My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 328 Xu Tianran's Anger

Chapter 328 Xu Tianran's Anger

A tavern in the Sun Moon Empire.

There was a lot of talk all around, all about the horrific battle of last night.

In that inconspicuous corner, a middle-aged man and a young man were pushing glasses and changing glasses.

"You bastard, are you still a human?" The middle-aged man said with some dissatisfaction in his tone, his face already a little drunk.

"Why, don't you accept it?" The young man drank the wine in the glass and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and also drank the wine in his glass in one gulp.

"A person like you, is there really something you care about in this world? At this level, there is no room for improvement in strength. What is the purpose of everything you do? I'm curious!" Long Xiaoyao He looked at Jiang Siming meaningfully across from him.

"According to what you say, shouldn't I become a monk?" Jiang Siming couldn't help but give the other party a blank look.

"Become a monk? What is a monk?" Long Xiaoyao asked a little puzzled.

Jiang Siming forgot that Douluo Dalu does not have the profession of a monk, and he didn't bother to explain, so he waved his hand casually.

The two were silent for a long time, and the wine jars beside the table were empty one after another.

"Is Mu En dead?" Long Xiaoyao suddenly asked sadly.

They used to be best friends. Light and darkness are opposite attributes. However, the two established a friendship in this opposition.After all, it was because of some misunderstandings that created today's situation!
"Isn't it good to die? If he knew the truth, how painful it would be!" Jiang Siming shook his head, but he didn't tell Mu En that Ye Xishui really liked Long Xiaoyao.

"I'm sorry for him!" Long Xiaoyao's mood suddenly fluctuated violently.

"Your apology is worthless. If you sincerely repent, you should leave that woman! The Holy Spirit teaches everyone to punish her. If Yan Shaozhe knew what his parents did, how do you think he should deal with himself? As the dean of the Martial Soul Institute of Shrek Academy, and even more so as the successor of Bright Phoenix! Could he be crazy?" Jiang Siming looked at Long Xiaoyao with some sarcasm and said.

This woman Ye Xishui is a pervert at all, if Bibi Dong is to be forgiven.Then what did Ye Xishui do for?Someone forced her back then, what about now? Level 99 Ultimate Douluo, who can force her to do what she doesn't want to do?
Long Xiaoyao slowly raised his head, and looked at Jiang Siming pleadingly.

"Maybe you are right, but I have no choice! Please don't tell my son about me and his mother's existence. His path should have been bright, and we can only be stains in his life."

"I don't want to get involved in your mess, so I kindly remind you. If you don't look back, you won't have a chance. If that woman interferes with me, I will definitely kill her. You shouldn't doubt my strength!" Jiang Siming Said lightly.

"Thank you!"



"Why can't you even do this well?"

"It's all trash! Trash!"

In the bedroom of the crown prince of the Sun Moon Empire, there was an endless sound of broken ornaments.

"His Royal Highness, the national teacher is here to see you!"

The chaotic voices slowly stopped.

The guards outside the door were terrified, for fear that if anyone in the room was unhappy, their heads would fall to the ground.

As the door slowly opened, the calm and unflappable Crown Prince Xu Tianran appeared under the sunlight again.

"Let her wait for me in the side room, and find someone to clean up!"

Leaving a sentence coldly, His Royal Highness the crown prince of the Sun Moon Empire pushed the wheelchair slowly and left.

The attendant standing there couldn't help sighing, so accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger!The master is angry, and the slaves like himself may die at any time, even if they have done nothing wrong.


"Your Highness, the Holy Spirit Sect will not provoke that person!" Ye Xishui said flatly, without any respect in her tone, she was simply informing the other party.

"Oh? Can't even deal with the national teacher and Senior Long?" Xu Tianran raised his eyebrows and said with some displeasure.

"He is very strong, Xiaoyao is not his opponent! I may not be either." Ye Xishui shook his head and said.

The air was suddenly quiet, and the temperature in the room suddenly turned cold.

A strong killing intent radiated from Xu Tianran's body. Of course, this killing intent was not aimed at Ye Xishui, otherwise even if he was the prince of the Sun Moon Empire, he might be killed on the spot.

What Xu Tianran was angry about was that someone was causing trouble in the capital of the Sun Moon Empire, and he was able to get away safely, but he had nothing to do.What is angry is that my woman likes others, but I can't do anything.

He, Xu Tian, ​​the crown prince of the most powerful empire in the Douluo Continent, and the secretly highest ruler of the Sun Moon Empire, unexpectedly has such helpless times!
"Is there any way to make Shrek Academy disappear forever?" Xu Tianran said coldly.

"If His Royal Highness is willing, with all his strength, Shrek Academy, even if it is the strongest force in the whole continent, is still an academy and cannot escape the end of extinction. However, if His Royal Highness is reluctant, I am afraid that the guy who defeated Xiaoyao will not die , Shrek Academy will never be moved!" Ye Xishui said calmly, apparently also very afraid of Jiang Siming.

"Huh!" Xu Tianran took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

"I'm a little tired. If the national teacher has nothing else to do, please go back!" Xu Tianran directly issued the order to evict the guest.

Ye Xishui didn't say anything more, she didn't even say goodbye, and just pushed the door open and left.

In the empty side room, Xu Tianran, who was on the wheelchair, showed a strange smile at this moment.

"No one can disobey me, and no one can humiliate me like this!"

Xu Tianran slowly opened his right hand, and a small blood-colored sword slowly floated in mid-air.


"Is this the back mountain of Shrek Academy? You guy, what is your identity! Can you come to this kind of place casually?" Xue Tianang followed behind Jian Tongming, and said in disbelief.

"Can you shut up?" Jian Tongming finally couldn't help it anymore, this guy was so annoying to twitter along the way.

"Cut! I'm just curious. The back mountain of Shrek Academy is known as the most mysterious place on the mainland! Shouldn't this kind of place be listed as a forbidden area? Don't mention it, can I, an outsider, come in casually?" Xue Sirius said pretending to be disdainful, but in fact there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"I don't know. It seems that there are no students in the college who are forbidden to enter and leave the back mountain. Apart from these trees, there is nothing to see here. I usually practice swords by myself." Jian Tongming spread his hands and said that he is also a hen, and continued Seriously looked at Snow Sirius.

"Let me remind you, no one will say a word about you anywhere in the back mountain, except for that small room!"

He didn't know much about that room, but he knew that it was a place only Jiang Siming could enter.It was also the only place where Jiang Siming ordered him to be banned!
(End of this chapter)

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