My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 413 Another Douluo in Time and Space

Chapter 413 Douluo in Another Time and Space

"Brother, what are you doing?" The middle-aged man looked warily at Jiang Siming who suddenly appeared.Since he was able to approach him silently, with this strength, the man in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person.

Jiang Siming's mind was blank at the moment, isn't the person in front of him the former Fudo Ming King Zhao Wuji?And aren't the seven teenagers behind them the first generation of the Shrek Seven Monsters?

Are you dreaming?Why go back to the past!
"Hello!" Jiang Siming asked Zhao Wuji with a reluctant smile, but his eyes were on the girl in the team who was out of place and had a cold temperament.

"Excuse me, do you know a guy named Jiang Siming?"

"Jiang Siming?" Everyone looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

"Sorry, brother, we don't know the person you mentioned, please let me go!" Zhao Wou-ki stared at Jiang Siming vigilantly.

A young man who didn't know the depth suddenly appeared on the edge of the Star Dou Forest and stopped them, which made people feel a bit like a conspiracy theory.

Jiang Siming didn't pay attention to Zhao Wuji, looked at Zhu Zhuqing with more and more complicated eyes, and lost his mind for a while.

The girl Zhu Zhuqing, who had always been icy, seemed to feel Jiang Siming's gaze, and looked at each other curiously.Still don't understand why the man in front of him keeps looking at him?There seemed to be something inexplicable hidden in the eyes.

"Hey! Brother, if you have nothing to do, get out of the way!" Zhao Wou-ki said coldly, he was ready to fight at any time.

Jiang Siming also came back to his senses at this moment, and his eyes turned back to Zhao Wuji.

Looking anxiously at Jiang Siming's deep and pure eyes, he couldn't help being stunned, and a very special feeling arose in his heart, which seemed very kind.

"Okay! I was the one who was abrupt, and I will see you again!" Jiang Siming suddenly felt bitter. It turned out that this Douluo World does not have its own existence.

So in other words, she will marry someone else!

Jiang Siming suddenly lost his mind and walked towards the distance, and laughed up to the sky, which shocked the confused Shrek and his party.

"Ms. Zhao, isn't that guy a lunatic?" Oscar asked a little strangely.

"It shouldn't be, right? After all, I think he's so handsome!" Ning Rongrong looked in the direction Jiang Siming left in a nympho.

"Okay! Don't be an idiot anymore, I'm afraid that guy is stronger than me, and I don't know which faction's genius it is, anyway it's very dangerous!" Zhao Wuji also moved his eyes away from Jiang Siming's distant figure , said seriously.

"Let's go! Don't forget the purpose of our visit this time! We can't find a suitable place to camp before dark! It's very dangerous to be in such a place!"

Immediately, everyone stopped thinking about it, and just thought they had met a strange person.

Only Zhu Zhuqing still stayed where he was, looking at the figure that was drifting away.

Dai Mubai noticed Zhu Zhuqing's abnormal movement, patted Zhu Zhuqing's shoulder worriedly, and asked with concern:
"What's wrong?"

"His eyes!" Zhu Zhuqing still looked at the direction where Jiang Siming left, and spit out four words coldly.

"Eyes? Is there a problem?" Dai Mubai was momentarily confused.

"I really want to see him somewhere... His eyes make me a little sad!"


In a tavern in Soto City, a young man with an unnatural appearance got drunk.

Jiang Siming lay on the wine table with a silly smile, looking at the wine jar in his hand with blurred eyes.He didn't understand why he was so drunk, and it was the first time he was so drunk!
It seems that without her own world, she will live a happier life!Jiang Siming owed her too much!

"Alcohol is not intoxicating, everyone is drunk! Looking at the sky at dawn and looking at the clouds at dusk, thinking about you when you are walking, thinking about you when you are sitting, enjoying the flowers in spring and watching the snow in winter, remembering you when you wake up, and thinking about you when you are dreaming."


"Zhu Qing! Why do I always feel that you are absent-minded all the time!" Xiao Wu looked at Zhu Zhuqing who was sitting on the boulder in a daze.

Everyone also turned their attention to Zhu Zhuqing. It stands to reason that Zhu Zhuqing, who has a cold temperament, would never have such a young daughter's attitude.

Zhu Zhuqing raised his head slowly, but met everyone's astonished gazes.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this?" Zhu Zhuqing looked at everyone with some doubts.

"Zhuqing, why are you...why are you crying?"

"Huh?" Zhu Zhuqing touched her cheek subconsciously, and a moist touch was transmitted from Zhu Zhuqing's fingertips to her brain.

"No! All of this doesn't seem to be like this, there must be something wrong!" Zhu Zhuqing suddenly went crazy, stood up abruptly, and ran frantically towards the outside of the Star Dou Forest under the astonished eyes of everyone.

Everyone froze in place for a moment, not understanding what happened to make Zhu Zhuqing so excited.

"What are you doing here? Hurry up!" Zhao Wuji was the first to react.

It would be very easy for a great soul master to run wild in the Star Dou Great Forest!


At this time, in another time and space, three months have passed!
The strange red light covering the Ming Capital of the Sun Moon Empire finally dissipated, and all soul masters were finally able to come and go freely.

A series of vicious incidents committed by the Sun Moon Empire have been targeted and declared war by forces across the continent!

All of a sudden, the Sun Moon Empire became the target of public criticism, facing conquest from the entire continent!

Huo Yuhao and the others also returned to Shrek Academy smoothly.However, Shrek Academy is facing an unprecedented catastrophe!
Outside Shrek City, countless army of soul beasts completely surrounded Shrek City.


In the Sea God Pavilion, a group of elders surrounded Huo Yuhao who was in a daze in the center with different eyes.There is pity, there is regret, and there is anger.

"Huo Yuhao! Do you know that once your actions in Mingdu are made public, how much impact will it have on the academy?" Elder Lin, who was sitting on the main seat, said coldly. crime.

Once the people on the mainland know that the Shrek students turned out to be the people who played a key role in the Mingdu disaster, what will the outsiders think of Shrek Academy.

I'm afraid Shrek Academy will become the next target of the whole continent!The honor accumulated for thousands of years will disappear in an instant.

"I am willing to bear all punishments!" Huo Yuhao said in a daze.

Just like in the original book, Wang Donger fell into a deep sleep under the arrangement of that old chicken thief in Tangshan and was taken away.And Wang Qiu'er also sacrificed to Huo Yuhao. Although there was no emotional bond in the original book, all of this was pulled back by the powerful plot twist.

"Take it! How do you take it? Can you afford it with your own life?"

"Okay! Huo Yuhao's matter has been put on the back burner for the time being. The most important thing now is how to deal with this unprecedented beast tide." Mu En, who was sitting behind the curtain, couldn't help but open his mouth after all. He didn't intercede for Huo Yuhao.But after all, Huo Yuhao is also his disciple, so he still has the idea of ​​suppressing this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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