My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 37 Why do you hold the sword?strange space

Chapter 37 Why do you hold the sword?strange space
Sword Douluo put away his sword intent.He said to Jiang Siming indifferently, "Your sword is very strong. I have never seen a martial soul with three different abilities. My Seven Killing Sword is not even willing to release. Your soul skills are also ridiculously strong. "

Jiang Siming, with a bruised nose and swollen face, felt numb and criticized, "The attack was too ruthless, and I specifically hit the face."

"But you yourself didn't really use its power. You just used it reasonably." Sword Douluo said.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but nodded when he heard this.

"I won't teach you today, and I can't teach you. I just want to ask you one question, why do you hold the sword? When you figure it out, the training will begin." Sword Douluo said and left.

Jiang Siming was speechless for a while, "How many novels in the previous life have such a sentence, why do you hold the sword? I didn't expect that I would do it today."

But Jiang Siming just complained and sat down cross-legged.What Jian Douluo asked was exactly what he thought last night.Why do you hold the sword?Why do you practice?

Jiang Siming released four swords.The Juexian Sword is fierce and cuts everything.The Immortal Killing Sword is the most murderous, its killing power erodes everything.The trapping fairy sword is the most miraculous, arousing all emotions and six desires.The fourth Rusty Sword, Jiang Siming still doesn't know what his ability is.

Jiang Siming thought for a while, and withdrew the other three swords, leaving only one rusty sword.Stand up and repeat the action of drawing the sword.

A day later, Jiang Siming was still standing there, repeating the boring drawing and sheathing of the sword.

From the third day, Jiang Siming's body gradually became weak.If a soul master does not use soul power, he is no different from an ordinary person.Even though Jiang Siming's physical fitness is extremely terrifying, if he doesn't eat or drink water, he can't maintain his body functions at all.But Jiang Siming gritted his teeth and persisted.

On the tenth day, Jiang Siming was already on the verge of collapse.Ning Fengzhi at the side saw it and wanted to rush up to let him rest.But it was stopped by Sword Douluo.

"If you don't want him to fall short, let him continue. Don't worry, he won't die. If it's an ordinary person, he will start to show the current symptoms on the third day at most. He has survived for ten days. I have never seen such a genius. Soul master, I have never seen someone with such perseverance."

Ning Fengzhi looked at Jiang Siming with admiration in his eyes.

Jiang Siming doesn't want to be a hero, so he often maintains a nonsensical image of Mr. Humor.But Jiang Siming was very persistent.What he believes never changes.

The two things people fear most are death and loneliness.What kind of experience is it to be free between life and death?
From the afternoon of the tenth day, Jiang Siming's whole body was sublimated, and he stood firmly again.Vigorously brandishing the Rusty Sword.

From the tenth day onwards, Jiang Siming's mind seemed to be insane, and for no apparent reason, he would always think of Jian Douluo's sentence, why do you hold the sword?
Slowly, Jiang Siming felt himself falling into a strange space.

When Jiang Siming opened his eyes again.As a vast expanse of whiteness.

"This is where?"

Jiang Siming looked around, but couldn't see anything except a vast expanse of whiteness.

Suddenly, four powerful auras came from four directions, and four more swords appeared out of thin air, which were inserted into the white ground.There are cracks all around, as if the speaker's white space shattered.

"This is the Four Swords of Zhu Xian." Jiang Siming said in surprise. He was obviously practicing swords, but he came here for some reason, a strange space.The first three swords of the Four Swords of Jade Immortals all looked like Jiang Siming had seen them before, but the last sword was full of chains, but he still couldn't restrain the breath of destruction it released.

Looking at the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, Jiang Siming unconsciously walked towards the handle of one of the swords.

Jiang Siming kept approaching, Jue Xianjian seemed to be aware of Jiang Siming's approach.Immediately, a fierce sword energy was released and attacked Jiang Siming.

"Fuck, where did the system die at this time? What's going on with me?" Jiang Siming was speechless.Having mastered the plot of Douluo and being used to the system, he was at a loss for a moment when he encountered the current situation.

"No, I can't die here." Jiang Siming gritted his teeth, and slowly moved forward against the sword energy.The dense sword energy cannot be avoided at all.At first it just cut Jiang Siming's skin, but as he got closer to the Juexian Sword, the wound gradually became deeper and deeper.

"No, it's absolutely pointless to hold on until the end. If this is a test, there is definitely a way to survive." Jiang Siming stopped and sat cross-legged on the ground thinking.

"This is my sword, why does it hurt me?"

"Is this my sword?"

"Why am I hurt?"


A series of questions kept flashing through Jiang Siming's mind, why did the Juexian Sword hurt myself.

"Why do you hold the sword?"

"Why should I hold a sword?"

"No, that's not what you mean?"


Suddenly, Jiang Siming opened his eyes.Slowly stood up, and slowly walked forward without fear.

Sword Qi crisscrossed and attacked him, but there was no blood spatter anymore.

Jiang Siming went straight to Juexianjian, stroked the hilt, and the sword kept vibrating, as if resisting.Jiang Siming slowly pulled it up.He stroked the blade with his hand.Slowly cut the palm of the hand with the Juexian sword, the blood dripped on the Juexian sword, and was absorbed strangely.

"You are my sword, a part of me. Why do you hold the sword? Why do you say that you hold the sword? This is me." After Jiang Siming finished speaking, the Absolute Immortal Sword slowly stopped vibrating.A monstrous sword intent erupted from Jiang Siming's body.

Jiang Siming smiled slightly, regardless of the bleeding wound on his body.Waving the Absolute Immortal Sword, he waved it recklessly.

Jiang Siming finally understood.Why hold the sword?It's not that what is the purpose of holding the sword?But the sword is a part of me, and I hold the sword, so why.

A double-edged sword, it can hurt the enemy, but it can also hurt yourself.But this is a part of myself, so how can I hurt myself?
In the beginning, Jiang Siming was indeed only using his first martial soul reasonably.He even said that he just used his martial soul as a weapon.But he forgot that the martial soul is born and hidden in the soul master's body.

Why is it that once a soul master of Qi Wuhun is cultivated, he must be very powerful.

The difference between the beast spirit and the weapon spirit is that the soul master of the beast spirit does not need to consider his weapon at all, because his weapon is his body, so he has a strong sense of identity with the spirit itself.

And Wuhun soul masters always treat Wuhun as a foreign object, unable to achieve the unity of human and equipment, and unable to use it flexibly from the heart.And the reason why the weapon soul masters of the same level titled Douluo are stronger is because the weapon soul needs to be comprehended.Although the beast soul is born with a sense of identity, but lacks the perception, naturally cannot exert stronger energy.People's time is limited, and who would spend a lot of time not on cultivation but on comprehending one's own martial spirit.

And tool soul masters really have to spend time to realize their own martial soul, so advanced soul masters of the same level are stronger than tool soul masters.

(End of this chapter)

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