem like you guys like to watch it very much.

  Then I will speed up the process of the main world a little bit, but I guess it will take a while before I can return to the Douluo world.

(End of this chapter)

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