My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 329 2 Pit Mirror Red Dust

Chapter 329

"The hut in the back mountain!" Xue Tianlang suddenly became excited, and continued: "The legendary house has existed for 1 years! It hides the ultimate mystery of becoming a god!"

1 years is enough to make any ordinary thing extraordinary, even if the small house in front of me is no longer ordinary.

"Become a god?" Jian Tongming tilted his head, wondering if the other party made a mistake?Isn't the small house in front of me the place where my master occasionally lives?

Xue Tianlang looked at Jian Tongming like a fool next time, and said with some jealousy: "Are you really stupid, or fake stupid? As a disciple of Shrek Academy, you have no reason not to know! This is where Legend once lived. The house I lived in! For thousands of years, I have never heard that someone can step into this small house! The legend hides the ultimate mystery of becoming a god!"

The fanaticism in Snow Sky Wolf's eyes was hard to hide, the reason why he was always bright with his sword was his desire for power.Becoming a god is a temptation that soul masters cannot refuse!
"You are talking about the legendary soul master Jiang Siming!" Jian Tongming was suddenly stunned, and was surprised and happy for a moment.

Surprised that my master's family can enter such an important place, happy that my master's identity is absolutely extraordinary.

"Siming, I'm more and more curious about you now! What kind of person are you? Maybe it's not a coincidence that the woman gave you this name!"

Snow Sky Wolf approached Jian Tongming slowly, his expression was not as carefree as usual.A pair of deep eyes burst out with sharp light, as if they wanted to see through Jian Tongming completely!
"What are you doing?"

Jiang Siming suddenly appeared beside the two of them at some point!

"Master!" Jian Tongming exclaimed in surprise. After not seeing him for a year, Jian Tongming missed this master very much.

"I rely on!"

Snow Sirius was startled by this young man who suddenly appeared!
"That's right, one year was not wasted!" Jiang Siming nodded in satisfaction.

Although he wasted a year of training, Jian Tongming has been able to restrain his murderous aura and control his killing heart.

"Well, you can't be Siming's master, right? It's snowing Sirius." The snowing wolf beside him said with some embarrassment, as if the other party didn't care about him at all, the atmosphere always felt a little weird.

"Siming?" Jiang Siming raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Master, this is my alias in Yuexuan."

Jiang Siming nodded, but didn't say anything, and turned to look at Xue Tianlang, who looked a little embarrassed.

"Snow Sirius? A member of the Heavenly Soul Royal Family? What are you doing at Shrek Academy?"

Xue Tianlang gritted his teeth, and immediately bowed down in front of Jiang Siming.

"Disciple Xue Tianlang, the eleventh prince of the Heavenly Soul Empire, is willing to worship under the master's sect!"

Xue Tianlang originally thought that even if Jian Tongming's master was not a title Douluo, he should be quite powerful.After all, to be able to cultivate such an excellent disciple as Jian Tongming, how bad can his strength be?The purpose of coming this time is to learn from a teacher!
I have to say that Xue Tianlang is decisive in doing things, without saying a word, he will be a teacher when he comes up!

You must know that as a child of the Heavenly Soul royal family, it is too easy to find a good teacher.It is too risky to worship a young man who looks not much older than himself as a teacher!

Jian Tongming was also taken aback, and thought to himself:

"Damn, you have lured a wolf into the house! This guy is here to fight for favor!"

"Adore me as a teacher?" Jiang Siming showed a funny smile.

"Then what do you think I should teach you?"

"As long as I can become stronger, I will follow Master's instruction in everything!" Xue Tianlang said honestly, his eyes full of determination.

"I never said I would take you as an apprentice, don't call me so hard!" Jiang Siming said with a smile.

"Ah?" Xue Tianlang was also taken aback, he was still kneeling on the ground, did he kneel in vain?
Jiang Siming didn't care about the other party, one apprentice was enough to annoy him, so he wouldn't care about having another one!Besides, this guy named Xue Tianlang looks honest and honest on the outside, but he has a lot of small thoughts in his heart.

Fighting wits and courage with this kind of person, Jiang Siming felt that his heart was too tired, so he might as well not accept him at all to save trouble.

"But..." Before Xue Tianlang could finish his sentence, Jiang Siming disappeared in front of the two of them again.


Xue Sirius almost turned his back in anger, he was the prince of the Sky Soul Empire after all, and the other party didn't even give him any face.

"Haha (⊙⊙), I already knew you had no good intentions, and you actually wanted to compete for favor! Just dream!" Jian Tongming said gloatingly.


The outskirts of Shrek City.

"Come out!"

Jiang Siming said coldly, but when he was in the back mountain, he found someone following him.I didn't expect that I still didn't get rid of the opponent with space teleportation.

There was silence all around, and an old man slowly walked out from behind a giant tree.

"The little guy is pretty good, since he can discover the existence of the old man!" The white-haired old man stroked his long beard, and said to Jiang Siming with admiration.

"Why do you follow me if you have nothing to do?" Jiang Siming stretched his waist and said lightly.

The old man shook his head lightly, only thinking that the kid in front of him was arrogant, and didn't take him seriously at all.

"It's all your fault for receiving a bow that you shouldn't have received! Let the old man teach you a lesson today!"

As soon as the words fell, the old man's figure changed like a ghost.The big hand surging with soul power grabbed Jiang Siming who was standing there like lightning.

It's just that Jiang Siming's neck was not grabbed at the next moment as the old man imagined.

The moment Jiang Siming's body touched the old man's hand, Jiang Siming's body shattered like a mirror.What I scratched and shattered was just a phantom!


The old man who didn't succeed in one blow wasn't too surprised.

"So you came to fight!" Jiang Siming's voice sounded behind the old man.


Before the old man finished speaking.Only a loud "boom" was heard.

The ground was cracked inch by inch, and the white-haired old man, who was originally calm and calm, was now embedded in the ground!

"If you don't have the strength, don't pretend!"

Jiang Siming left a faint sentence, and then disappeared again.

"Damn it! The old man wrote it down!" The old man struggled to get up from the ground.

I originally wanted to give the other party a bad start, but I didn't expect this guy to be so strong, and I let the other party take advantage of me carelessly. For him, losing to a junior is simply a shame and a shame!
Jiang Siming, who didn't know where he was going at the moment, didn't care what the old man thought in the administration, nor did he care if the other party would make trouble for him.


In the Sea God Pavilion.

Xuanzi, who was sitting on the pavilion master's seat, was looking at the official documents on the table with some headaches.

"Ancestor! You will really cause trouble for me!" Xuanzi smiled helplessly and shook his head.

How could Xuanzi have not received the news of such a big incident in the capital of the Sun Moon Empire?The only one who can have the courage and strength to feel this kind of thing is Jiang Siming, who is not afraid of anything.

Although Xuanzi complained verbally, there was a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes.Shrek Academy disciples were all moved, they were touching a tiger's butt!
"It seems that Shrek Academy has been silent for too long!"

"Any ideas?"

Jiang Siming's voice suddenly sounded, and Xuanzi, who was originally calm, couldn't help but startled.He really has nothing to do with Jiang Siming's elusive characteristic!

"Ancestor! The person in the capital of the Sun-Moon Empire should be you, right?" Xuanzi couldn't help asking even though he probably guessed it.

"It's me! That kid Huo Yuhao was doing something there, and even forced the crown prince Xu Tianran to send Titled Douluo to assassinate him. Do you think I can ignore it?" Jiang Siming immediately threw the blame on Huo Yuhao.

"Prince Xu Tianran! How could that kid offend that guy? That kid Huo Yuhao is really not a cheap lamp!" Xuanzi couldn't help but tsk-tsk.

"The Sun Moon Empire actually attacked our exchange students from Shrek Academy, so what do you think Xiao Hongchen and Meng Hongchen should do?"

"What does the ancestor mean?" Xuanzi asked tentatively.

"Then we have to beat Jing Hongchen again! They Mingdetang is so rich, how can they let him go so easily? Tell Jing Hongchen, 100 pieces of ninth-level soul guides can't do without one!" Jiang Siming said directly. Wide open.

"100 pieces!" Xuanzi was also taken aback, you are a Chinese cabbage for a ninth-level soul guide!The opening is 100 pieces.

"Are you stupid? Haven't you bought vegetables before? If we want to raise the height a bit, won't we have less room for manoeuvre? You don't know how to live at all!" Jiang Siming couldn't help but give him a blank look.

"So that's how it is! The ancestor was brilliant!" Xuanzi couldn't help but suddenly realized, and even patted Jiang Siming's flattery inadvertently.

"You don't need me to teach you the rest, right? You must take good care of people, otherwise you will wonder whether you are worth 100 ninth-order soul guides." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

"Understood!" Xuanzi replied with a somewhat embarrassed smile, with a bitter smile in his heart.Could it be that you are so unreliable?
"One more thing, isn't there some kind of Sea God Fate in a few days? I'm also thinking about participating, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?" Jiang Siming rubbed his nose and said a little embarrassedly.

I, an old monster who has lived for more than 1 years, was somewhat embarrassed to participate in the backup blind date meeting.

"What?" Xuanzi was also taken aback. Jiang Siming was going to participate in the Sea God Fated Blind Date Conference. What kind of operation is this?
"No other meaning, just thinking about it for fun! Don't do anything special for me! When the time comes to introduce something, just do it casually." Jiang Siming was a little hairy under Xuanzi's gaze, coughed twice and said.

"This..." Xuanzi couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Once Jiang Siming played like this, the other students would have no ability to compete!
If you want good looks and good looks, you need strength and strength, what a fart this blind date meeting is!

"Don't worry! I will abstain halfway, and I won't mess around!" Jiang Siming also saw the other party's worry, and said helplessly.

If it weren't for the mission issued by this broken system, I wouldn't have participated in this pretending conference.

To put it bluntly, the Sea God Fated Blind Date Conference is to compare who is more awesome!

"Okay!" Xuanzi could only helplessly agree, and it's okay not to agree.I can stop what my ancestor wants to do.

"Then it's decided, let's talk about business!" Jiang Siming's expression suddenly became serious.

Seeing Jiang Siming's suddenly serious expression, Xuanzi was also a little nervous. Could it be that something major happened to make Jiang Siming show such an expression?
"Are the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile School and the Sun Moon Empire very close?" Jiang Siming asked in a low voice.

Xuanzi thought for a while and said:
"No, the Sun Moon Empire and the local forces of the original Douluo Continent are almost incompatible. There is no intersection between the two!"

"Are you sure?" Jiang Siming raised his eyebrows, looked at Xuanzi and said.

In the capital of the Sun Moon Empire back then, Jiang Siming felt the aura of the Immortal Killing Sword Seal, and this aura actually appeared in the palace of the Sun Moon Empire.

Xuanzi frowned, not as sure as he was at the beginning.

"Send someone to find out what happened to the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile School? What I left for the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile School unexpectedly appeared in the Sun Moon Empire's palace." Jiang Siming said in a cold voice.

"What?" Xuanzi's pupils dilated slightly, obviously surprised.

What Jiang Siming left behind could only be the Heavenly Sword!In the past eleven days, the sword's blood stained the Star Dou Great Forest and solved the crisis of the beast tide, which made Tianjian famous.If such a thing fell into the hands of the Sun Moon Empire, it would definitely not be a good thing.

"Don't panic too much, as long as I'm here! These scattered sword marks can't make any waves! I just want to know why the things I left for the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Sect appear in the Sun Moon Empire." Jiang Siming said Said heavily.

After all, the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile School had a close relationship with him, and Jiang Siming didn't want it to go astray.

"I will send someone to investigate, but what if there is something abnormal in the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile School? How should I deal with it? I hope the ancestors will express it."

The Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Sect and Jiang Siming had a close relationship, and Xuanzi couldn't make a decision easily, so he had to be vaccinated in advance.

"If you do something wrong, you will be beaten. You don't need to take care of our generation's affairs." Jiang Siming shook his head lightly and said.

"Understood!" Xuanzi nodded.

"I hope they won't be so stupid. After all, if I really destroy the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect! That little girl Rong Rong will fight for me!" Jiang Siming shook his head with a smile, thinking of that savage Ning Rongrong seemed to have returned to the good time when she first entered Shrek Academy, relaxed and leisurely.


"Too much deception! Too much deception!"

Three days later, in Mingde Hall, the sound of Jing Hongchen smashing things could be heard endlessly!
"100 nine-level soul guides! Why don't they grab them?"

"Who the hell? Which bastard did it? My poor grandchildren!"

Jing Hongchen was about to cry at this moment, he hated to death the mastermind behind the attack on Huo Yuhao.

He sold him 100 pieces of ninth-level soul guides, and he couldn't get them together!
But if he didn't, Shrek Academy would never let his grandson and granddaughter go, after all, Shrek Academy's exchange student at Sun Moon Royal Academy had a problem first!They don't make sense at all.

 The two chapters were published together, this is a merged chapter

(End of this chapter)

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