Chapter 36

After Zhu Zhuqing left, Jiang Siming did not immediately enter the mirror space for training.

"It seems that I have indulged myself too much recently." Jiang Siming said to himself.Crush the Shrek Seven Monsters, super soul ring configuration.The Immortal Jade Sword is unmatched in power, and so is the second Wuhun Donghuang Bell.The system is added, and there is such a beautiful girlfriend.

Jiang Siming suddenly wanted to ask himself why he wanted to practice?

At first, the system issued the task, and Jiang Siming just completed the task step by step.There is no major plot happening now, and the soul power has been stagnant for a long time.The system has not checked in for tasks for a long time, and Jiang Siming has gradually ignored the existence of the system.

Jiang Siming seemed to have truly become a member of this world.But Jiang Siming felt that something was missing. What is the purpose of practicing?
Jiang Siming fell asleep slowly, this night he did not enter the mirror space.

The next morning, Jiang Siming had a rare late sleep.

"dong dong dong"

A knock on the door woke Jiang Siming up.Jiang Siming rubbed his eyes and stood up to open the door.

"Ah!" Ning Rongrong screamed with a flushed face.

"What are you shouting? It's so noisy, it's easy to misunderstand, you know?" Jiang Siming hurriedly covered Ning Rongrong's mouth.

Ning Rongrong's cheeks suddenly flushed redder.Good pump force broke Jiang Siming's hand and said, "Can you put your clothes back on?"

Jiang Siming watched in embarrassment that he was only wearing shorts.Quickly let go of Ning Rongrong, and quickly put on her clothes. "Don't let people lose their minds!"

Seeing Jiang Siming flustered, Ning Rongrong stopped laughing.The eight-packed abdominal muscles with sharp edges and corners, and the mermaid line that instantly kills all girls flashed through his mind.His face turned red again.

"Hey, hello, hello, why are you in a daze? What are you looking for?" Jiang Siming said, shaking his hand in front of Ning Rongrong.

"Ah, ah? Oh, that person from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is here." Ning Rongrong said in a panic.Then hurried away.

"It's too embarrassing, it's really embarrassing. Ning Rongrong, how can you blush?" Ning Rongrong walked and said to himself, tightly covering her small faces with her two small hands, for fear that others would notice .Originally, he came here to give Jiang Siming a bad start, but he didn't expect to get a big blush instead. Fortunately, Jiang Siming's male cancer is terminal, otherwise he would be laughed to death.

Jiang Siming washed up and went downstairs, and saw a luxurious carriage parked in front of the hotel building.Presumably, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect came to pick him up.

Jiang Siming stepped forward, and the attendants on both sides opened the car door and made a gesture of invitation.Jiang Siming was a little surprised, he didn't expect Ning Fengzhi to pick him up in person.Ning Rongrong at the side glared at himself.

Ning Fengzhi looked at this scene, and then looked at Jiang Siming.Jiang Siming always felt that something was wrong with Ning Fengzhi's eyes.

Ning Fengzhi just saw his daughter running into the carriage with a blushing face, so it's not surprising that he looked at Jiang Siming with strange eyes. He deeply felt that there was an error in his information?

"Hello, Uncle Ning." Jiang Siming said respectfully, completely ignoring Ning Rongrong's stare.

An angry Ning Rongrong pinched Ning Fengzhi's arm.

"Oh, okay, Rongrong, father is an old man, unlike you young people, he can't stand it anymore." Ning Fengzhi said and glanced at the two of them.

Jiang Siming was puzzled, but Ning Rongrong blushed and said, "Stinky dad, I don't care about you." Then he got off the car and returned to the hotel.

After Jiang Siming got into the car, Ning Fengzhi signaled to the driver that he could leave.

He turned his head and looked at Jiang Siming again.

"Si Ming, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was indeed a bit abrupt that day. As a teacher, I would like to apologize to you on his behalf." Ning Fengzhi said sincerely.

Jiang Siming obviously didn't expect Ning Fengzhi to say that. After all, Qian Renxue pretended to be Xue Qinghe as the prince of Tiandou, and Ning Fengzhi was the prince and master.

Ning Fengzhi naturally saw Jiang Siming's thoughts.He continued, "Si Ming, the so-called most ruthless emperor's family. How could they let an ordinary soul master master the lifeline of such a powerful weapon? Even other kingdoms or the Star Luo Empire would make the same choice. And Xue Qinghe just did something to consolidate the crown prince, sooner or later."

"Then I still have to thank Uncle Ning, I'm afraid Uncle Ning interceded for me that day." Jiang Siming said calmly.After all, Ning Fengzhi wanted him to hand over the manufacturing method of the bullet.

Ning Fengzhi smiled and knew that Jiang Siming had misunderstood, "Siming, I didn't want you to hand over the method of making bullets. Emperor Xue Ye is also a rare benevolent monarch of the generation. Provided by Liulizong. You are not allowed to provide bullets to any other Zongmen Kingdom, Duchy, Xingluo Empire and Wuhundian. If you write a bullet manufacturing method silently for the Tiandou imperial family after a hundred years, the empire will bestow it on you Earl position, descendants of Fukuzawa."

These words made Jiang Siming a little surprised, he didn't expect the Tiandou imperial family to make such a decision.This made Jiang Siming dumbfounded, "I don't know how to make bullets, so I earned the title of earl for nothing."

"That's all my misunderstanding, Uncle Ning and the Tiandou imperial family." Jiang Siming said apologetically.Although Jiang Siming didn't know the specific situation, it couldn't be just what it meant literally.In the royal family, other things should have happened, so Jiang Siming can't be taken into account at present.

Half an hour.

"The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is indeed the richest sect in the world." Jiang Siming couldn't help sighing, no wonder Ning Rongrong has a princess disease, living in the castle every day, isn't she a princess?
"A small scene." Ning Fengzhi said lightly.

Jiang Si understood with a glance and said in his heart, "Very well, finally someone dares to act aggressive in front of me."

The two walked into the hall slowly, and Jiang Siming couldn't help raising his eyebrows just after entering the hall.I thought to myself, "I can't stand it! You can do whatever you want if you have money. The bullets must be sold in Guili."

Go through the hall and come to the school grounds.

"Uncle Jian, I'll bring you the man." Ning Fengzhi said respectfully.

"Si Ming, I'm leaving first, there are still matters to be dealt with in the sect." Ning Fengzhi said and left.

Jian Douluo looked straight at Jiang Siming.For a moment neither of them spoke.

After a long time, Sword Douluo said, "Rong Rong asked me to beat you up. Let's fight first to see how strong you are. Then we will decide how to train."

Jiang Siming is a bit confused, you don't say anything when you come up, you can at least introduce yourself!Start playing directly!
Jiang Siming was speechless for a while, and released his martial soul directly.The configuration of two purple and one black soul rings really surprised Sword Douluo.

"How did you achieve your soul ring configuration?" Jian Douluo asked in surprise.

"Here, you're in great shape!" Of course, Jiang Siming couldn't tell the truth, and became nonsensical again.

Seeing this, Jian Douluo didn't ask further.

A sky-reaching sword intent erupted from Jian Douluo.

"Damn it, are you charging money? Comes with special effects!" Jiang Siming was a little stunned.However, the movement of the hands did not stop.

"I'm not afraid of recharging money. I also have buffs, killing gods possessed. The evil spirit is awe-inspiring."

After half a column of incense.

Jiang Siming sat on the ground with a bruised nose and swollen face.

(End of this chapter)

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