My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 327 Does God Really Exist?

Chapter 327 Does God Really Exist?
"It's okay! If I can't beat it, I can run away!" Jiang Siming said shamelessly.

Huo Yuhao is about to cry right now, you can run away, what should I do?What should Fan Yu and He Caitou do?
Huo Yuhao beside him couldn't help raising his brows with the terrifying Longwei.The most terrifying breath was no less than that of Dragon God Douluo Mu En.

"It's you again! What do you want to do?" Long Xiaoyao appeared in front of Jiang Siming in a black robe.

It should have been Ye Xishui, but was stopped by Long Xiaoyao, who felt Jiang Siming's aura in that terrifying sword intent.

"What? Do you think you can stop me? How dare the Sun Moon Empire attack my exchange student from Shrek Academy, cross the line first, it should be reasonable for me to attack!" Jiang Siming said coldly.

"Take this little guy away, I'll pretend what happened today never happened!" Long Xiaoyao said in a low voice, since Jiang Siming told him the truth back then, he felt more and more guilty towards Mu En.He didn't want to be an enemy of Shrek Academy anymore, if it wasn't for Ye Xishui's reasons, he might have left Sun Moon Empire long ago.

"Just leaving like this, wouldn't I lose face? I must leave some traces of my presence!" Jiang Siming shook his head and did not agree with the other party's proposal.

"What exactly do you want? If you don't leave, if those ninth-level soul masters come, it will not be so easy to want to leave!" Long Xiaoyao's tone was a little cold, and he gave the other party a chance. If the other party does not cherish , can't blame him.

Jiang Siming shook his head, raised his slender fingers, and said lightly:

"One trick! If you can take it, then forget about today's matter!"

"Okay! Let me see, how strong are you?" Long Xiaoyao also said in a deep voice.As a level 99 Ultimate Douluo, how could he not have arrogance in his heart? If he really coaxed in front of this young man in front of him, what would he do in the future?

The deafening dragon chant resounded over the Sun and Moon Royal Academy, and the masters of the Sun and Moon Royal Academy who wanted to dare to come stopped instantly!They were so overwhelmed by just breathing, this was not a battle they could participate in at all!
"Damn it! These two are about to go big!" Tianmeng Bingcan became a little anxious. In a battle of this level, with Huo Yuhao's strength, he might die in the aftermath of the battle without even ashes left!
Huo Yuhao was also a little nervous. If Jiang Siming hadn't resisted Long Xiaoyao's pressure for him, he might already be kneeling on the ground now!The gap in strength cannot be made up by will!

"Ancestor! You seem to have forgotten me!" Huo Yuhao reminded cautiously.

"It's okay!" Jiang Siming turned his two fingers into a sword, bursting out with a sky-high sword energy, and swung it recklessly.A bottomless ravine appeared in front of Huo Yuhao.

"He can't cross this line! There is no possibility of a trace of strength!"

Huo Yuhao swallowed, and could only pray that the other party wasn't bragging. Although he had great confidence in Jiang Siming's strength, the other party was a Level 99 Limit Douluo after all!
"Arrogance!" Long Xiaoyao was also angry, because the other party underestimated him too much!Could it be that the dark holy dragon who has been famous in the mainland for a long time is no better than a guy who came out of nowhere?

"Who is stronger, you or Ditian, I really want to know!" Jiang Siming showed a weird smile!

The sky and the earth shook in an instant, and Jiang Siming at this moment was like a sharp sword piercing the sky and the earth.

In the Imperial Palace of the Sun Moon Empire, the ruthless man sitting in the wheelchair and the beautiful woman standing beside him both showed inconceivable expressions at this moment.

"I seem to feel the oppression of heaven and earth! How strong is this sword?" Ye Xishui couldn't help but sighed, feeling a little worried about Long Xiaoyao.

"National Teacher, does God really exist?" Xu Tianran's cold eyes flashed a trace of longing. No matter how powerful the emperor in the world is, in front of God, after all, it is just a fleeting moment!If it can become a god, it will be eternal reign!

"This sword has [-]% of my strength! I don't know if you can catch it!" Jiang Siming said indifferently like a god who looks down on the world.

"You can give it a try!" Long Xiaoyao finally looked at the young man in front of him.What kind of monster can reach such a height at this age!
"Innate sword!"

This one is unpretentious, yet overwhelming!That dazzling sword light is devastating!is unbeatable!

The phantom of the dark holy dragon floating above the head of Jilong Xiaoyao let out an angry roar, responding to the opponent's provocation!
The collision of dragon soul and sword energy, the terrifying aftermath of energy enveloped the entire Sun Moon Academy.


three days later.

On the way back to Shrek Academy, Huo Yuhao slowly opened his heavy eyes.The last memory of that frame before he passed out was the scene where the dragon soul was crushed by the sword energy, and Long Xiaoyao vomited blood and passed out.

"Yuhao, you're finally awake!" He Caitou happily looked at Huo Yuhao who had woken up, and carefully supported his back.

"You little guy, you scared us to death!" Fan Yu also heaved a sigh of relief, if something happened to such a good seedling, he would be so distressed.

"Teacher Fan Yu, what's wrong with mine?" Huo Yuhao asked with some doubts.

"The Sun Moon Empire suddenly attacked us. Fortunately, there are mysterious experts to help us, otherwise we will all be left in the Sun Moon Royal Academy." An exchange student of the Sun and Moon Royal Academy of Shrek Academy.

"Last night was really dangerous. That terrifying power is the strongest I've ever seen! I don't know if that senior is from our Shrek Academy. He left in a hurry before he had time to thank him." He Caitou Also said with emotion.

Huo Yuhao lowered his head and pondered, recalling the scene he saw last night, and thought to himself: "Has the ancestor's strength been so strong? This is simply not the power that the world can have. Such a person can't become a god, so how can a god What kind of power should I have? Can I really fulfill Brother Tianmeng and the others' expectations?"

"Little Yuhao, don't think too much. There is a reason why this guy is a legend. I'm sure that if he wanted to become a god, he would already be a god. You just need to be yourself, and that's enough! "Tianmeng Bingcan said comfortingly, at first he was a bit competitive.He thought that when Huo Yuhao became strong enough, he must teach Jiang Siming a lesson.

But looking at it now, Tianmeng Iceworm's idea is a bit ridiculous.

"I will, Brother Tianmeng!" Huo Yuhao's eyes were full of determination. Who would have thought that he would transform from a waste into a genius in the eyes of people today?

(End of this chapter)

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