My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 274 The Martial Arts Tournament That Has Ended Before It Begins

Chapter 274 The Martial Arts Tournament That Has Ended Before It Begins

Jiang Siming is a little confused now, he seems to have overestimated the level of combat power in the main world.

The five major families can be regarded as dominating one side, but they didn't expect the patriarch's strength to be so weak, and they were cowardly!
"Let's go, the three of you! Then don't worry about the Martial Arts Conference, if it wasn't for someone letting you dance. Do you really think you can live so comfortably?" Jiang Siming said disdainfully.

He is not a person who kills indiscriminately, whichever force dares to use these three cowards, it is estimated that he can even lose his underwear.

Wanting to integrate the power of a province, Jiang Siming was just thinking about it and hadn't put it into action yet.After all, this is not only related to the interests of individual forces, it can easily attract the attention of high-level officials in special departments.

These five bastards have been able to jump for such a long time, and no one has released the water?Jiang Siming really didn't believe it.It's just that I don't know if the water was released on purpose, or someone concealed it.

"Thank you senior for not killing!"

"Senior is indeed a thousand gold promises, I will admire you!"


As if they were about to receive an amnesty, they kept on complimenting, but they didn't stop for a moment. They ran all over the place and disappeared.

"Trash, it's all trash!" Bai Longma was almost out of breath at this moment.

"Who the hell are you? How dare you go against my Bai family!" Bai Longma yelled loudly, but the loud questioning seemed feeble.He, the Patriarch of the Bai family, has already been defeated. What else can the Bai family do to deter the opponent?
"Tell me who is standing behind the Bai family? What is that weird black mist on your body? I can consider giving you a good time!" Jiang Siming said flatly. The other party must have the confidence to be so confident. Is it Huangquan and Hell?

"Dream! You won't tell me if you kill me!" Bai Longma said stiffly.

"Why are you so stubborn? Don't say you will die, but you still have a chance to survive! If you want to hide, it is not so easy for the people behind you to find you! At such an age, find someone Live in peace and stability here. Isn't it good?" Jiang Siming said from the bottom of his heart.

It's not that Bai Longma is pitiful, but that Jiang Siming yearns for an ordinary life.It can only be said that this is a very humble idea, and the thing you get is the most worthless.

With strength, but longing for peace.It's like having money and saying that you have no interest in money.

The white dragon horse was a little silent, but his mouth was still tightly shut.He is not alone, there is a whole Bai family behind him.

"Since you don't tell me, I'll give you a hell set meal for free!" Jiang Siming spread his hands indifferently.

A bloody sword energy flashed, blood gushed out, and a severed arm flew into the air.


"It does have some perseverance! But the pain has just begun!"

To be able to hold back his silence even with a broken hand, this guy is quite a character.It's a pity that the power of killing is the real torture.


The strange killing power eroded rapidly along the wound.

Bai Longma felt that the bloody wound was bitten by tens of thousands of ants, and couldn't help tearing the wound with his other hand.

The wound, which was already bleeding continuously, became even more bloody now.

"It hurts just looking at it!" Jiang Siming looked at the torn and bloody severed arm, wondering if he was a bit perverted.

"To say or not to say?"

"The old man won't say anything!" Bai Longma looked like a ghost at the moment, his sunken eyes exuded a hazy and fierce look, staring at Jiang Siming firmly.

"Then enjoy yourself!"

The screams of pain echoed in the empty underground boxing arena. The bloody scene made the already dark underground boxing arena look like a Shura arena from hell.

"Even if I turn into a ghost, I will never let you go!" The madness in Bai Longma's eyes overcame the pain, and the only remaining hand slapped his heart fiercely.

It's a pity how Jiang Siming could let him commit suicide so easily.

The killing sword energy flashed again, and there was another severed hand on the ground.

"Kill me! Please kill me!"

The white dragon horse screamed loudly, and his head hit the ground hard, making a dull sound.

"Answer my question!" Jiang Siming said coldly.

"Yellow Spring! Yellow Spring!"

The white dragon horse roared as if it had exhausted all its strength.

"Why did the people from Huangquan target Guangjun?" Jiang Siming asked coldly again, and with a wave of his big hand, he withdrew the killing power from Bai Longma.

The pain of all kinds of torture suddenly disappeared, Bai Longma was like a dead body, his eyes were empty and lifeless, and his face had become paler and paler due to excessive blood loss.

If it was a normal person, I'm afraid he would have died long ago and couldn't die anymore!
"answer my question!"

Jiang Siming's cold voice shocked the corpse-like white dragon horse.

"You are Jiang Siming!" The emptiness in Bai Longma's eyes was replaced by shock.

"Answer! Or continue to add a set meal for you!" Jiang Siming said coldly. It doesn't matter whether the other party knows his identity. Even if Bai Longma said it today, he must die!

"I don't know, I never ask, and I dare not ask! I am in charge of doing things, and in exchange, they transplanted the spirit of chaos in me to improve my skills! The only thing I know is that people from Huangquan have Never wanted to kill him. Just let us intimidate and threaten!" After Bai Longma finished speaking, he was like a deflated ball.

He knew that he was doomed, and his family would probably be annexed by the other three families soon.I only hope that Jiang Siming can act faster, so that he can end the torture as soon as possible.

"Give me a good time!" Bai Longma said weakly, there was a trace of relief besides despair in his eyes.

"I'll give you a piece of advice, if you want to survive, you have to run away!"

"Let's go with peace of mind!"

The ultimate fire instantly burned the white dragon horse to nothing.

"When a person is about to die, his words are good!" Jiang Siming murmured.

"What the hell is this guy hiding from me? Huangquan and the underworld are too good at keeping secrets! The Bai family is considered a local leader after all, and they don't know anything!" Jiang Siming couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. I ran all the way here, but I didn't get any useful information.

Jiang Siming originally planned to take advantage of this martial arts conference to collect some of his own eyes and ears, but now it seems that the information he can collect for himself with these local snakes is probably that.

"I pulled out one of your flags in Dongjiang Province, and I can't believe there was no reaction."


The next day, the news of the tragic death of two patriarchs of the five major ancient martial arts families in Dongjiang Province spread like wildfire. Among them was the Patriarch of the Bai family who organized this martial arts conference. Hastily ended.

All major forces and consortia were shocked!Secretly rejoicing to get rid of the five major families, but also deeply panicked by the mysterious forces that killed the two major families.

(End of this chapter)

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