My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 412 Weird Distortion

Chapter 412 Weird Distortion
"I don't want to eat his food!" Xu Sanshi pushed away the barbecue that Beibei handed to his mouth, and said with a look of disgust.

"Stinky bastard, what do you want?" Beibei was really angry.When is this?Xu 30 still has this kind of childish temper, Beibei really can't understand why everything has developed like this?

The current situation is obvious. It is a group of them who are xenophobic, and Jian Tongming gives them food regardless of the past.

"Don't forget, how Miss Xiaotao treated you before! Do you have a conscience in doing this now?" Xu Sanshi never expected that Beibei would accuse him face to face, and immediately retorted with some discomfort.

"Conscience? Are you worthy of saying that? How many times have Brother Sima and Junior Tongming saved us? What about our conscience?" Beibei was also completely angry. He didn't understand why everyone had become so double-standard now.

Could it be that just because of a mistake I don't know the reason for, I completely negated everything before a person.If so, is it fair?

Following Beibei's roar, everyone fell silent, including Xu Sanshi.

"I don't need you to be so pretentious, it will only make me feel sick! I still don't believe that Master would hurt Ma Xiaotao for no reason. She must have done something excessive."

Jian Tongming on the side said with a sneer, Facing the opponent's dog biting dog, he had nothing but sarcasm in his heart.

"You..." Xu Sanshi stood up angrily, and stared at Jian Tongming fiercely, as if he might make a move at any time.

"What? I want to fight! It's up to you, or both of you!" Jian Tongming also stood up unwilling to show weakness, even holding the Seven Killing Sword in his hand.

The rest of the people also stood up quickly, right or wrong is not so important anymore.They had already chosen to stand on Xu Sanshi's side, so they could only stand to the end.

The atmosphere is once again tense!
Song Xiner also stood behind Jian Tongming without hesitation, and even more ridiculed the group of moral bastards in front of her.

"Okay! What exactly do you want to do? Is it really what everyone wants to see the current situation develop just because of a small conflict?" Huo Yuhao suddenly roared.

"Brother Sima never explained anything. How can you be so sure whose fault it is? Did Miss Tao explain it? Are we really worthy of the title of Lake Seven Monsters?"

Huo Yuhao really felt his heart tremble. He didn't understand what he was doing more and more. The sense of justice that he had cultivated in Shrek Academy seemed to be eroding a little bit.

"Do you have someone you love?"

"Qiankun asks for love, sincerely takes risks, and starts now!"

The sudden sound made the people who were holding their swords and crossbows turn into a defensive posture in an instant, observing the surroundings.

Before everyone could react, dozens of small round platforms stretched out from under their feet.


In the Sea God Pavilion of Shrek Academy.

Mr. Lin is working seriously at the moment, and the feeling of having power makes him feel very comfortable.

But suddenly a golden light flashed in front of his eyes, because the kind old man stood in front of Mr. Lin at some point.

"Old Mu!" Elder Lin looked at Mu En who suddenly stood in front of him in disbelief.

"You...are injured!"

Looking at the faint blood on the corner of Mu En's mouth, Elder Lin couldn't imagine who else on this continent could hurt this 99-level Extreme Douluo.

"Go ahead! Shrek Academy is going to war against the Sun Moon Empire! There is no need to hide my existence anymore! I am afraid that news from Mingdu will spread soon, and you should be ready at any time!" Mu En said, Before Elder Lin could react, he left in a hurry.

It was destined that Shrek Academy would go through a fierce battle, what he had to do now was to recover from the injuries in his body as soon as possible.

Elder Lin still stood in a daze, he didn't understand what happened.

"Yan Shaozhe!" Elder Lin called out the name of Yan Shaozhe, the director of the Wuhun Institute.

After a while, Yan Shaozhe rushed into the Sea God Pavilion, and looked at Elder Lin who was in a hurry with a puzzled expression.

"Check it out for me right away! What happened in Mingdu? The academy immediately put all staff on alert!" Elder Lin ordered decisively.

"What?" Yan Shaozhe was also taken aback, not understanding why Mr. Lin was so nervous all of a sudden.

"Why are you still waiting for me? If you ask you to investigate, you can investigate! The matter is very important, and there must be no muddle in the slightest! Let me investigate and find out the truth as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Looking at Elder Lin who was so nervous, Yan Shaozhe finally realized that something might have happened, so he didn't ask any more questions, and turned around to leave immediately.

"Wait! There is one more thing to tell you. Mr. Mu is still alive, so I can give you a reassurance! Shrek Academy will probably have a fierce battle!" Mr. Lin said with his eyes narrowed slightly.

"You mean...Mr. Mu is still alive!"

Yan Shaozhe instantly felt a thunderbolt in his mind, and a touch of ecstasy arose from his heart.


"Is this Douluo Dalu?" Jiang Siming looked around curiously.

He followed the little butterfly for an unknown amount of time, when a bright light suddenly appeared and quickly sucked him in.

"Forget it, let's go and see!" Jiang Siming aimlessly shuttled through the deserted jungle.

After walking for about half a day, Jiang Siming saw the shadow of human activities in the distance.

It's just that before Jiang Siming had time to be happy, he suddenly felt that everything in front of him was slowly distorting.Although these distortions are very subtle, you, Jiang Siming, are aware of them.

"What a weird power! What is this place?" Jiang Siming stretched out his hand to try to hold the distorted space-time, but found that even his own hand was slightly distorted.

"Weird! He obviously didn't feel any harm, but why did such a strange vision appear!" Jiang Siming frowned and fell into deep thought.

"Forget it! Let's find out where you are first." Jiang Siming shook his head, and temporarily let go of his doubts if he couldn't figure it out.


"Little guys, the Star Dou Forest is ahead! Get ready, your beloved little soul ring is about to arrive!"

The leading middle-aged man looked at the seven teenagers behind him and said jokingly.

"Mr. Zhao, since you are leading the team, there shouldn't be any need for us to make a move, right?" A fat man at the back of the team said with a smile.

"Fatty man, what are you thinking? This time I'm here to train you, do you think you're here to train me? You get your soul ring yourself, it has something to do with me! As long as you can't die, it's fine!" The middle-aged man called Mr. Zhao shook his fist at the little fat man.

The rest of the teenagers didn't show too much surprise, after all, the other party was telling the truth.As a soul master, it is impossible to live under the protection of others for the rest of your life!
"excuse me……"

Jiang Siming, who appeared suddenly, was about to say hello to the few people in front of him, but the smile that had just unfolded hadn't completely burst out, and it froze instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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